So, I picked up some grains this morning with plans of brewing, but I've run out of time! I've got an hour or so before I have to be at Beautiful Midway Stadium, so I thought I'd lay down a quick blog. . .
Here's a pic of the apartment. It's the bartender's view looking into the Living room. Nate and his sister Sierra were nice enough to drop by and help me break in the place.
I'm really enjoying this apartment. It's got plenty of space, and the layout is conducive to my occational striding rants. There are a couple of drawbacks . . . the landlord has a habit of popping by almost daily, and my neighbors are more prone to making the news in a bad way than a good way, but on the whole, it's a small price to pay for what I've got. Now if the refrigerator would stop making noise, everything would be gravy.
The film is going great. It's been a much more positive experience than I was expecting. This picture isn't the best, but I believe that it conveys the tension . . .
We're halfway through the 4-week shoot, and I've thouroughly enjoyed working with this cast and crew. I'm feeling relatively good about my personal perfomance as well, which is cool. We'll see . . .
Aside from that, things are bouncing along just fine. Nothing too exciting to report. We've got another Caveman Conference call next week, where I assume we'll be updated about how much ass Caveman is currently kicking in Vegas. I've got a weekend in St. Cloud (hour north of the Twin Cities) next month, and a couple of weeks in Iowa after that.
Hope everyone is doing well! 35 years coming up for M&D! That's nothing to sneeze at. As opposed to kleenex, which is specifically designed for sneezing at. Love to all . . . Sound off!
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