Well, today I wrote an 11-page paper. Quite seriously, I wrote the entire thing...today. My brain is broken. I am so sick of talking about why Britain should switch to the Euro, I can't even tell you guys.
So, that's two papers of 3 done. And the next I HAVE to get done this weekend, so that my prof can look it over, correct it, make suggestions and whatnot. While I've done quite a bit of research, I haven't actually started typing it yet. Though, doing this paper today has raised my confidence in my ability to crank out papers.
Anyway, my brain has narrowed to a pinpoint focus, zeroing in on the end of the year, and that's partially a huge burdonsome stress and sometimes a relief that I don't actually have to think about anything else. So, I've worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, skipped today to write my paper, and am going back in tomorrow. It feels so good!
Don't really have much to say other than "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" so I'ma gonna take off. Love to all of you shnibs!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Girl
Hi all yous guys...just got home from a blahblahblahblah day at work. Blueberry tea time---yum! Can't hardly watch the news/radio in the aftermath of the psycho shooter @Virginia Tech. So so sad.
Windy as hell here. Not conducive to bike riding. Still a bit nippy too. That leaves bon-bon eating, I guess.
Today is sweet sis's special day. You are an inspiration for all of us,honey. I hope you had a happy day. We were all with you in spirit...which isn't nearly as good as being together in person. gar-umph.... Big party coming up soon, tho.! Mere weeks away!!
Noah, good luck with your show tomorrow. Any feedback re press pkt?
Hey Code.....word up.
I love you all. Talk at me!!!
Windy as hell here. Not conducive to bike riding. Still a bit nippy too. That leaves bon-bon eating, I guess.
Today is sweet sis's special day. You are an inspiration for all of us,honey. I hope you had a happy day. We were all with you in spirit...which isn't nearly as good as being together in person. gar-umph.... Big party coming up soon, tho.! Mere weeks away!!
Noah, good luck with your show tomorrow. Any feedback re press pkt?
Hey Code.....word up.
I love you all. Talk at me!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
beware the "volver"
Darling babies of mine....evil movie out there is being touted as academy award material....a "sleeper", "possibly missed" by those in-the know vis-a-vs cinenods.
BALDERDASH & BLARNEY. Plain and simple >bad on so many levels......should carry disclaimer: "may /most likely will cause mental illness if viewed, or insanity shortly thereafter!!" Exaggerating of course....it's merely pure crap and boring as hell.Too convoluted to follow and nobody cared anyway!!!Missing it on my account would be an honor. Not to mention>> singing by penelope cruz...twilight zone.
Dad's sleeping and so am I.haha Not bad,huh? (Also tried "Slevin" tonight. We've` Seen it. Dammit!)
We worked our buttocksi (plurl buttocks...?) all day today. Very satisfying. mostly deep cleaning and organizing.But also some weights , Bball, aerobics &the errands.
Ellie,don't forget Michael McLachlans Apr 18th bday,ok?Address on your invite list
yippee! Dustin,Kellie & oliv(er/ia ....do they know that for sure yet?)are joining the festivities. Lots o'people are; few regrets so far. Word musta gotten out that there was free food...that's what happened at WOODSTOCK in '68 you kno......
Noah Assignment: Please get your adonnis-like bod measured by a tux shop and email 2 us asap. Your suit is also an option, Where is it? Try it on if you have it,ok? I will look here, but haven't come across. Measurements are free :N/C...i never turn down the two bucks for a cuppa from a customer, tho. More than that is .....way too complicated.WRONG
Any W2's from protos enroute? Filing a pain in the ass extension otherwise. and late return into you acct. Maybe it could be faxed? You'd have to call Joanne Hards of Philips & Hards CPA's. They are in the Rivergate center. You need #'s, let me kno.
They have fax #'s, i'm sure. THEY'E WORKING PART OF TOMORROW i kno so early or eat it
N:Do not fail to meet w/an advisor before registering for all your remaining courses at CUB. Definitely imperative.....ask bro and sis if ??? Could mean the difference of an extra semester (or 2!!!), or NOT! If you don't like the initial advisor ....go to another!!! We are paying soooo $$$$ much for you to go there....get the perks!!
BALDERDASH & BLARNEY. Plain and simple >bad on so many levels......should carry disclaimer: "may /most likely will cause mental illness if viewed, or insanity shortly thereafter!!" Exaggerating of course....it's merely pure crap and boring as hell.Too convoluted to follow and nobody cared anyway!!!Missing it on my account would be an honor. Not to mention>> singing by penelope cruz...twilight zone.
Dad's sleeping and so am I.haha Not bad,huh? (Also tried "Slevin" tonight. We've` Seen it. Dammit!)
We worked our buttocksi (plurl buttocks...?) all day today. Very satisfying. mostly deep cleaning and organizing.But also some weights , Bball, aerobics &the errands.
Ellie,don't forget Michael McLachlans Apr 18th bday,ok?Address on your invite list
yippee! Dustin,Kellie & oliv(er/ia ....do they know that for sure yet?)are joining the festivities. Lots o'people are; few regrets so far. Word musta gotten out that there was free food...that's what happened at WOODSTOCK in '68 you kno......
Noah Assignment: Please get your adonnis-like bod measured by a tux shop and email 2 us asap. Your suit is also an option, Where is it? Try it on if you have it,ok? I will look here, but haven't come across. Measurements are free :N/C...i never turn down the two bucks for a cuppa from a customer, tho. More than that is .....way too complicated.WRONG
Any W2's from protos enroute? Filing a pain in the ass extension otherwise. and late return into you acct. Maybe it could be faxed? You'd have to call Joanne Hards of Philips & Hards CPA's. They are in the Rivergate center. You need #'s, let me kno.
They have fax #'s, i'm sure. THEY'E WORKING PART OF TOMORROW i kno so early or eat it
N:Do not fail to meet w/an advisor before registering for all your remaining courses at CUB. Definitely imperative.....ask bro and sis if ??? Could mean the difference of an extra semester (or 2!!!), or NOT! If you don't like the initial advisor ....go to another!!! We are paying soooo $$$$ much for you to go there....get the perks!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Momentary Lull
All right, I haven't posted in forever and ever. I was sorta waiting for a "stopping place," but then I realized that there was no such thing. So, yeah, here I am, updating.
Over Spring Break, Branden and I went home to tie down some wedding stuff. Though every day was busy, there's not a lot to report that's actually interesting. On Monday, Mom, Dad, Branden and I went out to Blue Lake Ranch and talked about such enthralling things as whether or not to have a head table, where to position the buffets, whether to have the napkins folded on the plates v. in the water goblets, and so forth. It made all of us feel like we were way behind schedule, because we hadn't thought about stuff like that, but I'm fairly certain we're okay. Tuesday, Mom and I went out to the florist and made the final decisions about the flowers. Yay! That's done. Wednesday? Thursday? mom and I went shopping, that was very fun. And, one of those days, Branden and I went and had dinner at his dad's house. That was very nice. And one of those days, B got measured for his tux and picked out the men's ensemble. They're going to be so shark! I discovered that my Italian leather jacket was ripped, which is allegedly getting fixed. Whoo and yay.
The day after we got back from Durango, I had a physical therapy appointment. My PT said that I'm doing so well that we'll have one more appointment in the "middle" of May (actually the 7th, but she said that's cool too), and then unless something went very wrong, I would no longer have regularly scheduled appointments. Yay! Then, Aunt Jo took me out to pick up our wedding rings. They're very classy, and engraved and stuff. I like 'em.
Let's see...I'm about to start research for my senior essay. A little behind schedule, but I've got lots 'n' lots of sources, so it should be okay. Last night, Branden and I went to an India Arie concert, who is an artist I really like, and Noah had me pick up some tickets for his CSU friends (which they paid me back already, so no worries there) and we had a great time. Very awesome. Afterwards we went to IHOP with Steph, Shad, Dan, Joe, and Sarah. It's been a while since we saw Steph and Shad, and hung out with any of the rest of them just for the sake of hanging out.
Shots are going just fine. I stopped using my arms, both in anticipation of the wedding and because it has really, really hurt the last few times I've done it there.
Mommy & Daddy--Thanks for the Easter candy!!!! I'm very excited to have it.
I've worked out 3 times this week--go me! I'm proud of myself. It gets easier every time.
I miss everyone! Love you guys so much!!! Talk to you soon! Happy birthday, Cody!!!
Over Spring Break, Branden and I went home to tie down some wedding stuff. Though every day was busy, there's not a lot to report that's actually interesting. On Monday, Mom, Dad, Branden and I went out to Blue Lake Ranch and talked about such enthralling things as whether or not to have a head table, where to position the buffets, whether to have the napkins folded on the plates v. in the water goblets, and so forth. It made all of us feel like we were way behind schedule, because we hadn't thought about stuff like that, but I'm fairly certain we're okay. Tuesday, Mom and I went out to the florist and made the final decisions about the flowers. Yay! That's done. Wednesday? Thursday? mom and I went shopping, that was very fun. And, one of those days, Branden and I went and had dinner at his dad's house. That was very nice. And one of those days, B got measured for his tux and picked out the men's ensemble. They're going to be so shark! I discovered that my Italian leather jacket was ripped, which is allegedly getting fixed. Whoo and yay.
The day after we got back from Durango, I had a physical therapy appointment. My PT said that I'm doing so well that we'll have one more appointment in the "middle" of May (actually the 7th, but she said that's cool too), and then unless something went very wrong, I would no longer have regularly scheduled appointments. Yay! Then, Aunt Jo took me out to pick up our wedding rings. They're very classy, and engraved and stuff. I like 'em.
Let's see...I'm about to start research for my senior essay. A little behind schedule, but I've got lots 'n' lots of sources, so it should be okay. Last night, Branden and I went to an India Arie concert, who is an artist I really like, and Noah had me pick up some tickets for his CSU friends (which they paid me back already, so no worries there) and we had a great time. Very awesome. Afterwards we went to IHOP with Steph, Shad, Dan, Joe, and Sarah. It's been a while since we saw Steph and Shad, and hung out with any of the rest of them just for the sake of hanging out.
Shots are going just fine. I stopped using my arms, both in anticipation of the wedding and because it has really, really hurt the last few times I've done it there.
Mommy & Daddy--Thanks for the Easter candy!!!! I'm very excited to have it.
I've worked out 3 times this week--go me! I'm proud of myself. It gets easier every time.
I miss everyone! Love you guys so much!!! Talk to you soon! Happy birthday, Cody!!!
Cody's birthday,
Wedding rings,
Working out
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
30 and 364/365ths
It's freezing rain right now in the twin cities. A ruthless shock not just to me, but no doubt to the flower buds attempting to push up for the spring. Crappy. And with no where to go (immediately), it's time to catch up on the Blog . . .
So NY was great. Let's see. I left Minny at 11:45pm on Tuesday the 20th aboard the "Megabus" bound for Chicago. Upon boarding said Megabus, I did my best to look intimidating and perhaps even off-kilter, with the intention of keeping a seat to myself. It worked. It's amazing how you can grant yourself a few inches of wiggle room in this world by muttering things to yourself! It was a thankfully uneventful bus ride, spent mostly sleeping the fitful sleep of a big guy on a bus.
Got into Chicago at 6am. It was a foggy morning in the City of Big Shoulders, and I ended up walking several blocks in the wrong direction before getting my bearings straight. Soon enough, I found myself at Dustin and Kelly and Olivia's place. It's quickly becomming appearant who's in charge at that place.

Damn Cute. Olivia has her own ID card for the East Bank Club, so we went. That was great. Plus I took a mini tour of Dirty D's building and office . . . a pretty intimidating adventure. And later that day, I boarded the plane bound for NY.
Got in late on Wed the 21st and cabbed it over to Laura's place. Laura is my friend from Minny-she was the publicist for the Hennepin Theatre Trust, and set me up with a lot of great interviews when I firs started my run here-and then she was hired by Theatre Mogul to help run their publicity. It was kind of her to offer me a room, albeit in the thick of Harlem-way up north. One of my common observations about the city is how tight everything is. Laura and her roommate have a pretty nice 3-bedroom apartment, but it's so tiny! It was a good base of operations however. That night, I slept like a baby.
On Thusday morning, I woke up leisurely and made my way downtown. I love going walkabout in "foreign" places, and I got a good couple of hours in walking around midtown and the theatre district. I picked up a copy of "Backstage"-a weekly trade publication that lists the what'sgoingons in the performance world, as well as all the current auditions. A good tool to have for sure. In the early afternoon, I popped into the TM office and was lucky enough to catch one of their weekly meetings. It was great to get to the office. They are definately working very hard to make this compay work. I also had a long sit-down with Jim to rap about concerns I'd been having, as well as another installment in the get-to-know-you series. All in all, it was a nice and productive visit to the office.
In the later afternoon, I went walkabout down in the Village. I stopped by "The Cage"-a basketbally court famous for it's globetrotteresque streetballers.
I made my usual stop at Gray's Papaya-two hotdogs and a 16oz papaya drind for 2.50. Delicious and frugal.
And I spent the rest of the day mapping out the next couple.
On friday, I again woke up relatively lesiurely and made my way downtown. This was the day of my Strawhat audition, and I realized that I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, so I gave myself plenty of time. Pace University is in South Manhattan (Lower East Side?) right next to the Brooklyn bridge. I could feel going into the audition that many of my fears about it were spot-on. I was one of the elderly . . . most of the folks auditioning were either still in college or recent graduates. No matter. It was still a fun auditon. I'm not going to go into too much boring detail now, but it was a good, though ultimately fruitless experience. Between my audition at 2:30 and my callback at 5:30 (for a theatre in kennybunkport), I went walkabout again through the lower east side and SoHo. I found the Ghostbuster's Firehouse, and checked out ground zero from 9/11. Haunting . . . both of them.
There's more to report, obviously, but I'm starting to lose focus. I've got to leave the blog half-begun and sign off for a while. The gym is calling. Hope you all are doing well. I'd love to see some pics from the shower! Noah-you don't have to post any pictures from your shower, however. Love you guys.
So NY was great. Let's see. I left Minny at 11:45pm on Tuesday the 20th aboard the "Megabus" bound for Chicago. Upon boarding said Megabus, I did my best to look intimidating and perhaps even off-kilter, with the intention of keeping a seat to myself. It worked. It's amazing how you can grant yourself a few inches of wiggle room in this world by muttering things to yourself! It was a thankfully uneventful bus ride, spent mostly sleeping the fitful sleep of a big guy on a bus.
Got into Chicago at 6am. It was a foggy morning in the City of Big Shoulders, and I ended up walking several blocks in the wrong direction before getting my bearings straight. Soon enough, I found myself at Dustin and Kelly and Olivia's place. It's quickly becomming appearant who's in charge at that place.
Damn Cute. Olivia has her own ID card for the East Bank Club, so we went. That was great. Plus I took a mini tour of Dirty D's building and office . . . a pretty intimidating adventure. And later that day, I boarded the plane bound for NY.
Got in late on Wed the 21st and cabbed it over to Laura's place. Laura is my friend from Minny-she was the publicist for the Hennepin Theatre Trust, and set me up with a lot of great interviews when I firs started my run here-and then she was hired by Theatre Mogul to help run their publicity. It was kind of her to offer me a room, albeit in the thick of Harlem-way up north. One of my common observations about the city is how tight everything is. Laura and her roommate have a pretty nice 3-bedroom apartment, but it's so tiny! It was a good base of operations however. That night, I slept like a baby.
On Thusday morning, I woke up leisurely and made my way downtown. I love going walkabout in "foreign" places, and I got a good couple of hours in walking around midtown and the theatre district. I picked up a copy of "Backstage"-a weekly trade publication that lists the what'sgoingons in the performance world, as well as all the current auditions. A good tool to have for sure. In the early afternoon, I popped into the TM office and was lucky enough to catch one of their weekly meetings. It was great to get to the office. They are definately working very hard to make this compay work. I also had a long sit-down with Jim to rap about concerns I'd been having, as well as another installment in the get-to-know-you series. All in all, it was a nice and productive visit to the office.
In the later afternoon, I went walkabout down in the Village. I stopped by "The Cage"-a basketbally court famous for it's globetrotteresque streetballers.
I made my usual stop at Gray's Papaya-two hotdogs and a 16oz papaya drind for 2.50. Delicious and frugal.
And I spent the rest of the day mapping out the next couple.
On friday, I again woke up relatively lesiurely and made my way downtown. This was the day of my Strawhat audition, and I realized that I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, so I gave myself plenty of time. Pace University is in South Manhattan (Lower East Side?) right next to the Brooklyn bridge. I could feel going into the audition that many of my fears about it were spot-on. I was one of the elderly . . . most of the folks auditioning were either still in college or recent graduates. No matter. It was still a fun auditon. I'm not going to go into too much boring detail now, but it was a good, though ultimately fruitless experience. Between my audition at 2:30 and my callback at 5:30 (for a theatre in kennybunkport), I went walkabout again through the lower east side and SoHo. I found the Ghostbuster's Firehouse, and checked out ground zero from 9/11. Haunting . . . both of them.
There's more to report, obviously, but I'm starting to lose focus. I've got to leave the blog half-begun and sign off for a while. The gym is calling. Hope you all are doing well. I'd love to see some pics from the shower! Noah-you don't have to post any pictures from your shower, however. Love you guys.
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