Saturday, December 29, 2007

Starting the new year early

Hello Fam! I miss you so much already, it's ridiculous. I don't know why I leave. *sigh* Oh well, what can you do? Not a whole heck of a lot. I'm looking forward to much iChatting with all of you, now that we are all capable. :) Except for Dad. Dad doesn't get to iChat. So there.

Back to being a workin' stiff. It's kinda strange to be back, and yet very normal too. We're closed new year's day, so that's something to look forward to--though B and I are planning on cleaning our room which may actually take all day. Whee.

Speaking of new year's, I've implemented (most of) my resolutions early. Last night, we ate some soup for dinner, I brushed, flossed, Listerine'd and ACT'ed. This morning I had cereal; for lunch I'm having a salad. In other words, I'm getting back on the diet horse. B's gonna get me a membership to the CU gym on spouse rates, and as soon as that's set up I'm gonna go work out every day I can. That'll really feel good, I think. It'll probably help suppress my MS symptoms.

Anyway, I don't really have a lot to say, just that I love everyone and miss you all. Happy new years! Take it easy out there, and be diligent in your resolutions--remember, even if you let them lapse, that's no reason to not resume them! <3 Love you guys!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Zero to 60

That's what happens this time of year!

So I just finished with a wardrobe call for "Nothing Sacred"-start shooting on Monday. Need to run downtown to drop off some headshots and a demo . . . 3 voiceover auditions in the past 3 days. There are several parties this weekend-holiday, birthday, pre-tonsil-removal (any excuse to party?). After the weekend, we're neck-deep in shooting, right up until I head for home. Awesome. But trumping everything is tomorrow's Broomball Practice!
First one of the season. Had to pull "Wonderboy the Goalie Baffler" down from it's position of glory, next step is to root around for the shoes . . . they're around here somewhere . . . Of course, with my luck, I'll probably break my face on the ice tomorrow. All I want for christmas is a new face!

Speaking of Christmas, I was noticing today that I could use a few "dress shirts". I've got plenty of patterned shirts, but I could use a couple simple button-ups. Just plain colors, something one could wear a tie with. Doesn't have to be Stuarts, sort of "knockaround" shirts.


If ten-year-old cody knew that thirtysomething cody asked for shirts and socks for xmas . . . sad sad sad . . .

Added another one-nighter, corporate caveman show in January-Texas on the 22nd. Sweet. Hopefully, I'll be able to book a couple of these voiceovers, mix them in over the next couple weeks, and then make a break for the mountains!

Still can't wait to see you guys! Love you all, and talk to you soon!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Guess It's Time!

Hey Kids!

It's 18 degrees today, which is balmy compared to the past couple of weeks. Now everybody talks about the cold of the Midwest, but so far, this is the coldest winter in quite some time. It's a bully sort of cold . . . you walk outside and the cold starts smacking you around, and then it takes your milk money. Trick's on you wintercold . . . that money wasn't destined for milk at all! I've decided (passive aggressively) to fight the bitter coldness by putting on a layer of blubber. Like the polar bears of the north, I've hollowed my hair, and I've aligned my chi to push all my body fat into a special layer just under the epidermis.

Which segues to the digression: I've been too lazy for the past few weeks. I've been living up to half of my last post-reading like a fiend, but I've been pretty lax about the body. Today, today.

In the meantime, it's been relatively boring up here in the north. Next week, I start shooting on the next indy film. We've had a few rehearsals, and I'm looking forward to this challenge. Last week was consumed with a shoot for H&R Block. It still amazes me how much money goes into the most ridiculous things. It was a smooth shoot . . . the only challenge was working with 4yr old Issac. He was a cute kid, and pretty well-behaved, but during one of the shots, he was talking about a photo shoot for Borders, and I found myself consumed with professional jealousy . . . aimed squarely at a 4 year old. Oh well. I took comfort in the fact that I am WAY taller than he is.

So, the spring is filling up with Caveman Shows:
New Years Eve, Jan 18-20, and 25-27 in St. Charles, IL
Jan 14 & 15 in Key West FL
Feb 8 & 9 in Grand Rapids, MN
Feb 15 & 16th in Redwing, MN
Feb 22 & 23 in Colorado Springs!!!!
March 7 & 8 in Pittsburg, PA

And More to come. It's still not enough for comfort, but it's finally moving in the right direction! We've got another conference call tomorrow, and it sounds like there's big news to discuss.

I also sent an email to the Saints regarding next summer, but I haven't heard back from them. Hmm. . . I'm trying to not be nervous about that, but I hope to hear something soon.

Hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see everybody! Just a couple of weeks now. Love, and Talk to you soon!