Happy Birthday Dad. Ok, Ok, so it's a day late, just so long as the truck full of presents arrived on time! I understand that there may have been a performance by the Grizz? Looking forward to the details. I hope it was a happy one for you man.
So, I sent off my autition tape to The Great American Melodrama yesterday. I learned that it's pretty easy to overthink an audition that you're taping yourself. I borrowed Nate's digital movie camera and gave myself a crash-course in simple computer editing. The disc that I sent off has 3 parts-a monologue (Bottom's speech from "A midsummer night's dream", a musical selection (performed-where else-in my shower), and an interview with myself where I shot the first half of it bearded, then shot the responses fresh-faced. It was fun to put together . . . and we'll see what happens. I expect to hear from them mid-to late next week. I tried to upload one of the video clips to the blog, but after 9 hours of loading (whilst I slept), I gave up on it. Sorry kids. For those of you who haven't heard about this project-if I get cast by the greatamericanmelodrama, I'd probably be working in Durango for the summer. Word.
Aside from that, it's been general busy work. Scott has a friend coming in from Arizona today, so we've got an intensive house-cleaning party planned. I've got a bag of grain sitting in the kitchen, just waiting to be turned into delicious butter beer. There are a couple of half-finished projects in the basement that have survived the winter and are now awaiting completion. There's monologues to be brushed up before NYC. Taxes aren't done yet. You know. General time consumption. Oh yeah-Skylar hooked us up with tickets to the Lakers/Timberwolves a couple of nights ago. They were amazing tickets . . . floor level, maybe twenty rows back from the court. Kobe v. Garnette. It was awesome. The 'Wolves ended up winning in Double OT (we split at the end of regulation), and Kobe committed a heinous foul for which he was later suspended a game. Punk. Too Cool.
So, how was everyone's MS Week? I celebrated by wearing a blond wig and studying Architechture for the week. Of course, I kid, but I was wondering if anyone did manage to participate somehow? I talked a bigger game than I walked about it.
I'm sure folks have some spring breaks comming up! Any plans worth sharing? Hope everyone is doing great, and I look forward to talking with you guys soon!
In addition to being MS awareness week, it was also Islam awareness week and Sleep awareness week; also, international women's day was Thursday (I remember talking about that in school in Italy last semester--they were definitely more conscious of Womens Day than we are here). So, in sum, I've never felt so aware.
Being way behind I post this comment before I return to the more serious business of responding to Noah after the death of his friend. I had a great birthday- got E & B's phone message, Gramma T called me while I was riding my bike (2 hrs later in NY), Cody called at least once, and Noah appeared in person and a lights-out performance at the Club Uno Mas. Quite a diverse week for tributes- let's hear it for brave young women. love you all so
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