Some Thoughts . . . I was going to send this in an Email, but for whatever reason, it's comin' at you bloggity-style! So, I believe that I'm going to be in CO Feb 20-29 . . . Denver for Wednesday th 20th-Friday the 22nd, CO Springs Friday-Sunday 24th, then Hopefully Durango after that.
Then I'll be back in Denver March 26th-April 6 (plus another week, if I can swing it!).
In between these dates, I'll be doing a lot of cross travel, so I'm hoping I can leave a "storage bag" at one of our safehouses in Denver.
Now for some Specifics: The Rockies Home Opener is on my Birthday again, and I'd love to go if anyone is available . . . Friday April 4th . . . it's a 2pm game, and I have a show that night, but put it on your schedules!
Secondly, I was thinking it would be great if Team Lyman Did the MS Walk together in Denver on May 3rd. I don't have all the details yet, but that looks like the only Colorado walk that I can make . . . Boulder is the next weekend, but that's opening weekend for the Saints for me. There's information about it on the national MS website, and we're far enough out right now where we could probably make it happen!
So there's some scattered thoughts for everyone . . . love you and talk to you all soon!