Coming home from the movie just now...a few houses along the triangle park from us...heading to our place...we had to wait for a BIG, GIANT (seemingly), ENORMOUS bear to cross in front of our car before we could proceed home! Oh geez. Isn't it hibernation time?
"Michael Collins" was a good movie. Dad liked it better than me, but I liked it ok. I got a little lost for a while somewhere in there. Love Yous Guyzzzz xoxoxo m.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hi y'all-
TGIF! Just got home from work. Thought I'd self-aggravate by attempting to blog. Gorgeous favorite season by far. I keep forgetting the skating rink is open cuz it's 60 degrees out. Not ready to go indoors yet, but I may hit the ice next week. I have logged lotsa miles in the cemetery of late. Herds and herds of deer still.
They must know,and have spread the word to their kin: No hunting allowed in the graveyard.! I almost have to push 'em outta my way to wade thru 'em. Other wildlife sightings...masses of wild turkeys (calm yourself, Noah. Not that kind of W.T.) enroute to Pagosa yesterday. And on the return this am, a Fox dashed out in front of my car.
I've always wanted a fox stole--such a bargain!
Okay...what are the halloween plans? I'm ashamed to say that we didn't even display "old boney" this time around. There's still time; I may yet dig out the musty, moldy manifestations of the undead used to entice wee tots to our door.
On Sunday, the 28th, Dad and I are going to a fundraising dinner (for the local MS chapter)at Cosmopolitan (used to be Sari's). Rod, Vita, Dennis & Anna also bought tix at $80 per person to attend the 6 course feast/costume party. I forgot to tell 'em it was masquerade....oops. I told the organizers that we'd attend as long as we could get frequent updates (or a TV, even better)on the 4th- and possibly, last- world series game. I think we have a coupla old baseball unies around here. Maybe we'll wear those.
We have a bet on w/Uncle Rick and A. Susie. They are Boston Red Sox fans (boooooo). We win...we get lobsters, they get Colorado beef steaks if they win. It's the phone calls and messages left that are the most fun of the whole thing. Uncle Rick's humor is so think for a minute that he's serious...really funny.
I have pics to post, but I don't know how. I took 'em in the cemetery. The giant elk has only one antler now. Did we know that? I'll send it to your emails.
I don't know the dif between email and IM? If A & B are on the comp at the same time and A sends B an email right then, and A sees it and answers right that it? Troy, feel free to jump in here....
We are meeting Noah in C. Sprgs next wk end for the Army vs.... somebody , oops..(Airforce ??) game. And the next wk end, Da & I are going to La Jolla, CA for a few days...him, for a, for an adventure. That's real close to the fires in San Diego, so let's hope they're cooled down. Not to mention..for the people who actually live there!! La Jolla is pronounced "La Hoya". Why don't "they" just spell it "Hoya"? Bunch of fancy pants.
Had lunch w/Phyllis yesterday. That's a great connection for a free place to stay (not you, Troy) in Italy. We had a nice visit. She purportedly LOVED the body butter, E&B. I told her to order it for everybody she knows for christmas, so we'll see. They need a short "hi guys" from you, Code, w/a query as to contacts in CA. Happy to send them she said.
Phew! That's all for now. We're going to the George Clooney "Michael Clayton" tonight. Hope this posts....I Love You All Madly m. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
TGIF! Just got home from work. Thought I'd self-aggravate by attempting to blog. Gorgeous favorite season by far. I keep forgetting the skating rink is open cuz it's 60 degrees out. Not ready to go indoors yet, but I may hit the ice next week. I have logged lotsa miles in the cemetery of late. Herds and herds of deer still.
They must know,and have spread the word to their kin: No hunting allowed in the graveyard.! I almost have to push 'em outta my way to wade thru 'em. Other wildlife sightings...masses of wild turkeys (calm yourself, Noah. Not that kind of W.T.) enroute to Pagosa yesterday. And on the return this am, a Fox dashed out in front of my car.
I've always wanted a fox stole--such a bargain!
Okay...what are the halloween plans? I'm ashamed to say that we didn't even display "old boney" this time around. There's still time; I may yet dig out the musty, moldy manifestations of the undead used to entice wee tots to our door.
On Sunday, the 28th, Dad and I are going to a fundraising dinner (for the local MS chapter)at Cosmopolitan (used to be Sari's). Rod, Vita, Dennis & Anna also bought tix at $80 per person to attend the 6 course feast/costume party. I forgot to tell 'em it was masquerade....oops. I told the organizers that we'd attend as long as we could get frequent updates (or a TV, even better)on the 4th- and possibly, last- world series game. I think we have a coupla old baseball unies around here. Maybe we'll wear those.
We have a bet on w/Uncle Rick and A. Susie. They are Boston Red Sox fans (boooooo). We win...we get lobsters, they get Colorado beef steaks if they win. It's the phone calls and messages left that are the most fun of the whole thing. Uncle Rick's humor is so think for a minute that he's serious...really funny.
I have pics to post, but I don't know how. I took 'em in the cemetery. The giant elk has only one antler now. Did we know that? I'll send it to your emails.
I don't know the dif between email and IM? If A & B are on the comp at the same time and A sends B an email right then, and A sees it and answers right that it? Troy, feel free to jump in here....
We are meeting Noah in C. Sprgs next wk end for the Army vs.... somebody , oops..(Airforce ??) game. And the next wk end, Da & I are going to La Jolla, CA for a few days...him, for a, for an adventure. That's real close to the fires in San Diego, so let's hope they're cooled down. Not to mention..for the people who actually live there!! La Jolla is pronounced "La Hoya". Why don't "they" just spell it "Hoya"? Bunch of fancy pants.
Had lunch w/Phyllis yesterday. That's a great connection for a free place to stay (not you, Troy) in Italy. We had a nice visit. She purportedly LOVED the body butter, E&B. I told her to order it for everybody she knows for christmas, so we'll see. They need a short "hi guys" from you, Code, w/a query as to contacts in CA. Happy to send them she said.
Phew! That's all for now. We're going to the George Clooney "Michael Clayton" tonight. Hope this posts....I Love You All Madly m. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Sunday, October 21, 2007
News News News
Well, Fam Damily, Just thought I'd post on this-here thingie. I don't have a whole lot of news, but a couple of significant things you should probably know about.
#1: I'm having an MS "Flare-up." It really sucks. It's affecting my balance and vision, and thusly, my ability to do my schoolwork. Happily, I've already made arrangements with Disability Services at school, but I don't like getting behind.
On a related note, I'm STILL having issues with my insurance and getting my medication. Hopefully it's getting worked out, but... *shrug* who knows. I think they're out to get me.
#2: it snowed today for the first time (here)! It was way cool heading out to work and seeing all the snowflakes coming down. I think it's over and I don't think anything stuck, but in any case, it's like winter has decided to start instead of just freakin' cold fall.
#3: I really like school. I'm interested in the topics I'm learning, and I feel as if I'm on the right path. However, I am starting to feel like I should probably have waited a year before starting grad school. I forgot how burned out on school I was by the time I graduated--it would have been smart to work a crap job for a year to remind myself why going to school is good. No worries, fam, I'm going to ace this semester, but it may be that after this I'm going to take a year off.
Anyway, I think that the 'rents should be more vocal on this blog doo-hicky. You whippersnappers. Love you guys!
#1: I'm having an MS "Flare-up." It really sucks. It's affecting my balance and vision, and thusly, my ability to do my schoolwork. Happily, I've already made arrangements with Disability Services at school, but I don't like getting behind.
On a related note, I'm STILL having issues with my insurance and getting my medication. Hopefully it's getting worked out, but... *shrug* who knows. I think they're out to get me.
#2: it snowed today for the first time (here)! It was way cool heading out to work and seeing all the snowflakes coming down. I think it's over and I don't think anything stuck, but in any case, it's like winter has decided to start instead of just freakin' cold fall.
#3: I really like school. I'm interested in the topics I'm learning, and I feel as if I'm on the right path. However, I am starting to feel like I should probably have waited a year before starting grad school. I forgot how burned out on school I was by the time I graduated--it would have been smart to work a crap job for a year to remind myself why going to school is good. No worries, fam, I'm going to ace this semester, but it may be that after this I'm going to take a year off.
Anyway, I think that the 'rents should be more vocal on this blog doo-hicky. You whippersnappers. Love you guys!
Monday, October 15, 2007
What to do When confronted with an Ocean . . .
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Back to the Book, Back to the Body
Hello Family . . .
Hope everyone has recovered from the Wedding! I'm still bummed that I couldn't make it, but like Elly was saying, I'll have to photoshop myself into some of the photos. Sounds like everyone had a blast, and the body butter went over well. Cool. I was thinking of everyone all day! On the other hand, I wouldn't have traded this trip for anything.
I wasn't able to knock on as many doors as I had anticipated, but I didn make a couple of minor connections. Above all else, it's been a great learning experience, or rather a great REMEMBERING experience. As far as acting goes, a lot of what people say is true. It's a city full of actors. All various looks and levels, but it's been difficult to take ten steps here without overhearing someone talking about the Industry. A lot of folks seem to know the answers to everone's questions too . . . that is to say, everyone has an opinion about how the biz works.
I spent an hour in the Samuel French Bookstore today. Sam French is the main publisher of plays, and there's a good chance that everyone has had one of the small scripts in their hands at some point (Shel Silverstein's "The Devil and Billy Markham" is a Samuel French Play). This location is one of Five in the world. It was fantastic. I was browsing through the refrence section looking at book after book about the Biz-some of which I've read, many of which I haven't-and I was sort of overcome with a feeling that I need to get back to the basics for a bit.
This feeling was compounded by a conversation I had the other day with Tannis H. . . . she was an acquantience at CSU who's been persuing acting out here for a few years now. We were talking about opportunities we had at CSU-highlights and lowpoints of the department-and she was very complimentary of a lot of the old roles I have portrayed. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past, so when these memories started coming back, it was a bit strange. I've lost a bit of the brassballsness of the CSU days. Back then, it was all about having fun and doing good work . . . less about acting to pay the bills. Not that I've totally left that old attitude in the dust-over the past several years, I've been able to tap into that from time to time . . . I guess that I'm trying to say that I'm excited about getting back into the books a bit . . . to continue studying the craft. It's been over a year since I've taken a class for crying out loud . . .
It's also time to get back to the body. I've had a pretty lazy summer. With the bike, and (soon) the membership to the neighborhood gym, I plan on getting back into a healthier swing of things. For the past couple of months, I haven't been sleeping very well, and I feel like I've been packing on the pounds. It's the old adage . . . I just feel a lot better in life when I'm feeling fit. Plus, broomball season is coming up . . .
So, all things considered, it's been a good trip. I've got a couple of things to accomplish before I run out here to the West Coast. In the meantime, I feel pretty good about what's happening in Minny. In comparison to a lot of folks that I've talked to out here, I'm working more than a lot of people. While most of my paychecks only have two zeros, I'm still moving in the right direction.
And that's the update from Cali. No pictures this time. Just words. Lots and lots of words.
Hope everyone has recovered from the Wedding! I'm still bummed that I couldn't make it, but like Elly was saying, I'll have to photoshop myself into some of the photos. Sounds like everyone had a blast, and the body butter went over well. Cool. I was thinking of everyone all day! On the other hand, I wouldn't have traded this trip for anything.
I wasn't able to knock on as many doors as I had anticipated, but I didn make a couple of minor connections. Above all else, it's been a great learning experience, or rather a great REMEMBERING experience. As far as acting goes, a lot of what people say is true. It's a city full of actors. All various looks and levels, but it's been difficult to take ten steps here without overhearing someone talking about the Industry. A lot of folks seem to know the answers to everone's questions too . . . that is to say, everyone has an opinion about how the biz works.
I spent an hour in the Samuel French Bookstore today. Sam French is the main publisher of plays, and there's a good chance that everyone has had one of the small scripts in their hands at some point (Shel Silverstein's "The Devil and Billy Markham" is a Samuel French Play). This location is one of Five in the world. It was fantastic. I was browsing through the refrence section looking at book after book about the Biz-some of which I've read, many of which I haven't-and I was sort of overcome with a feeling that I need to get back to the basics for a bit.
This feeling was compounded by a conversation I had the other day with Tannis H. . . . she was an acquantience at CSU who's been persuing acting out here for a few years now. We were talking about opportunities we had at CSU-highlights and lowpoints of the department-and she was very complimentary of a lot of the old roles I have portrayed. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past, so when these memories started coming back, it was a bit strange. I've lost a bit of the brassballsness of the CSU days. Back then, it was all about having fun and doing good work . . . less about acting to pay the bills. Not that I've totally left that old attitude in the dust-over the past several years, I've been able to tap into that from time to time . . . I guess that I'm trying to say that I'm excited about getting back into the books a bit . . . to continue studying the craft. It's been over a year since I've taken a class for crying out loud . . .
It's also time to get back to the body. I've had a pretty lazy summer. With the bike, and (soon) the membership to the neighborhood gym, I plan on getting back into a healthier swing of things. For the past couple of months, I haven't been sleeping very well, and I feel like I've been packing on the pounds. It's the old adage . . . I just feel a lot better in life when I'm feeling fit. Plus, broomball season is coming up . . .
So, all things considered, it's been a good trip. I've got a couple of things to accomplish before I run out here to the West Coast. In the meantime, I feel pretty good about what's happening in Minny. In comparison to a lot of folks that I've talked to out here, I'm working more than a lot of people. While most of my paychecks only have two zeros, I'm still moving in the right direction.
And that's the update from Cali. No pictures this time. Just words. Lots and lots of words.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Okay everyone, you have to go check out Burning Tree...I took pics of the products today and they look so good! look at both the inventory page and the individual products pages:
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Who's live?
Burning Tree's live. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I dropped the class that was causing me so much grief, and now my schedule's much more manageable. I'm still on track and excelling in all my other classes (I accidentally turned in an assignment a week early in my digital drafting class, whoops, I'm so sad I had a whole week to do nothing in that class). I'm loving the concepts I'm learning and for some reason I feel so self-sufficient and independent coming down here every day. It's tedious at times but, I don't know, it's also nice.
Branden and I hung out with Jo, Ken, Whitney and Tim last night, only for a little while because Branden had a paper to write. We gave Jo and Whitney some of our body butter and everyone over there is very impressed. We're going to be getting them their favors (1/2 oz jars of BB) tomorrow when we have all the tags tied on and whatnot. The jars are so cute!
Noah and I are going to hang out this afternoon for a few hours in between my classes. He needs to go shopping for house stuff, and I'm gonna keep him company.
Code, I wish you were coming to the wedding! Whitney wanted me to let you know she's pissed at you, but she understands. We all wish you could make it, though. <3
I miss everyone and can't wait to see (most of) you this weekend! OMG! *wiggles*
Well, I dropped the class that was causing me so much grief, and now my schedule's much more manageable. I'm still on track and excelling in all my other classes (I accidentally turned in an assignment a week early in my digital drafting class, whoops, I'm so sad I had a whole week to do nothing in that class). I'm loving the concepts I'm learning and for some reason I feel so self-sufficient and independent coming down here every day. It's tedious at times but, I don't know, it's also nice.
Branden and I hung out with Jo, Ken, Whitney and Tim last night, only for a little while because Branden had a paper to write. We gave Jo and Whitney some of our body butter and everyone over there is very impressed. We're going to be getting them their favors (1/2 oz jars of BB) tomorrow when we have all the tags tied on and whatnot. The jars are so cute!
Noah and I are going to hang out this afternoon for a few hours in between my classes. He needs to go shopping for house stuff, and I'm gonna keep him company.
Code, I wish you were coming to the wedding! Whitney wanted me to let you know she's pissed at you, but she understands. We all wish you could make it, though. <3
I miss everyone and can't wait to see (most of) you this weekend! OMG! *wiggles*
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