Saturday, February 24, 2007

While We're All Met . . .

Hello Fam.

So, you're all hanging out together, probably having a blast, skipping through dasies and drinking rainbow milkshakes. How wonderful. I'm just sitting here (sigh), all alone (sigh), on my futon (sigh), just sort of sighing. OK, I'm over it now. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

So, it's almost March. Damn, how time flies! I'm afraid that, soon, I'll be looking for a job. I'm chagrined by this prospect, but it's getting to that point. With no Caveman "until the fall", and unemployment that has run dry . . . no comercial auditions waiting in the wings, and no residual checks comming through, it might be time to get my customer service on! What a dismal proposition. I've applied to the 07 Stawhat Auditions-it's a combined audition attended by various summerstock theatre companies around the nation-but I haven't heard if I've recieved an audition or not yet. If I got a slot, I'll head out to NYC the weekend of Mar 22 and try to get a job for the summer. If I didn't get a slot, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

It's strange, but I've had the itch to move again. It's that 6-month itch that I've had recently. In looking at my future, I'm positive that I've got to finally move to one of the coasts . . . LA or NYC. I'm not sure which one yet though. I'll probably spend the next few months trying to iron that out. It's always been my hope that I would be cast in something that would help make the choice for me . . . like getting into a movie that shoots here initally, then moves to LA. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening. Ah, we'll see.

I'm sending in a demo CD for an audiobook company. They wanted 2 minutes of me reading a book. It doesn't matter if you're looking at a picture of yourself, or listening to your own voice on tape, it's a difficult thing. I recorded the demo on my computer, and for just a 2-minute spot, it took me forever to complete . . . I kept doing re-takes. Finally, I just decided that they were ultimately the ones who would be judging my voice anyway, so I just chose one of the takes, and I'm sending it off this afternoon. We'll see. More lines in the water . . .

Well, that's all for now. Hope you guys have some fun this weekend, I'll be thinking about you. If anyone hears of any great job opportunities, let a brother know. Love you guys!

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