Hello everyone, posting sooner than I anticipated. Funny story, that. (NOT)
Well, things are going fine here, nothing much to report. As I commented to Cody's last post, I've been hitting the gym 2-3 times per week and I can definitely tell a difference. I have a paper due in Political Parties and Pressure Groups tomorrow, but I emailed my teacher to get an extention so that I can prepare for the tests I have to take this week. >_< She was really cool about it, and is letting me turn it in next week.
Other news...Mom and Dad know this story: on Monday I got an e-mail from CU Denver saying that they got my application, minus my portfolio. I was freaking out, because they said that they'd received everything else, including the stuff I mailed in the same envelope as my portfolio. This story has a happy ending, though...I called them after my physical therapy appointment (after a good hour, hour and a half of panicking) and told them the situation. The lady said that she maybe hadn't checked the mail yet, and did that right there while I was on the phone. Sure enough, she hadn't, and it was right there, so yay. Turns out that the things I sent in the same envelope (my application fee and the Statement of Purpose) were a confusion: you know how I had to write two essays which were essentially the same? Well, turns out that the one on the application counts as the statement of purpose; I didn't have to do the other one. She must just have assumed that she'd received my app fee. I shouldn't have paid them. >_<
I heard from John (Boo's son) about her website. He's not incredibly coherent and I wish I could talk to her about it, but we've got the show on the road for her website.
So, my not-so-funny story: Yesterday, when I got home from school, I took a nap that was supposed to be a half hour to an hour, but lasted about 3-4 hours instead. Whoops. Then, last night, after my shot, I started getting a headache. So, I took 1 IBuprofin and 1 Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like a zombie again, and managed to walk out the door without my backpack, and didn't realize I didn't have it until I was in the parking lot. I went back to get it and was zooming towards the bus stop. I saw the bus coming, so I started running (I can do that now, yay!!). The bus pulled up and I didn't see anyone at the stop, and the doors were closed, but the bus stopped so I thought they saw me. I kept running and was about 20 feet from the bus when it pulled away. >_< CURSES!!! So I'm taking the 9:25 bus and will probably be about 5 minutes late to my class. What a bummer.
Anyway, love to everyone! <3
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Decisions, Decisions. . .
Well, I had planned to post some more photos in this blog, but iphoto is "rebuilding" it's "thumbnail cache". You all know how long that takes (and what an pain in the seat it is)!!! I don't get my computer sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it's smarter than I am-especially about what it wants or needs. Our human/computer thearapy sessions have helped me realize that.
I got in at the Strawhat auditions. I'm both excited and a bit nervous about them. I booked my ticket yesterday, and I'll be in NYC from March 21-26th, with my audition on the 23rd (my long-time favorite number . . . perchance that's a good sign?) There are supposed to be between 60 and 80 theater companies represented, looking to cast their summer seasons. I've been doing my reasearch on the companies that are commited so far, and I'd say about 90% of them have summer seasons full of musicals. Even with these outrageous odds, I plan on presenting 2 contrasting monologues, rather than a song and a monologue that I'm sure most of the auditioners will be presenting. I get 90 seconds to audition, and I feel that 16 bars of a showtune would do nothing to show off my style. I'll most likely be doing a Shakespearean monologue, and something a bit racey from Eric Begosian. You know. I'm hoping that there will be some opportunities to sign on with a Shakespeare Summer Stock Company . . . that sounds like a great way to spend a summer.
The Diamond Circle Melodrama is one of the companies attending the audition. As it turns out, they have a parent company-the Great American Melodrama-located in California. I sent off a promo packet (letter of intrest and headshot/resume), letting them know that a hometown boy was auditioning friday at 2:35. I was supprised by their contracts . . . 200-400 per week. Much better than I had expected. That would be pretty cool. Working in Durango for the summer, that is. Artistically, I don't have many designs on Melodrama, but I probably wouldn't refuse that offer. In hindsight, I maybe shouldn't have mentioned that they'd be at the audition . . . we should be weary of getting any hopes up.
So, that's on the horizon.
Tomorrow, it's down to Chicago again, then off to Vegas on friday. Wish me luck. As you know, my plan is to win a lot of money early, then squander it away for the remainder of the weekend. I've set myself a limit . . . now if I can just stick to it! Noah-I was wondering if you had one, or if you would like me to try and snap a more recent pic of Skep's daugher for you? Let me know. (I hear that you're real busy, by the way, and I hope you're keeping it all together in Denver, my man!) Should be a fun weekend. Plus, I plan on popping in on Olivia again, see how she's doing. Scott and I are driving down, so I'll finally be able to bring some homebrew to a family member!
Speaking of Brewing, We just bottled a Steam Ale (Happy Pappy's Revenge), and a Rye Beer (Rye ask Rye). Coming up next, we've got a remake of a chile beer (Beerito Supreme), and a remake of a Ginger Ale (MaryAnn Ginger). Up next to be brewed is an experimental "Butterbeer" a la Harry Potter. To be honest with you, the grains have been sitting for too long, and I don't expect that beer to be especially palatable. Of course, I'll let you know.
So, upon returning from Vegas (no doubt with cash falling from overstuffed pockets), I've got 2 weeks before NYC. After that trip . . . who knows . . . could be 1-3 months before any contracts start, or perhaps none at all! The point is, I've got to start looking for a Civilian Job again. Rats. It's tough right now, because I don't know what I can commit to. And, what with it being the later part of Winter, there's not a huge amount of hiring going on right now. What's a boy to do? I'll figure something out.
I had more to add . . . looking toward the end of the summer/(summerstock?), and weighing the pros and cons of moving to either NY or LA, but I'm going to have to jump into those musings later . . . they're sort of amorphous in my head right now.
In the meantime, I'm still hitting the gym more often than not-Elly, how's it going? I'm starting to get a bit of muscular definition, and I've been doing plenty of cardio, but I haven't quite been dropping a pound a week. I think that I need to add a more structured diet into the mix. I feel like I've been eating pretty well, but there are occational lapses of gastronomical restraint.
I'm glad to hear that a photographer has been chosen. That should just about wrap up the list no? Let's see . . . Bride, Groom, Judge, Photographer . . . Yep! That's it! It's all down hill from here!
Hope everyone is doing well . . . getting through classes and jobs and such. I think of you all with every bon-bon I eat!
I got in at the Strawhat auditions. I'm both excited and a bit nervous about them. I booked my ticket yesterday, and I'll be in NYC from March 21-26th, with my audition on the 23rd (my long-time favorite number . . . perchance that's a good sign?) There are supposed to be between 60 and 80 theater companies represented, looking to cast their summer seasons. I've been doing my reasearch on the companies that are commited so far, and I'd say about 90% of them have summer seasons full of musicals. Even with these outrageous odds, I plan on presenting 2 contrasting monologues, rather than a song and a monologue that I'm sure most of the auditioners will be presenting. I get 90 seconds to audition, and I feel that 16 bars of a showtune would do nothing to show off my style. I'll most likely be doing a Shakespearean monologue, and something a bit racey from Eric Begosian. You know. I'm hoping that there will be some opportunities to sign on with a Shakespeare Summer Stock Company . . . that sounds like a great way to spend a summer.
The Diamond Circle Melodrama is one of the companies attending the audition. As it turns out, they have a parent company-the Great American Melodrama-located in California. I sent off a promo packet (letter of intrest and headshot/resume), letting them know that a hometown boy was auditioning friday at 2:35. I was supprised by their contracts . . . 200-400 per week. Much better than I had expected. That would be pretty cool. Working in Durango for the summer, that is. Artistically, I don't have many designs on Melodrama, but I probably wouldn't refuse that offer. In hindsight, I maybe shouldn't have mentioned that they'd be at the audition . . . we should be weary of getting any hopes up.
So, that's on the horizon.
Tomorrow, it's down to Chicago again, then off to Vegas on friday. Wish me luck. As you know, my plan is to win a lot of money early, then squander it away for the remainder of the weekend. I've set myself a limit . . . now if I can just stick to it! Noah-I was wondering if you had one, or if you would like me to try and snap a more recent pic of Skep's daugher for you? Let me know. (I hear that you're real busy, by the way, and I hope you're keeping it all together in Denver, my man!) Should be a fun weekend. Plus, I plan on popping in on Olivia again, see how she's doing. Scott and I are driving down, so I'll finally be able to bring some homebrew to a family member!
Speaking of Brewing, We just bottled a Steam Ale (Happy Pappy's Revenge), and a Rye Beer (Rye ask Rye). Coming up next, we've got a remake of a chile beer (Beerito Supreme), and a remake of a Ginger Ale (MaryAnn Ginger). Up next to be brewed is an experimental "Butterbeer" a la Harry Potter. To be honest with you, the grains have been sitting for too long, and I don't expect that beer to be especially palatable. Of course, I'll let you know.
So, upon returning from Vegas (no doubt with cash falling from overstuffed pockets), I've got 2 weeks before NYC. After that trip . . . who knows . . . could be 1-3 months before any contracts start, or perhaps none at all! The point is, I've got to start looking for a Civilian Job again. Rats. It's tough right now, because I don't know what I can commit to. And, what with it being the later part of Winter, there's not a huge amount of hiring going on right now. What's a boy to do? I'll figure something out.
I had more to add . . . looking toward the end of the summer/(summerstock?), and weighing the pros and cons of moving to either NY or LA, but I'm going to have to jump into those musings later . . . they're sort of amorphous in my head right now.
In the meantime, I'm still hitting the gym more often than not-Elly, how's it going? I'm starting to get a bit of muscular definition, and I've been doing plenty of cardio, but I haven't quite been dropping a pound a week. I think that I need to add a more structured diet into the mix. I feel like I've been eating pretty well, but there are occational lapses of gastronomical restraint.
I'm glad to hear that a photographer has been chosen. That should just about wrap up the list no? Let's see . . . Bride, Groom, Judge, Photographer . . . Yep! That's it! It's all down hill from here!
Hope everyone is doing well . . . getting through classes and jobs and such. I think of you all with every bon-bon I eat!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
While We're All Met . . .
Hello Fam.
So, you're all hanging out together, probably having a blast, skipping through dasies and drinking rainbow milkshakes. How wonderful. I'm just sitting here (sigh), all alone (sigh), on my futon (sigh), just sort of sighing. OK, I'm over it now. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
So, it's almost March. Damn, how time flies! I'm afraid that, soon, I'll be looking for a job. I'm chagrined by this prospect, but it's getting to that point. With no Caveman "until the fall", and unemployment that has run dry . . . no comercial auditions waiting in the wings, and no residual checks comming through, it might be time to get my customer service on! What a dismal proposition. I've applied to the 07 Stawhat Auditions-it's a combined audition attended by various summerstock theatre companies around the nation-but I haven't heard if I've recieved an audition or not yet. If I got a slot, I'll head out to NYC the weekend of Mar 22 and try to get a job for the summer. If I didn't get a slot, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
It's strange, but I've had the itch to move again. It's that 6-month itch that I've had recently. In looking at my future, I'm positive that I've got to finally move to one of the coasts . . . LA or NYC. I'm not sure which one yet though. I'll probably spend the next few months trying to iron that out. It's always been my hope that I would be cast in something that would help make the choice for me . . . like getting into a movie that shoots here initally, then moves to LA. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening. Ah, we'll see.
I'm sending in a demo CD for an audiobook company. They wanted 2 minutes of me reading a book. It doesn't matter if you're looking at a picture of yourself, or listening to your own voice on tape, it's a difficult thing. I recorded the demo on my computer, and for just a 2-minute spot, it took me forever to complete . . . I kept doing re-takes. Finally, I just decided that they were ultimately the ones who would be judging my voice anyway, so I just chose one of the takes, and I'm sending it off this afternoon. We'll see. More lines in the water . . .
Well, that's all for now. Hope you guys have some fun this weekend, I'll be thinking about you. If anyone hears of any great job opportunities, let a brother know. Love you guys!
So, you're all hanging out together, probably having a blast, skipping through dasies and drinking rainbow milkshakes. How wonderful. I'm just sitting here (sigh), all alone (sigh), on my futon (sigh), just sort of sighing. OK, I'm over it now. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
So, it's almost March. Damn, how time flies! I'm afraid that, soon, I'll be looking for a job. I'm chagrined by this prospect, but it's getting to that point. With no Caveman "until the fall", and unemployment that has run dry . . . no comercial auditions waiting in the wings, and no residual checks comming through, it might be time to get my customer service on! What a dismal proposition. I've applied to the 07 Stawhat Auditions-it's a combined audition attended by various summerstock theatre companies around the nation-but I haven't heard if I've recieved an audition or not yet. If I got a slot, I'll head out to NYC the weekend of Mar 22 and try to get a job for the summer. If I didn't get a slot, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
It's strange, but I've had the itch to move again. It's that 6-month itch that I've had recently. In looking at my future, I'm positive that I've got to finally move to one of the coasts . . . LA or NYC. I'm not sure which one yet though. I'll probably spend the next few months trying to iron that out. It's always been my hope that I would be cast in something that would help make the choice for me . . . like getting into a movie that shoots here initally, then moves to LA. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening. Ah, we'll see.
I'm sending in a demo CD for an audiobook company. They wanted 2 minutes of me reading a book. It doesn't matter if you're looking at a picture of yourself, or listening to your own voice on tape, it's a difficult thing. I recorded the demo on my computer, and for just a 2-minute spot, it took me forever to complete . . . I kept doing re-takes. Finally, I just decided that they were ultimately the ones who would be judging my voice anyway, so I just chose one of the takes, and I'm sending it off this afternoon. We'll see. More lines in the water . . .
Well, that's all for now. Hope you guys have some fun this weekend, I'll be thinking about you. If anyone hears of any great job opportunities, let a brother know. Love you guys!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
too long coming, too short on arrival
Hi Guys- blogging from home while each of us sleeps in separate beds. Not unusual except for mom and I. Mom sleeps tonight at Ken and Jo's, after driving from Pagosa to Boulder and then meeting up with B & E and doing numerous things, nefarious and otherwise. I'm soon to sleep, to work in the morning and race to the airport to catch the 1 pm flight to Denver and have a get together in Denver with mom, Elly and Noah. Thereafter to a weekend beginning with a meeting of the Chief Judges (the Jedi Council) and then to Boulder for the weekend, driving home Sunday. The Bad Guy got convicted on all counts!! Hooray for the jury, 12 citizens of Archuleta County, to find the obvious truth about this guy, and confer to me the special privilege of sentencing him. I seldom draw pleasure from having to exercise the punitive functions of the criminal justice system (we have the worst criminal justice system in the world, except for all the other criminal justice systems) but it will be my privilege to remove him from society forever. On that vindictive note, but really because I'm pooped and need to sleep and get going on tomorrow, to which I'm looking forward to greatly, I'm going to sign off and sleep. One more thought- I nominate Cody, closely follwed by Elly and Mom, as the best bloggers so far, and it is up to the rest of us (you know who you are) to catch up. I love you all- dad
Monday, February 19, 2007
Minny's still cold
After spending the past 10 days in the greater Northwest in 40-50 degree weather, I returned to a frozen minneapolis. Oh-it's warmer than it has been, but 15 degrees is still cold!
It was a successful tour of duty out there. The shows all went really well, but we didn't get the turnout that we ultimately wanted. I posted last time that the theatre had a weird vibe to it . . . that vibe never really left. We're planning on returning to the area in September, but I believe that they've found a different theatre. I think that's a good idea. Everette is populated by boeing employees and the Navy. Not to take anything away from the place, but we didn't get the reception there that we were hoping for. I can tell you this-everyone who came to the show had a great time!
Like I said earlier, Jim Weiner and Issac Lamb were at one of the shows. It's easy to get off into your own world with this show, and it was nice to get some feedback from a couple of guys who are as familiar with the show as I am. Not out-and-out "Notes", but rather just some feedback. It helped me shore up my performance a bit.
I didn't do too much for the remainder of my trip. Made it back down to Seattle for a day and caught a late lunch with Spider. That was pretty cool. Sometimes, I tend to forget these people, or blend these folks together. I couldn't remember if he was an old Skating guy, or from law school, or what. So, I got caught up on a bit of family history. It was a pretty cool experience, plus-he said he might be able to make it out for Elly's wedding. Something about a trip to Colorado Springs around the same time.
Elly's wedding. Wow. Each day brings us closer and closer. I'm going to have to start making plans pretty soon! Let me know what I need to do.
So, I'm back in Minny now, and I'm taking today to get back in the swing of things. Take care of some of the "business" that piled up. Then, I've got to decide what I'm going to do for the next several months. I applied to a combined audition for summer stock theatres in NYC, and I should hear weather or not I've got an audition spot within the next week. That would be great . . . I've got enough miles on a couple of airlines to get a free or cheap flight, so it could be a fairly inexpensive trip. Regardless, I might have to look into getting some sort of job soon. Or maybe there's another commercial right around the corner?
Love you guys!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Yes yes, I'm still alive. First off, I'm sorry for being AWOL for so long. It's a long story, but suffice to say I'm back! I don't have time to read all the new posts right now (have to be at work in 20 mins), but I'll give you guys an update on my affairs real quick. I had a work meeting this morning at 9am. It was cooler than I expected it to be, and I told my manager that I was interested in serving eventually. Her reaction led me to believe that she saw the potential in me, so hopefully I took my first step towards becoming a waiter! The show on thursday was awesome. We had a good turnout, rocked the house, and got paid (albeit only $15-20 apiece). I'm starting to feel like a real musician with all this action lately. My classes are very cool, I'm excited about school for the first time in a while. I've been talking to my music business professor after almost every class and absorbing his insight. I gave him the mixtape and our demo and he loves both of them and is more than willing to offer guidance to me as far as booking shows, etc. I'm going to be booking our summer shows ASAP, and I'll keep you guys posted on that.
Dad, I believe I'm doing a show in durango on your birthday!! Well, it's either going to be the 9th or the 10th, I'm still waiting to hear from the promoter. Do wack rhymes count as birthday presents? Other than that, I have A show on March 2nd AND 3rd, both well-promoted gigs at reputable venues. Hmmm......what else? Oh yeah, Skep is moving out here in mere WEEKS!! I'm very excited and very nervous. That reminds me, I need to talk to you (mom & dad) about something.....Can I borrow the Tahoe for the weekend of march 24th-25th? I am planning on driving down to vegas and helping skep move his stuff up here. He doesn't have much stuff at all, and would rather not pay exorbitant rates for a moving truck. So.........we'll discuss that. Anyways, there is much more going on, but I have to go! That's okay though, the most important thing is that the eagle has landed, the cows have come home, and teddy ruxpin has returned to blog again. Love you guys!
Dad, I believe I'm doing a show in durango on your birthday!! Well, it's either going to be the 9th or the 10th, I'm still waiting to hear from the promoter. Do wack rhymes count as birthday presents? Other than that, I have A show on March 2nd AND 3rd, both well-promoted gigs at reputable venues. Hmmm......what else? Oh yeah, Skep is moving out here in mere WEEKS!! I'm very excited and very nervous. That reminds me, I need to talk to you (mom & dad) about something.....Can I borrow the Tahoe for the weekend of march 24th-25th? I am planning on driving down to vegas and helping skep move his stuff up here. He doesn't have much stuff at all, and would rather not pay exorbitant rates for a moving truck. So.........we'll discuss that. Anyways, there is much more going on, but I have to go! That's okay though, the most important thing is that the eagle has landed, the cows have come home, and teddy ruxpin has returned to blog again. Love you guys!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Okay, so I've been absent for a while. There's a good reason for that. Only one. My Grad School Application.
I kinda thought that after I finished it and submitted it, I'd get on here and have a lot to say. Well, I don't. But I'll talk anyway.
So, for my grad school application, there were three things I had to do which were really work-intensive. 1, my portfolio. 2, my statement of purpose (essay). 3, my description of plans (essay). The portfolio was fun to put together. I took pictures/had my friend Shad take pictures of my artwork, got 8x10 prints of them at Target, and glued them to 8.5x11 black construction paper w/ a little title/medium/dimensions placard underneath, and put them into the portfolio sheaths. I also edited and printed out an old story of mine as an example of creative writing, and an essay I did last semester for an example of analytical writing. It ended up being 18 pages long, where it was supposed to be 6-12. I hope they don't look down on going over the limit 0o
Anyway, I finished it for good the day before it was due...in Denver. So, I borrowed Shad's car after I finished my workout, around 1:30, and 1. went home, printed out the final copies of the story/essay, checked over the portfolio to make sure it looked good. Wrote a $50 check for application fee. Wrote down the mailing address at CU Denver. 2. Went to the grocery store for mailers (and some groceries). In the parking lot I spent a good 5 minutes struggling to make the key turn in the ignition (the car is sometimes finicky like that). Finally got it started. 3. Went back home for all the things I forgot. 4. Went to the post office and got express postage for my package. I included my statement of purpose, check, portfolio, and a self-addressed envelope. I got the express postage just fine, but I accidentally printed out postage to Denver instead of to Boulder for my return envelope. No big deal, the lady told me to cut off the bar code and write in my own address on the postage itself. Problem solved (I hope). Then I mailed it. Yay! It got in on time. 5. Went back and picked up Shad from work. By this time it's dumping snow and the roads are ice rinks. Drive home, Shad stays for a little bit and then goes home.
So, that was my portfolio. The actual application (with accompanying essay) was due the next day (today), and I'd hardly started writing the second essay...but I was so relieved at having mailed my portfolio that I couldn't focus on it. I wrote it out this morning, typed it up, got it looked over by my former composition professor, Branden and Carlie, and then submitted it. GRAD SCHOOL APP DONE!!!! *victory music*
Then tonight I wrote a paper about The First Part of King Henry IV (1H4) by Shakespeare. Whee, fun. Well, it's out of the way.
I'm in negotiations with Ben Martinez and Stephanie Williams (two DIFFERENT photographers) about possibly getting a more acceptable price. Ben considers himself a web designer (though I tell ya, he'd never get hired at, say, Brainstorm) so he won't be taking me up on my offer to work his website for a discount, but I pitched the same proposal to Stephanie Williams, saying things like "please let me know if you're at all interested in this" and "I'd be delighted if we could work something out"...I think I was pretty low-pressure.
No bad reaction whatsoever to beginning the full dose of Rebif. Yay!
Oh yeah, and also, a couple of weeks ago Noah called and said he was gonna come up and hang out with me, do homework, get me to look at his hard drive, etc. That was a Tuesday. Then he said he'd probably do it the following Thursday. That was the last I heard of him... I bet he's alive, right?
Anyway...yeah. Not much more to say. Didn't work out today because of the essay, but back in tomorrow. Love yas! <3
I kinda thought that after I finished it and submitted it, I'd get on here and have a lot to say. Well, I don't. But I'll talk anyway.
So, for my grad school application, there were three things I had to do which were really work-intensive. 1, my portfolio. 2, my statement of purpose (essay). 3, my description of plans (essay). The portfolio was fun to put together. I took pictures/had my friend Shad take pictures of my artwork, got 8x10 prints of them at Target, and glued them to 8.5x11 black construction paper w/ a little title/medium/dimensions placard underneath, and put them into the portfolio sheaths. I also edited and printed out an old story of mine as an example of creative writing, and an essay I did last semester for an example of analytical writing. It ended up being 18 pages long, where it was supposed to be 6-12. I hope they don't look down on going over the limit 0o
Anyway, I finished it for good the day before it was due...in Denver. So, I borrowed Shad's car after I finished my workout, around 1:30, and 1. went home, printed out the final copies of the story/essay, checked over the portfolio to make sure it looked good. Wrote a $50 check for application fee. Wrote down the mailing address at CU Denver. 2. Went to the grocery store for mailers (and some groceries). In the parking lot I spent a good 5 minutes struggling to make the key turn in the ignition (the car is sometimes finicky like that). Finally got it started. 3. Went back home for all the things I forgot. 4. Went to the post office and got express postage for my package. I included my statement of purpose, check, portfolio, and a self-addressed envelope. I got the express postage just fine, but I accidentally printed out postage to Denver instead of to Boulder for my return envelope. No big deal, the lady told me to cut off the bar code and write in my own address on the postage itself. Problem solved (I hope). Then I mailed it. Yay! It got in on time. 5. Went back and picked up Shad from work. By this time it's dumping snow and the roads are ice rinks. Drive home, Shad stays for a little bit and then goes home.
So, that was my portfolio. The actual application (with accompanying essay) was due the next day (today), and I'd hardly started writing the second essay...but I was so relieved at having mailed my portfolio that I couldn't focus on it. I wrote it out this morning, typed it up, got it looked over by my former composition professor, Branden and Carlie, and then submitted it. GRAD SCHOOL APP DONE!!!! *victory music*
Then tonight I wrote a paper about The First Part of King Henry IV (1H4) by Shakespeare. Whee, fun. Well, it's out of the way.
I'm in negotiations with Ben Martinez and Stephanie Williams (two DIFFERENT photographers) about possibly getting a more acceptable price. Ben considers himself a web designer (though I tell ya, he'd never get hired at, say, Brainstorm) so he won't be taking me up on my offer to work his website for a discount, but I pitched the same proposal to Stephanie Williams, saying things like "please let me know if you're at all interested in this" and "I'd be delighted if we could work something out"...I think I was pretty low-pressure.
No bad reaction whatsoever to beginning the full dose of Rebif. Yay!
Oh yeah, and also, a couple of weeks ago Noah called and said he was gonna come up and hang out with me, do homework, get me to look at his hard drive, etc. That was a Tuesday. Then he said he'd probably do it the following Thursday. That was the last I heard of him... I bet he's alive, right?
Anyway...yeah. Not much more to say. Didn't work out today because of the essay, but back in tomorrow. Love yas! <3
Grad School,
Working out
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
It's gorgeous here. I've been out in this area a couple of times before, but I think I have a new perspective on it after touring Europe a bit. I had forgotten how cosmopolitan Seattle it. . . but I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. Let me start over.
Hello Family-
I've been thinking about you guys a lot recently, and hope everyone is doing great. I got into Seattle and subsequently drove the 40 minutes up to Everett on Friday. Helped with the load-in Friday afternoon, and then delivered Hay-makers Friday Night. The theatre here is another old, old place (circa 1902), and it feels like a cave. It's got a strange vibe though . . . tough to explain. As we were doing the light hang, I was surprised by Jim Wiener (basically our new boss). He came in for the show, and I was excited to have someone from the company to be there. I had the opportunity to get into his ear a bit that night, and while it was great, it's also a tiny bit discouraging . . . more of the same. The show is selling really well, but the thick part of the schedule doesn't begin until the fall. Until we're working full-time, health coverage is not an option. Patience. Patience.
On Saturday, Issac Lamb-one of my mentor cavemen who's based in Portland-drove up to shoot some b-roll footage for commercials. Pretty impressive. Issac is 26, and he just lost over 100lbs in just under a year. It was like seeing a different person. I love the opportunity to have other cavemen see my show, and I was lucky enough to have both Issac and Jim there on Saturday night. Felt a bit like a company. The show went great, and by the way, we taped it to have future b-roll material for me as well.
I've been a bit sniffly for the past couple of days. I don't have a full-blown cold, but a little sick, I think. That has hindered some of my grandiose plans, but not all of them. I've managed to get to the local YMCA every day, which is about the hottest spot here in everett. Yesterday was a big day. I took a tour of the Boeing plant (the only place in North America where you can see jets being built) and the "Future of Flight" Museum. It was cooler than I expected. Turns out the Boeing plant here in Everett is the largest Building in the world (by volume), and it sure felt that way. It's impressive to see these jets go together, but a bit nerve-wracking at the same time. . . it takes about 5 months (currently) to assemble a 777 jet aircraft, but I'd almost rather it took a full year . . . you know, to wrap it in Kevlar and whatnot. Most of the museum and the tour was dedicated to talking about the upcoming 787 model jet which will apparently be revolutionizing flight. It's pretty cool . . . more passenger room, lightweight composite materials for lower-cost flights, more efficient fuel consumption. Keep your eyes peeled for the "Dreamliner". Wow. What a nerd.
After the tour, I bopped back down into the city for a few hours. Hit pikes place market and the Wharf a bit. It was great. Beautiful weather (t-shirt?), and tons of people out for some good people-watchery. I mostly just hoofed around gawking. I of course made my 2nd or 3rd pilgrimage to the first ever Starbucks, and watched the dudes throwing fish around, and had a delicious bowl of clam chowder. Then it was back up here to Everett for an evening workout. Word.
So, today I had planned on taking a long drive and exploring Olympic National Park, but to tell you the truth, I didn't feel up to it. I woke up a bit late and my nose is still running. . . so I think I'm going to go spend some time at the gym and then do some laundry and maybe catch a movie. I'm having a difficult time with this decision . . . feel like I should take in as much of this area as I can while I can, but whatever. I guess I'll get over it.
Hope you guys are great, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello Family-
I've been thinking about you guys a lot recently, and hope everyone is doing great. I got into Seattle and subsequently drove the 40 minutes up to Everett on Friday. Helped with the load-in Friday afternoon, and then delivered Hay-makers Friday Night. The theatre here is another old, old place (circa 1902), and it feels like a cave. It's got a strange vibe though . . . tough to explain. As we were doing the light hang, I was surprised by Jim Wiener (basically our new boss). He came in for the show, and I was excited to have someone from the company to be there. I had the opportunity to get into his ear a bit that night, and while it was great, it's also a tiny bit discouraging . . . more of the same. The show is selling really well, but the thick part of the schedule doesn't begin until the fall. Until we're working full-time, health coverage is not an option. Patience. Patience.
On Saturday, Issac Lamb-one of my mentor cavemen who's based in Portland-drove up to shoot some b-roll footage for commercials. Pretty impressive. Issac is 26, and he just lost over 100lbs in just under a year. It was like seeing a different person. I love the opportunity to have other cavemen see my show, and I was lucky enough to have both Issac and Jim there on Saturday night. Felt a bit like a company. The show went great, and by the way, we taped it to have future b-roll material for me as well.
I've been a bit sniffly for the past couple of days. I don't have a full-blown cold, but a little sick, I think. That has hindered some of my grandiose plans, but not all of them. I've managed to get to the local YMCA every day, which is about the hottest spot here in everett. Yesterday was a big day. I took a tour of the Boeing plant (the only place in North America where you can see jets being built) and the "Future of Flight" Museum. It was cooler than I expected. Turns out the Boeing plant here in Everett is the largest Building in the world (by volume), and it sure felt that way. It's impressive to see these jets go together, but a bit nerve-wracking at the same time. . . it takes about 5 months (currently) to assemble a 777 jet aircraft, but I'd almost rather it took a full year . . . you know, to wrap it in Kevlar and whatnot. Most of the museum and the tour was dedicated to talking about the upcoming 787 model jet which will apparently be revolutionizing flight. It's pretty cool . . . more passenger room, lightweight composite materials for lower-cost flights, more efficient fuel consumption. Keep your eyes peeled for the "Dreamliner". Wow. What a nerd.
After the tour, I bopped back down into the city for a few hours. Hit pikes place market and the Wharf a bit. It was great. Beautiful weather (t-shirt?), and tons of people out for some good people-watchery. I mostly just hoofed around gawking. I of course made my 2nd or 3rd pilgrimage to the first ever Starbucks, and watched the dudes throwing fish around, and had a delicious bowl of clam chowder. Then it was back up here to Everett for an evening workout. Word.
So, today I had planned on taking a long drive and exploring Olympic National Park, but to tell you the truth, I didn't feel up to it. I woke up a bit late and my nose is still running. . . so I think I'm going to go spend some time at the gym and then do some laundry and maybe catch a movie. I'm having a difficult time with this decision . . . feel like I should take in as much of this area as I can while I can, but whatever. I guess I'll get over it.
Hope you guys are great, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Presenting the Bad News Brooms!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Presenting the Grim Sweepers!
Here we are, in all our glory . . . the Grim Sweepers. We had our final game of the regular season on Tuesday night, where we recorded our first actual loss. Sad. Book ends-We started the season with a forfeit loss (you need 8 to play, and at gametime we only had 6), but we went on in that game to score 7 goals while allowing none. Incidently, I scored our first goal of the season in that game, and our last goal of the season in our final game. My only 2 goals this winter.
It was a hard-fought battle last night, and the bad guys scored the go-ahead goal in the final 5 minutes to seal the deal with a 3-2 score. It was pretty weird . . . the sweepers were pretty used to dominating, so to lose was strange. I think that in 10 games, we'd probably end up 5-5 with that team.
From here, the Grim Sweepers look for tournament victories in a 20-team brackett starting next week, and I wish them luck as I head in the direction of Puget Sound. It's great to work and all, but I'd love to play in this tournament. Oh well.
I've got one final game tomorrow night with the Bad News Brooms . . . picture to come shortly. It's been a fun season full of mostly high points, and (so far) no serious ice-related injuries. Hope you all are well. Love.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I'm in the last 3 stages of my grad school app:
1. Describe briefly your past work in your proposed or allied fields of study, including non-course educational experiences, teaching or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career.
2. Statement of purpose. Applicants to all programs must submit a statement summarizing career objectives and reasons for pursuing the intended program of study.
3. Portfolio.
I'm nervous cause the first two sound essentially the same for me, since I haven't had any work/research/publication experience in the field of architecture. Wish me luck, K?
1. Describe briefly your past work in your proposed or allied fields of study, including non-course educational experiences, teaching or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career.
2. Statement of purpose. Applicants to all programs must submit a statement summarizing career objectives and reasons for pursuing the intended program of study.
3. Portfolio.
I'm nervous cause the first two sound essentially the same for me, since I haven't had any work/research/publication experience in the field of architecture. Wish me luck, K?
Just stuff...
Hi fam, I'm not feeling too creative just at the moment, but wanted to say hi. I check the blog all the time and it's such fun when there's a post! Going into work in a little bit, tho. Still have weights to lift and bike to ride. I was going to skate today, but the blades need a honing. I always check 'em after a session & thought they were good for another go, but I guess I tested w/frozen fingies. Thursday, then.
Recently began "Time Traveller's Wife" (Xmas gift from Branden). Really good, but I do need to pay attention or it loses me. Big gaps of slow time at work, so I read there also. I have to be sneaky about it tho.....geez, my boss actually wants me to work for my wages, it seems. What a bother.
Thanks, everybody, for keeping in touch (foning,etc).Makes my day. All of you have big stuff going on, in lots of different areas of life. You are always in my thoughts w/a shout out to "go for it!" and good-goddamn-luck!! I am all of yous biggest fan.
LOVE,HUGS,KISSES,MISSES xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo mom
Recently began "Time Traveller's Wife" (Xmas gift from Branden). Really good, but I do need to pay attention or it loses me. Big gaps of slow time at work, so I read there also. I have to be sneaky about it tho.....geez, my boss actually wants me to work for my wages, it seems. What a bother.
Thanks, everybody, for keeping in touch (foning,etc).Makes my day. All of you have big stuff going on, in lots of different areas of life. You are always in my thoughts w/a shout out to "go for it!" and good-goddamn-luck!! I am all of yous biggest fan.
LOVE,HUGS,KISSES,MISSES xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo mom
I thought that Rex meant "King".
King of Interceptions, perhaps.

Well, it was mostly a good game at least. After that opening kick and subsequent return, I made the mistake of letting my hopes get up a bit. Ah well, we had a fun party none-the-less. Our house has basically no heat. It's an old house with plenty of tiny breaches in the hull, combined with a less-than-comfortable heating system, so it's not what you would call "comfortable". As I blog this, I'm wearing layers fit for a jaunt around the block in Colorado. So, combine the old house with -20 degree weather, and you come up with an area that most people (given the choice) would avoid. Yet Several brave souls came out to help cheer the Bears on to their loss.
The food was tremendous-both in quantity and quality. We had Chicago-style hotdogs (boiled in beer, of course), sausage wraps (provided by cullinary-student Skylar), fried pickles (fried on-site for freshness by Nate and Karen), a variety of cheese dips, and plenty of other heart-stopping deliciousness. And we re-arranged the living room into a movie-theatre-style viewing area. So plenty of fun was had.

Then, the rat-finks had their way.
Ah, I'm over it. I worked out my frustration with an intense gym visit on Monday. I'm planning a slightly less intense visit to the Y today, because tonight is the final game of the Grim Sweepers. At this point in the season, we're 3-1, with our only loss coming as a forfit on opening day (we were 2 people short at gametime!). I predict another smooth victory for the sweeps. There is a playoff next week, but sadly, I'll be making folks laugh in Washington, and won't be able to share in what will surely be a sweet Icebowl victory. The final game for the Bad News Brooms is this Thursday, and we've had a suprising season with that innagural team as well, also going 3-1 thus far.
So, it's a matter of surviving the Cold out here right now. I do that by going outside and running around on the ice. Hopefully, I'll get some broomball pics to post on here at some point, but the cold weather depletes my camera's battery so fast that it's been difficult to get any good ones.
Good luck on the High Seas everyone! Keep your Rudders true to the Dog Star, and Steer clear of Pirates!
King of Interceptions, perhaps.
Well, it was mostly a good game at least. After that opening kick and subsequent return, I made the mistake of letting my hopes get up a bit. Ah well, we had a fun party none-the-less. Our house has basically no heat. It's an old house with plenty of tiny breaches in the hull, combined with a less-than-comfortable heating system, so it's not what you would call "comfortable". As I blog this, I'm wearing layers fit for a jaunt around the block in Colorado. So, combine the old house with -20 degree weather, and you come up with an area that most people (given the choice) would avoid. Yet Several brave souls came out to help cheer the Bears on to their loss.
The food was tremendous-both in quantity and quality. We had Chicago-style hotdogs (boiled in beer, of course), sausage wraps (provided by cullinary-student Skylar), fried pickles (fried on-site for freshness by Nate and Karen), a variety of cheese dips, and plenty of other heart-stopping deliciousness. And we re-arranged the living room into a movie-theatre-style viewing area. So plenty of fun was had.
Then, the rat-finks had their way.
Ah, I'm over it. I worked out my frustration with an intense gym visit on Monday. I'm planning a slightly less intense visit to the Y today, because tonight is the final game of the Grim Sweepers. At this point in the season, we're 3-1, with our only loss coming as a forfit on opening day (we were 2 people short at gametime!). I predict another smooth victory for the sweeps. There is a playoff next week, but sadly, I'll be making folks laugh in Washington, and won't be able to share in what will surely be a sweet Icebowl victory. The final game for the Bad News Brooms is this Thursday, and we've had a suprising season with that innagural team as well, also going 3-1 thus far.
So, it's a matter of surviving the Cold out here right now. I do that by going outside and running around on the ice. Hopefully, I'll get some broomball pics to post on here at some point, but the cold weather depletes my camera's battery so fast that it's been difficult to get any good ones.
Good luck on the High Seas everyone! Keep your Rudders true to the Dog Star, and Steer clear of Pirates!

Sunday, February 4, 2007
Weekly Report
Hey dudes (and dudette), checking in for my weekly report.
As of Tuesday, I went up to the next dosage stage (½ the full dose). No noticeable change, in side effects or actual effect.
Completed the GRE on Saturday (yay!), got a 650 [out of 800] on verbal and either a 640 or 680 [out of 800] on Quantitative Reasoning (math). I've heard that's really good, from Chic. I'm still waiting on a score for my written section, but I think I rocked its socks.
Still need to finish up my actual application and get my portfolio constructed.
Classes are going well, doing a pretty consistent schedule of working out twice a week which I'd really like to get up to 5 days a week, but doctor's appointments and Physical Therapy appointments keep getting in the way. Next PT is tomorrow, the 5th. Been mostly keeping up with the PT exercises but I forgot yesterday, whoops.
Found a promising option for photographer for the wedding. Waiting on word from the 'rents to order invitations. Talked to Jay the cake man, he's still on task and on board. Brothas, I need to talk to you about your wedding-day chores >:]
Aunt Jo invited B and I to dinner tonight, and she's going with me for my PT appointment and neurologist appointment this week. She's such a babe. B went and helped Chic and Paula move some stuff around their house, made $70. Chic's so nice & cool, he's helping B figure out a strategy for his physics minor.
Got a letter from Grandma T yesterday. Wrote back today. Both letters I've gotten from her have said how much she regrets not being closer to us kids throughout our lives, so we're working to rectify that. I know I hate talking on the phone, so I'm gonna plug for you brother-types to write her letters, even a short note would make her day: 14 Greenwood Ct. Utica, NY 13501. It's so easy! and it only costs $.39 to send a letter. Too bad she doesn't have e-mail, that'd be a lot easier, but she still loves to hear from us.
Hmmm. I think that's all for this week. Ma, keep up the skating! Code, remember our goal: 1lb a week! Noah--write me e-mails or something! Dad! You can call me too!
Love to everyone! XOXOXO
As of Tuesday, I went up to the next dosage stage (½ the full dose). No noticeable change, in side effects or actual effect.
Completed the GRE on Saturday (yay!), got a 650 [out of 800] on verbal and either a 640 or 680 [out of 800] on Quantitative Reasoning (math). I've heard that's really good, from Chic. I'm still waiting on a score for my written section, but I think I rocked its socks.
Still need to finish up my actual application and get my portfolio constructed.
Classes are going well, doing a pretty consistent schedule of working out twice a week which I'd really like to get up to 5 days a week, but doctor's appointments and Physical Therapy appointments keep getting in the way. Next PT is tomorrow, the 5th. Been mostly keeping up with the PT exercises but I forgot yesterday, whoops.
Found a promising option for photographer for the wedding. Waiting on word from the 'rents to order invitations. Talked to Jay the cake man, he's still on task and on board. Brothas, I need to talk to you about your wedding-day chores >:]
Aunt Jo invited B and I to dinner tonight, and she's going with me for my PT appointment and neurologist appointment this week. She's such a babe. B went and helped Chic and Paula move some stuff around their house, made $70. Chic's so nice & cool, he's helping B figure out a strategy for his physics minor.
Got a letter from Grandma T yesterday. Wrote back today. Both letters I've gotten from her have said how much she regrets not being closer to us kids throughout our lives, so we're working to rectify that. I know I hate talking on the phone, so I'm gonna plug for you brother-types to write her letters, even a short note would make her day: 14 Greenwood Ct. Utica, NY 13501. It's so easy! and it only costs $.39 to send a letter. Too bad she doesn't have e-mail, that'd be a lot easier, but she still loves to hear from us.
Hmmm. I think that's all for this week. Ma, keep up the skating! Code, remember our goal: 1lb a week! Noah--write me e-mails or something! Dad! You can call me too!
Love to everyone! XOXOXO
Aunt Jo,
Grad School,
Grandma T,
Physical Therapy,
Working out
Friday, February 2, 2007
The Freezing Midwest
Where to Begin . . .
So, one week ago I was in Milwaukee. It was 10am and I was just getting back to my hotel room from an early morning of TV interviews. In the world of self-promotion and low-budget advertising, I found myself on the same morning-television circut as a frumpy yoga instructor and a group of oversized stuffed animals that were part of some local author's latest children's book campaign. Such odd relationships are formed in those early morning hours inside television studio greenrooms. . .
My hotel in Milwaukee was right downtown, and just a few blocks from the local YMCA . . . which meant that I was able to get plenty of working out in on this trip. It's tough sometimes when I'm on the road to get out of a vacation mindset, and having a gym nearby made it easy to stay on task. I was also only a few blocks from the Historic Pabst theatre, the site of rapidly forthcoming caveman defending!

This Theatre was beautiful . . . and a historic national landmark, which means it had been in continual use for which it was intended since it's inception over a hundred years ago. Not to get all hippy-dippy, but sometimes in these old spaces, you can literally feel the history; the potential energy literally vibrates in the space. It's about 750 seats, and acoustically amazing. Captain Pabst . . . Ship's captain-cum-Brewmaster . . . is responsible for funding one of the coolest spaces I've been lucky enough to perform in. Thank god for Brewmasters huh?

The pictures didn't turn out as grand as I had hoped, but you might get the sense. The shows-Friday and Saturday Night-were great. I personally turned in about a B or C grade show, but the audience loved it. Standing O on Sold-out friday night, and about half of an O on 90% Satuday night. They loved me in Milwaukee. I had such a nerdy feeling toward the theatre that I bounced up on Saturday Morning and took a tour of the place. The tour was led by one of our Daughters of the Revolution, and was only moderately cool. I think that I always want to hear the gritty historical stories . . . the "you know, there was only one lone survivor here when . . ." stories, rather than the,"it was on this stage that Liberace began his ascent to stardom" stories. Ah well, it was entertaining none the less.
On Sunday last, I hopped a train for the quick jaunt (60 min) down to Chicago where I met baby Olivia. Man, was she tiny!

Dustin and Kelly are doing great (I was expecting them to be a bit more bamboozled by the whole thing, but they seem to be adjusting to famlihood in a very smooth way), and it was only Zeke who looked slightly more tired. On Monday, D went to work, and Kelly took a much-needed trip to the Gym which left me alone as the Babysitter for a while. Now, there's not much to do when watching a 3-week old . . . just hope that they don't wake up. I did my best to start corrupting Little Olivia during that 90 minute session, and I'm pretty sure I planted some good seeds . . . I repeated my name to her about a million times, so it's in that little brain somewhere, and with any luck, her first word will be "Cody". Take that Cousins!
Monday Night, I hung out with some friends, and I made it back to Minny on Tuesday in time to help the Grim Sweepers notch another victory on the Broomball ice. Also, added another in the Win column for the Bad News Brooms last night, so broomball is going great! Aside from that, there's a good chance I'll find myself Contra dancing with Godmother Boo tomorrow night. Sweet Jeasus. And sometime over the next couple of days, I'll have to get this house cleaned before the big Superbowl party here on Sunday. Awesome.
So there it is in a nutshell. I'm glad to hear about the physical therapy, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it . . . what it involves, etc. Also, we've been waiting to hear the outcome of the Trial! I can only assume that justice has been served!
Love you guys, and talk to you soon!
So, one week ago I was in Milwaukee. It was 10am and I was just getting back to my hotel room from an early morning of TV interviews. In the world of self-promotion and low-budget advertising, I found myself on the same morning-television circut as a frumpy yoga instructor and a group of oversized stuffed animals that were part of some local author's latest children's book campaign. Such odd relationships are formed in those early morning hours inside television studio greenrooms. . .
My hotel in Milwaukee was right downtown, and just a few blocks from the local YMCA . . . which meant that I was able to get plenty of working out in on this trip. It's tough sometimes when I'm on the road to get out of a vacation mindset, and having a gym nearby made it easy to stay on task. I was also only a few blocks from the Historic Pabst theatre, the site of rapidly forthcoming caveman defending!
This Theatre was beautiful . . . and a historic national landmark, which means it had been in continual use for which it was intended since it's inception over a hundred years ago. Not to get all hippy-dippy, but sometimes in these old spaces, you can literally feel the history; the potential energy literally vibrates in the space. It's about 750 seats, and acoustically amazing. Captain Pabst . . . Ship's captain-cum-Brewmaster . . . is responsible for funding one of the coolest spaces I've been lucky enough to perform in. Thank god for Brewmasters huh?
The pictures didn't turn out as grand as I had hoped, but you might get the sense. The shows-Friday and Saturday Night-were great. I personally turned in about a B or C grade show, but the audience loved it. Standing O on Sold-out friday night, and about half of an O on 90% Satuday night. They loved me in Milwaukee. I had such a nerdy feeling toward the theatre that I bounced up on Saturday Morning and took a tour of the place. The tour was led by one of our Daughters of the Revolution, and was only moderately cool. I think that I always want to hear the gritty historical stories . . . the "you know, there was only one lone survivor here when . . ." stories, rather than the,"it was on this stage that Liberace began his ascent to stardom" stories. Ah well, it was entertaining none the less.
On Sunday last, I hopped a train for the quick jaunt (60 min) down to Chicago where I met baby Olivia. Man, was she tiny!
Dustin and Kelly are doing great (I was expecting them to be a bit more bamboozled by the whole thing, but they seem to be adjusting to famlihood in a very smooth way), and it was only Zeke who looked slightly more tired. On Monday, D went to work, and Kelly took a much-needed trip to the Gym which left me alone as the Babysitter for a while. Now, there's not much to do when watching a 3-week old . . . just hope that they don't wake up. I did my best to start corrupting Little Olivia during that 90 minute session, and I'm pretty sure I planted some good seeds . . . I repeated my name to her about a million times, so it's in that little brain somewhere, and with any luck, her first word will be "Cody". Take that Cousins!
Monday Night, I hung out with some friends, and I made it back to Minny on Tuesday in time to help the Grim Sweepers notch another victory on the Broomball ice. Also, added another in the Win column for the Bad News Brooms last night, so broomball is going great! Aside from that, there's a good chance I'll find myself Contra dancing with Godmother Boo tomorrow night. Sweet Jeasus. And sometime over the next couple of days, I'll have to get this house cleaned before the big Superbowl party here on Sunday. Awesome.
So there it is in a nutshell. I'm glad to hear about the physical therapy, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it . . . what it involves, etc. Also, we've been waiting to hear the outcome of the Trial! I can only assume that justice has been served!
Love you guys, and talk to you soon!
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