Monday, November 16, 2009

Let it snow!

Hey Fam! Just a quick update. Friday, it started snowing, which is generally bad news in my job because it means 2 things: a shortage of service technicians (because they all have to shovel) and an increase in emergency service requests... So I wasn't looking forward to working on Saturday. However, the snow stopped nice and early on Friday and there was no need to worry.

Then, it started snowing on Saturday—for real this time. Good news for me because I have Sunday and Monday off! I coasted through a super-easy day. I went to Walmart after work and got some curtains for the bedroom (because the stupid Christmas lights outside my window do their best to pierce my eyelids every night), hung those bad boys up, and slept like a rock.

Sunday, B and I got up and built a Snow Cat! It was just the right kind of snow for snow sculptures but just a bit too wet for snow men, so we improvised and built a snow cat.

We also got a head start on wrapping presents this year. B & I are planning on having some sort of Christmas event with Griffin and Aaron before or after Christmas, depending on everyone's schedules, so that should be fun.

Well, that's all I've got, fambly. I love you all, can't wait to see you for Noah's Graduation!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello all-

Took a great hike yesterday up to "Mt. Hollywood". Awesome panoramic views of the city. I took a picture that pretty clearly shows the strata of smog that often covers LA. Gross.

When we got back, I got a phone call from my agent . . . I booked my first real job in La-La Land! It's a commercial for Scottrade. Wardrobe on the 13th, and we shoot on the 20th! Feels good to book some work!

Love you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dia de los muertos!

Awesome to hear from everyone . . . As I write this, we're spread out over 4 states. Spreading the word!
So, let's see . . . Babies! After my caveman show in North Dakota, I spent a few days in Minneapolis, which is populated by babies. I got to see quite a bit of Nate and Karen's bundle of joy, Isla (pronounced Eye-Lah), which was great. Nate's folks were in town visiting as well, as was my former roommate Laurel. It was nice to get back to Minneapolis for a minute, but with winter knocking at the door out there, I'm happy not to be there right now!

I got back in town just in time for Halloween. Our apartment was appropriately decorated, but as luck would have it, I booked a job that shot on Halloween day, and Tanya had to work that night, so I stayed in on all Hallows Eve. We did make it out the following day for the Dia de los Muertos celebration. It was pretty cool to see all the altars and so many people dressed as skeletons! I've always been a fan of that holiday, and it was cool to be able to participate . . .

Yesterday, I had my 60th audition here in LA . . . ironically, for the Minnesota State Lottery. As with the 59 before it, it was awesome, and I'm fully expecting to book the job! On that end . . . I just got put "on avail" for a commercial for Scottrade. Being "on avail" is the final step before officially booking the gig. There's still a small chance that I won't get it, but there's a great chance that I will. Keep your fingers crossed . . . this would be my first paid gig out here!

Next Monday, our new library branch opens up . . . right around the corner. Perhaps not the most exciting news in the world, but I'm still looking forward to it!

Love you guys, and talk to you soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hello fam! Long-overdue blog... sorry for the radio silence! Not because I'm jam-packed with awesome... rather because life here is rather monotonous unless you distill 1.5 months into concentrated Elly life.

ANYWHOO!!!! Life is good here in Superior. It's still mostly work-sleep-work-sleep, but we occasionally have some fun. =)

For example, on October 22nd, my work sponsored a volunteer day for all the employees. I personally volunteered at a place called Zuma's Rescue Ranch in Littleton. It's a very inspirational and awesome ranch that started out as a for-profit horse ranch. Sometime several years ago, the couple that owned it was going to sell it, but as they were in the process of getting ready to do so, a friend of theirs called them up and told them that if they didn't step in, seven perfectly good horses were going to slaughter that day.

Thus began the rescue ranch... they rescued neglected and abused horses, horses that would otherwise have gone to slaughter, and became a boarding house for people who couldn't keep their own horses for whatever reason. For a while they were doing this out of their own savings. Then, a close foster-mother friend of Jodi, the woman who, with her husband Paul, founded Zuma's, called her up and asked if she could bring her foster kids up to the ranch to spend time with the horses. Then, Zuma's became interested in the therapeutic influences of horses on troubled kids who had been neglected, abused, or forgotten by the system. They're currently working on making equine therapy a "legitimate" therapy so that it can be covered by insurance and they can open their doors to as many kids as need them. It's apparently a very effective therapy; that it teaches kids to relate and attach to other beings. The therapists can see more about the kid's true state of mind when they interact with the horses than they can through one-on-one verbal therapy, and there have been many reported cases of kids who work with horses having vast improvements in communication, self-control, and compassion in a short time.

If you can't tell, I was pretty moved by the organization and their mission, and I wish I had more time to volunteer there. I think they're doing great things.

Anyway, then on October 24, we had a huge Halloween party over at the community center! We rented out the big room, the breakfast room, and the movie theater--for free, since I'm an employee. It was pretty awesome, but not as epic as last year's party. *sigh* There will never again be a party that epic.

Halloween itself was awesome. We ran out of candy because we had a whole bunch of trick-or-treaters (which was all my fault! I did that), and then we went to Westminster for an insanely fun haunted house, where I made a complete fool of myself and learned, to my chagrin, that if I was confronted with zombies or chainsaw murderers I'd probably be the first one killed. Here I thought I'd be able to keep my cool. But no.

Then, as ma said, that next Monday, my infusion went immeasurably smoothly, and we had such a nice visit, I was very sad when it ended. =(

Unfortunately, since then, this week has been very long. Not for any particular reason, just ... blah. I don't want to work this week. But what can you do? Not much...

Okay so I'm gonna try to blog more often! Take care, mah peeps!

Hither and Yon

Hi Fambly....I'm on short time again. Last post caused me to miss the earlier bus to DIA. Actually watched it pull away...nnooooo....jumped on the next one still with lotsa time to spare, so no prob. I was leaving Superior after a great week-end.
"The goils" are flying in to DGO shortly. We'll leave from the airport for Sante Fe.
I've thrown together a suitcase full of costumes (which can double as my day clothes)...hairpieces,mardi gras beads, scarves, slips and make-up. That should about cover it. Susan's bringing camera equip. Boo has the hazy-shades of a script and her generous wit! My lap top will enable us to, don't hesitate to jump into the production! Back to DGO Thrs. They leave Early Fri (the 13th!!).
Meanwhile Dad's in Denver (mtg), Superior (fun w/B&E), Co Springs (football w/McLachlan &Noah),Denver (fun w/N&CC), Superior (more fun), then Reno on Monday. I'm pretty sure that's followed by a return to Durango :)late Fri. night. Dad & 'the goils" are missing each other entirely, bummer.
OK, gotta pack & go pick 'em up. Good luck w/Caveman, Code. Noah and CC here for
Thanksgiving. Then Elly treatment, followed by N&C graduation, Caveman shows Nov-Dec, smash bam into Christmas!! Phew, I'm exhausted. And Excited!!LoveLoveLOVELoveloveLUVxoxo

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From Superior, CO

Hi all--gorgeous day today. I'm flying back to DGO in a short while. Bus to the airport. As I've learned along the way by hanging w/yous guys, using mass transit does eat up a bit more of your time, but I like the not driving/parking etc. Plus it's an adventure!
This has been a great, if too short, trip. Flying vs making that trek across the state was a treat for a change. Elly, Branden and I (& 4 legged friends) threw together a stroganoff dinner on Sunday. Noah, CiCi and WaWa joined us. For the record, I later WON a par-the-cheese game without crying first.
Best case scenario yet for E's infusion. Not only one poke each for blood draw and IV insert, but much less palpating,proding,heming&hawing in general. We spent our extra free time at the gym later on. She is an amazing trooper. I would have to take to my bed with the vapors for several days of recuperation.
Oh, so much coming up and time is flying!! Speaking of which---I gotta run. more later. Loving All of You Madly, your mom xoxoxoxoxoxo