Saturday, December 29, 2007

Starting the new year early

Hello Fam! I miss you so much already, it's ridiculous. I don't know why I leave. *sigh* Oh well, what can you do? Not a whole heck of a lot. I'm looking forward to much iChatting with all of you, now that we are all capable. :) Except for Dad. Dad doesn't get to iChat. So there.

Back to being a workin' stiff. It's kinda strange to be back, and yet very normal too. We're closed new year's day, so that's something to look forward to--though B and I are planning on cleaning our room which may actually take all day. Whee.

Speaking of new year's, I've implemented (most of) my resolutions early. Last night, we ate some soup for dinner, I brushed, flossed, Listerine'd and ACT'ed. This morning I had cereal; for lunch I'm having a salad. In other words, I'm getting back on the diet horse. B's gonna get me a membership to the CU gym on spouse rates, and as soon as that's set up I'm gonna go work out every day I can. That'll really feel good, I think. It'll probably help suppress my MS symptoms.

Anyway, I don't really have a lot to say, just that I love everyone and miss you all. Happy new years! Take it easy out there, and be diligent in your resolutions--remember, even if you let them lapse, that's no reason to not resume them! <3 Love you guys!

1 comment:

Mom said...

hey honey--miss you too.we have the rendevous in colo sprgs to look forward to also. i hate everybody leaving more than anything. yes, fun ichatting! Love You