Wednesday, January 2, 2008

short post

Hey guys! I don't have much to report except I've been really good about flossing and etc so far. Haven't missed one day. I think when I was in Italy I probably skipped 5 days of flossing &etc TOTAL over the course of my entire trip. I knkow it's not hard, it's even fast once you get in the practice of doing it.

Also, Branden and I cleaned our bedroom yesterday. It was ridiculously dirty, and I mean ridiculously, and now it looks really good! I'm very happy. We went out to a movie to celebrate. We saw Alien Versus Predator 2. If any of you saw AVP1, I have to tell you, this one was SO MUCH BETTER than the first. I mean, it's like the creators woke up from a prolonged drug binge, looked at the movie they'd made, and smacked themselves in the foreheads and immediately began working to rectify the situation. Anyway, it's very good for a good, old-fashioned, aliens killing people and each other sort of movie. :)

On Monday, ListenUp closed at 4 and were closed yesterday. Tomorrow is the first day of my weekend, but for now I'm a workin' stiff. :) I miss you guys! Love you all!

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