Monday, January 29, 2007

News Report

Okay, I had my first physical therapy appointment today. It went very well, considering. Not a whole lot happened, but I think the first appointment is mostly dedicated to figuring out a strategy anyway. Aunt Jo picked me up from school, took me to the appointment, and then without being asked, she waited for me and then brought me home!!! What a babe!

I've made a lot of progress on my application for Grad School. I've got my letters of recommendation secured, I've got transcripts coming from Ft. Lewis, I've got my portfolio at least theoretically constructed (now I have to get the pictures taken/writing pieces printed), the app itself mostly done, and I'm registered to take the GRE this Saturday...Things remaining on the agenda: Finish the app itself, send them the fee, get the portfolio FULLY done (and mailed), get transcripts requested from Metro and CU, TAKE the GRE. Whee! this is so fun! (NOT) Oh well, I feel accomplished. If I can multitask like this as an undergrad, look out world!

Thursday I got two handouts that, when I tried to read them today, I saw that they were both even-sides-only. Whoops! Well, lightens my load for tonight (but probably makes it heavier tomorrow).

I move up to my higher (but not full) dose tomorrow. I anticipate more severe stinging, more severe side-effects and possible site reaction. Wish me luck! I go back to working out tomorrow, and that's a good thing.

Also, I'm thinking wedding! Just to let you parents know, I really want to be involved in selecting the photographer. WHEE!

Also, I got my FAFSA for next year filled out and my state taxes filed. Now I just gotta do federal. Look how on the ball I am!

Hmm. I don't know. Brothas, yous guys gots to post more. I miss you! You're both bad at calling and e-mailing (like I'm much better), but we can meet cyberspace!!! Anyway, this concludes this broadcast of The Elly Show. <3


dad said...
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Mom said...

WOW! You are producing--big time. Good job. More later. Im going skating. Im 53 yrs old today...acting like a kid whenever possible as usual! LOVE LOVE & good luck