Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Back in the Icy Midwest

The flights were smooth. DIA had a bit of a feeling of recovery . . . the halls were still echoing whispers of despair from the recent setbacks, and there were areas that smelled like people had been camped out for a few days. I had no problems though-I had exit-row seats for the both planes, and I managed to sleep quite a bit.

The sandwich was delicious . . . the apple a bit soft.

Sky picked me up at the airport, and we navigated the icy streets of Minneapolis with little adventure. Last night there was much rejoicing as we all reconnected and celebrated "micro-christmas". I'm too exicted about the gift I got from Sky and Scotty . . . again, I'll be the biggest 10-year-old on the block:


No more mere walking for me . . . now I roll.

So, I've got an audition today-a nonunion jobbie for a financial investment firm (ironic). The shoot dates conflict with Caveman in Baton Ruge, but I'm heading down anyway. In anticipation of the audition, the beard is gone . . . I've benuded my face. After the audition, it's off to the Y for a workout, then to the bank to begin project "car recovery".

Love you guys

1 comment:

E-bone said...

Remember...CARS ARE EVIL!!! Good luck Code!