I'm In Grown-Up School! It's quite exhilarating and scary, kinda like a roller coaster is scary. I'm seriously loving it, but when I try to explain what I love so much, it sounds really stupid. Like, I have never been so excited about pencils and rulers (but to be fair, I've never seen such cool pencils and rulers). Today, what we did was, we reproduced images of elevations (an outside view of a building from one face, not at an angle) and floorplans to a different scale. It involved drawing many, many straight lines. (I'm not advanced enough to draw curved lines just yet.) Tomorrow, we're doing measured drawings of elevations at angles, which means: we take two adjacent outside views (like, for example, the north and west views), and set them at an angle so that we see both, and draw both without using perspective. It's going to be cool. Just take my word for it.
I focus so hard on my work in this class and it stimulates my creative glands so much that I am starting to really really look forward to the real classes. I got a 16-page syllabus of my "Intro to Building Technology" class, and saw this: "Lecture 1: Mud". I laughed, but I think it's going to be challenging. It involves weekly site visits, and the final project is a "site report," which I'm not sure what that means. In any case, it's making me nervous.
In other news, the commute is actually quite pleasant. The bus is quick and painless, and downtown Denver isn't as stinky, ugly and dirty as I thought it would be (my way of saying, it's kinda pretty from 3-4 floors up). The rooms are air conditioned, and I haven't had to put up with any heat to speak of. Branden has been so wonderful, packing my lunches and making dinner and having it ready when I get home and cleaning the house. I'm gonna have to start pitching in more when his school starts, but for now it's been extremely nice.
I got together with Noah today for lunch. I had forgotten my lunch at home, and even though Noah only had, like, 15mins, he brought me some delicious Noah-made chicken and rice and onions and green peppers....It was really, really good. And it was nice to not starve :) We're getting together again tomorrow to actually spend some real time together. He got to see the studio and the project I was working on at the time (which I ended up scrapping and starting over, but that's okay).
What else? Shots are going fine, no complaints. I'll update again when "real" classes start. Ciao for now, lovely fam! <3
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