Wednesday, February 21, 2007

too long coming, too short on arrival

Hi Guys- blogging from home while each of us sleeps in separate beds. Not unusual except for mom and I. Mom sleeps tonight at Ken and Jo's, after driving from Pagosa to Boulder and then meeting up with B & E and doing numerous things, nefarious and otherwise. I'm soon to sleep, to work in the morning and race to the airport to catch the 1 pm flight to Denver and have a get together in Denver with mom, Elly and Noah. Thereafter to a weekend beginning with a meeting of the Chief Judges (the Jedi Council) and then to Boulder for the weekend, driving home Sunday. The Bad Guy got convicted on all counts!! Hooray for the jury, 12 citizens of Archuleta County, to find the obvious truth about this guy, and confer to me the special privilege of sentencing him. I seldom draw pleasure from having to exercise the punitive functions of the criminal justice system (we have the worst criminal justice system in the world, except for all the other criminal justice systems) but it will be my privilege to remove him from society forever. On that vindictive note, but really because I'm pooped and need to sleep and get going on tomorrow, to which I'm looking forward to greatly, I'm going to sign off and sleep. One more thought- I nominate Cody, closely follwed by Elly and Mom, as the best bloggers so far, and it is up to the rest of us (you know who you are) to catch up. I love you all- dad

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