Yeah, so it's been too long. Easy to find excuses not to blog isn't it? I'm going to try to be better about it. And Away We Go!
I've got a new address-Found a great one bedroom just a couple of miles from my current place and only four blocks from my friends Nate and Karen. I'm moving this weekend, and as I type this out, I'm surrounded by piles of #%$#*!! that I've some how accumulated over the year. How does that happen? Who needs this stuff? Anyway, I'm looking forward to moving in . . . it's a pretty cool apartment in a 4-plex. Here's the new address:
3320 25th AVE S #2
Minneapolis, MN, 55406
The Saints are in the middle of a 9-game winning streak right now, which is fun. Tonight is the last game of a homestand, and it'll be nice to have a few days off. July is going to be a bit light on games, but don't worry, I'll still be busy . . . I'm cast in a movie that shoots the final 3 weeks in July.
In this film-"13 Hours in a Warehouse", I play Paul-a nerdowell petty gangster who attempts to screw over my partners-in-crime by killing them and taking our "priceless museaum piece" for myself. Much to our supprise, the warehouse in which we're spending the night is infested with the ghosts of women who had been killed there! It's a big stretch from the movie I did last fall in which I played Steve-a nerdowell petty gangster who is forced to make some brutal decisions that involve killing folks while in search of a "priceless Myan artifact". Little did Steve know that the storage lot in which we spent the night is infested with the phantoms of ex-gansters who had been buried there!
I think I've found my niche.
More details to come soon! I need to run out and get some stuff done today in preparation for this weekend . . . hope everyone's well, and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon! I'll leave you with pics of my new summer cut!