Monday, January 29, 2007
News Report
I've made a lot of progress on my application for Grad School. I've got my letters of recommendation secured, I've got transcripts coming from Ft. Lewis, I've got my portfolio at least theoretically constructed (now I have to get the pictures taken/writing pieces printed), the app itself mostly done, and I'm registered to take the GRE this Saturday...Things remaining on the agenda: Finish the app itself, send them the fee, get the portfolio FULLY done (and mailed), get transcripts requested from Metro and CU, TAKE the GRE. Whee! this is so fun! (NOT) Oh well, I feel accomplished. If I can multitask like this as an undergrad, look out world!
Thursday I got two handouts that, when I tried to read them today, I saw that they were both even-sides-only. Whoops! Well, lightens my load for tonight (but probably makes it heavier tomorrow).
I move up to my higher (but not full) dose tomorrow. I anticipate more severe stinging, more severe side-effects and possible site reaction. Wish me luck! I go back to working out tomorrow, and that's a good thing.
Also, I'm thinking wedding! Just to let you parents know, I really want to be involved in selecting the photographer. WHEE!
Also, I got my FAFSA for next year filled out and my state taxes filed. Now I just gotta do federal. Look how on the ball I am!
Hmm. I don't know. Brothas, yous guys gots to post more. I miss you! You're both bad at calling and e-mailing (like I'm much better), but we can meet cyberspace!!! Anyway, this concludes this broadcast of The Elly Show. <3
Sunday, January 28, 2007
a very bad guy
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I feel like I'm talking to myself!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
School Schedule
Back again
I returned that horrible Shakespeare book today--$91.52 back in the bank! Whee!
Hmm, what else...well, I got a new computer in the last week or so, and it's super awesome. It's a 64-bit system, duel core, with 2Gb RAM, a bitchin' video card, and a 250Gb hard drive...if you don't know what it means, trust me, it's good. With my nifty new computer, I've been developing the Crabtree Brewing Website. This is just a rough draft, but it's pretty much what the site will look like. I spent about 5 hours on it yesterday, which translates directly into $$...go me! Boo's website is next on my agenda, but since it seems she'd rather give Mom messages to give to me than to talk to me directly, this may be a complicated transaction. :\ Anyway...Love to everyone!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
What it izzzzz....
I got a late start out to Vallicito Rez yesterday. Wasn't sure what the conditions would be with the sun on the snow, etc. But it was my day excuses. Might as well check it out. Dad's in Pagosa this whole week w/a sex offender trial (yuk) and, turns out, he took the wax pack w/him. Quick stop to pick up some blue wax, then off to the woods. It was sublime!! Absolutely perfect downhills and just enough grip on the ups.I got back to the car (Saab did great and skis fit inside!) after an hour....and turned around and went back out again. Felt the Pod was a bit blasphemous in the great outdoors, but nooooooo...turned it off for awhile;but mostly jammed. I accidently bit off the end of my camelback. Opps!! Water everywhere...couldn't dance and get the end back in...soaked my gloves and froze my fingers off. Regained body temp after shower this am.
Okay, let's talk skating.
Did that this am. for a coupla hours before work (See: todays' am. shower) I usually scare the one to three people on the rink w/me into the middle fairly quickly,then it's the rink to myself. I had a very nice and demure wipe-out this morning trying to do some backward, one skate up trick (I just hope I wasn't singing too loudly (out loud) at the time w/my kno what...POD!!!
Noah tell us that the Jeep blew a power steering pump and he should be back on the road soon. Thank god for those magic plastic just present them instead of money. Elly is entering week 2 of shots and continues to "show us how it's done"...You are AMAZING darling girl. Cody's travelling to Milwaukee for work. Good Luck buddy. Noah, do you have a recording of "Misunderstood"? I want that on my pod. I have" 2wings2flap" multiple times (I can't help it...I love that song!!!) and "Nothin' to do" a coupla times. U rock.
Tomorrrow Im going to Pogasa after work to be w/dad. love to yous all
Nimrod's Travels
So, for the past couple of days, I've found myself shamefully avoiding the blog because of that nagging "I have nothing to report" excuse. And, while that may be true, I've decided to push through anyhoo. So here goes.
Broomball season is in full swing (literally). As far as league sports go-it's a pretty short season. Four or five weeks. I'm on two and a half teams, and last week was an endurance test. Game on Tuesday (we lost due to a forfit-but scored 8 goals to their 0 in the subsiquent "practice"), game on Thursday (Debut game of the "Bad News Brooms", featuring Skylar and Scotty-ended in a 3-1 loss), Game on Saturday (The Grim Sweepers were victorious in an epic 1-0 battle royale!), game on Sunday (Not sure of the team name . . . I was brought in as a ringer, and helped them to a 2-2 tie), and I'm prepping for the next Grim Sweepers game tonight! So far, we haven't had any substitutes for any of these games, so it's been a great workout. The teams are a lot of fun-they're all co-ed with a wide range of talent, so the games are usually pretty laid-back and fun. What with the travels I have coming up, I'm going to have to miss several games, so I'm trying to get as much ice time in as possible. And Speaking of Travel:
I'm off on Thursday for Milwaukee. Two shows (Friday and Saturday) at the Pabst Theatre. I love it when I get to perform in a venue once graced by the Rolling Stones. It should be a blast. I'm flying from Minnesota to Milwaukee, then on Sunday, I'm either taking a bus or the train to Chicago for a couple of days to meet Olivia . . . check out first-hand to see if she passes the test. Then, I'm flying back out of O'hare on Tuesday. The company is covering the flights, so it should work out just fine.
After the Milwaukee/Chicago trip, I'm back in Minny for just over a week (and 5 more broomball games), and then it's off to Everette Washington for ten days. It looks like a lovely little town-about a half-hour north of Seattle. Over the 10 days, I'm doing 6 shows, so I'll have some free time to check out the Pacific Northwest. Maybe they'll let me harpoon a whale?
So, then I'm back in Minny on the 19th or so . . . home for about a week again, and then it's off to Vegas for a couple of days for Scott's 40th(!) Birthday. It's nice to be working again . . . getting paychecks and whatnot . . . and it's nice to know exactally where that moola is going to be blown! $500 on Double Black on the Roulette Table!
So, there's an overview on my upcomming month of travel. I'll get some broomball pics up here soon, and I'll be giving updates about the places I visit.
Elly-great to hear you've been hitting the gym! I've been getting in with suprising frequency myself. If you really want to freak people out, give yourself your shot while your at the gym. Then hit the weights like some sort of Barbarian. If anybody looks at you sideways, take a bite out of a puppy! Yeah . . . that'll show them! Hope all is well, and I look forward to hearing updates!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Second Shot
<3 to everyone!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Officially, it's Thursday...
School started yesterday, before my shots. It's shaping up to be a paper-filled semester: one 15-pager, one 10-12 pager, one 6-8 pager. *whew* TGIGIM. (Thank God it's graduation in May.) Other than that, this semester should be cake.
My "Shakespeare for non-majors" teacher today told our class that despite the fact that many of us already have the Complete Works of Shakespeare, we really have to have the $86 monstrosity from the bookstore for its invaluable cultural context. Haha, I'm more clever than a speeding bullet, more slick than a locomotive. I bought the book, and over the weekend I'm going to look through it and make copies of whatever "cultural context" is different from my own personal copy...then return it for full price. Muahahaha.
Anyway, I love everyone, hope everyone's doing well. And remember, no noose is good noose!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
You think our Chimney's Hot? . .
Well, I'm back from Baton Rouge. It was a great trip. That was the deepest into the dirty south that I've ever been, and it's a different world down there. Both the Manship Theatre and my hotel were downtown, and like the downtowns of most cities I've experienced, it was pretty dead over the weekend. Dead like, there were only two places that I could find to eat at outside of the Hilton (and within walking distance). The Capital Grill provided delicious delights, though somewhat pricey, and Poor Boy Lloyds provided deliciouser delights at rock-bottom prices. I ate more delicious fried bayou food over the past four days than I could shake a crawfish at. Mmm. . . It's true what they say about Southern cookin'!
Due to press and unexpected technichal hold-ups, I didn't get to explore as much as I wanted to, but I did get to see a bit of the city. I got over to LSU to eat a couple of times. And I saw both the old and new State Capitols. Here's the old, castle-like capitol . . . the one where what's-his-name who ruled this town was shot. (The History is eluding me right now.)
The shows kicked ass. Lot of folks starved for entertainment down there . . . it was pretty obvious pretty fast how the folks in that area were still reeling from Katrina (whoever she is?) Well, I've mismanaged my time, and I've got to take off for the first broomball game of the season tonight (finally). I'll get back here soon. Just for the record, and in the spirit of comradare, I've decided to start my new injection routine today as well. . .
Love you guys, and talk to you soon!
Monday, January 15, 2007
the Slammer, or, How I Spent Martin Luther King Day
It's Mid-January!!
Congrats to Cody for a successful run in Baton Rouge. Hope your travel back today is smooth. Milwaukee next, and then where is it again near Seattle? Good luck with tomorrow's audition. Got some good brews brewing?
Elly and Noah are back in classes Tuesday, also. Oh boy...back to the grind. Wow. Last semester for sis! Good luck. Home health nurse is visiting w/E on Tues also for "administering shot training". I wish I could be there with you honey.It's gonna be fine, I kno. Just keep up that great attitude of yours! You are an inspiration for all of us!!
Noah, I hope the Jeep check-up doesn't prove to be too major. Grrrr...damn autos. We did have Brittains do the pre-purchase inspection. They thought it looked sound. Let us kno. Have you been recording? Oh yeah, you might want to tell your wait-listed class teachers about your fin. aid hold up right away. Might speed it up? more procrastinating. Time to pump it up(haha). Love you all sooo mom
Friday, January 12, 2007
Pharmacists, Lifelines, nurses. *sigh*
Also, just now, after starting this post, I got a call from the Rebif nurse who's going to be coming to help train me on the injections. We got that set up for Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 2 pm (if anyone wants to come). I e-mailed Aunt Jo about it already, will call if I don't get a response.
In other news, I got my loan money today and promptly ordered a new computer, which should be arriving soon, so I'll be able to post more often.
Well, I'm about to go take a walk downtown with Branden, just wanted to let you guys know where I'm at with all this medicine stuff. Love you all! TTYS!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Online MS Support Group
this site looks pretty cool. it has all types of resources and a forum where MS patients can talk about what's going on with them and get help and advice from one another. Everyone check it out!
Nanu Nanu
Factors triggering a relapse
Multiple sclerosis relapses are often unpredictable and can occur without warning with no obvious inciting factors. Some attacks, however, are preceded by common triggers. In general, relapses occur more frequently during spring and summer than during autumn and winter. Infections, such as the common cold, influenza, and gastroenteritis, increase the risk for a relapse. Emotional and physical stress may also trigger an attack, as can severe illness of any kind. Statistically, there is no good evidence that either trauma or surgery trigger relapses. People with MS can participate in sports, but they should probably avoid extremely strenuous exertion, such as marathon running. Heat can transiently increase symptoms, which is known as Uhthoff's phenomenon. This is why some people with MS avoid saunas or even hot showers. However, heat is not an established trigger of relapses.
Pregnancy can directly affect the susceptibility for relapse. The last three months of pregnancy offer a natural protection against relapses. However, during the first few months after delivery, the risk for a relapse is increased 20%–40%. Pregnancy does not seem to influence long-term disability. Children born to mothers with MS are not at increased risk for birth defects or other problems.[12]
Many potential triggers have been examined and found not to influence relapse rates in MS. Influenza vaccination is safe, does not trigger relapses, and can therefore be recommended for people with MS. There is also no evidence that hepatitis B, varicella, tetanus, or Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG - immunization for tuberculosis) increases the risk for relapse.[13] In fact, recent studies have shown that the tetanus vaccine may actually have a protective effect against the development of MS.
Elly- read it and pay attention to the parts ab0ut heat (sauna, showers, etc.) and the vaccinations.
I am feeling like SH#@ today! 2nd day of the cold, and I'm hoping that I am at the peak of rock-bottom (huh?). I'm fine though, just sneezing and sore throat and whatnot....HOW COME ELLY GETS ALL THE ATTENTION HUH???? Just kidding of course. The show was sweet the other night! We brought more people than any of the other acts, and were paid accordingly (a whole $10 apiece- needless to say, I bought myself something pretty). I'm getting back in the groove of performing, but I still have losing-my-voice issues. Work is fine, minus the sickness, and there's not much else that is noteworthy at this time. Delia came down for the show, and is coming down to visit for a few days tomorrow as well. Between you guys, Ricky, and Delia, I am managing not to let the Joneses get me down, at least for the time being. I miss you guys. I am officially blogged-out!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Anyway, things have been pretty uneventful here in Boulder. When I got home, the drive that my computer's Operating System was on had fried, so my computer's out of service for now. Which explains my absence from the blog.
My symptoms have kept getting worse, it's really daunting to go up and down stairs, bend over and pick stuff up (I lose my balance a lot), and generally just move at all. I've been moving anyway. On Thursday Branden and I took a walk that was very nice. The snow has been daunting, though, because it's even harder to walk in and I'm afraid of falling over. But I'm trying to stay positive and active! Yesterday B and I went to Steph, Shad and Dan's house to watch a movie. Their street is never plowed, so we took a chance and parked (Branden's old car which Shad is loaning us, a tiny 20lb Geo Storm) on the unplowed, partially packed street. When the movie ended, we had to unearth the car--Branden and I pushed it out all by ourselves!! I was proud. It was hard work and rewarding. (I kinda hoped we were going to have to, because I like doing stuff like pushing cars out of snow.)
Anyway, Mama-llama's here now, we're going to my appointment tomorrow. Hopefully we'll know more, maybe I can get on medication quickly and start functioning somewhat normally again.
Love to everyone!!!
All on Board!
It's Suday, and the Jets and Pats are locked in a tie. Big whoop. I've been about 5 minutes from cleaning our house for about 2 hours now. Sure is easy to find distractions. The morning started off well . . . I was at the Y at 7:55am, and had to wait around with the other early birds until it opened at 8. Then, sweaty, I did some shopping to stock the cubbords. Since then, I've been sitting around deciding what to do next. Ahh. . . Sundays.
I'm planning on some serious brewing over the next couple of days. Tomorrow, I'll be bottling 2 brews-a delicious Blueberry Stout and a "light" beer of indeterminate background. I'm planning on brewing up a Steam Ale, a Rye IPA, and an experimental "Butterbeer" a la Harry Potter. We'll see.
I got another Caveman booking yesterday . . . Feb. 9th-19th in Everette Washington (about an hour north of Seattle). That'll be pretty cool. I take off Thursday for Baton Rouge, and I'm looking forward for that. A long weekend in 70 degree weather. Awesome.
So, good luck to Mom and E tomorrow! I'm looking forward to hearing about it. I'll be thinking of you, and sending good vibes! We've all got to remember to stay cool and positive regarding this adventure. Let me know if there's anything I can do from afar!
Love you guys.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Friday, January 5, 2007
Report Card
This CAR situation I've gotten myself into is a pain in the ass. Maybe, just maybe, I'll learn some lesson in this about better money management. Historically speaking, however, that's a long shot. I spent an hour yesterday talking to a loan officer in Anoka (a northern suburb) yesterday, and things were looking pretty good. Then I got a call from her today saying that because I don't Live, Work, or Worship in Anoka, I wasn't elegible to "team up with them." I responded by saying I'd Worship their office of something could be worked out, but I don't think she saw the humor.
Or maybe it was just a bad joke.
So, I talked today with a different company, and the ball is rolling again. I'm expecting to hear back from them Monday afternoon. Stupid Weekends, ruining my schwerve. So, this weekend I'm going to try not to think/worry about it. Being carless has helped a bit with health, though. For the past 3 days since returning, I've walked downtown to the YMCA for workouts. It's a little over two miles door-to-door (uphill both ways through snow to my armpits), and the walks have been nice. The weather has been mild, so we'll see what happens when it starts getting super frigid.
The mild weather has already screwed up broomball, however. I'm on 2 teams this year, and this was supposed to be our first week. Appearantly, the city thinks it's "not safe" to play on lakes that aren't "completely frozen". Cowards. I guess there's a cold front heading this way, so hopefully we'll be swinging the sticks next week!
I had an audition this morning (through Moore-my agency) that I felt really good about. Who knows . . . It's for a live event for a Restraunt Conference in Vegas at the end of February. Keep your fingers crossed. It would be nice, because we're probably bringing Scott out there for his 40th (!) Birthday party . . . the same week at this potential gig. Nothing wrong with a free plane ticket!
Tonight, Sky's making some delicious Asian dinner (great green globs . . . ), and I'm bottling beer! I'm expecting great things from this one . . . it's a repeat of a recipie that I concocted earlier, with a few changes. The beer has been aging in the glass carboy (next to the buckets) for over a month now, and should be delicious.
Hope everyone's doing great. First weekend of the New Year! Love-
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Back in the Icy Midwest
The sandwich was delicious . . . the apple a bit soft.
Sky picked me up at the airport, and we navigated the icy streets of Minneapolis with little adventure. Last night there was much rejoicing as we all reconnected and celebrated "micro-christmas". I'm too exicted about the gift I got from Sky and Scotty . . . again, I'll be the biggest 10-year-old on the block:
No more mere walking for me . . . now I roll.
So, I've got an audition today-a nonunion jobbie for a financial investment firm (ironic). The shoot dates conflict with Caveman in Baton Ruge, but I'm heading down anyway. In anticipation of the audition, the beard is gone . . . I've benuded my face. After the audition, it's off to the Y for a workout, then to the bank to begin project "car recovery".
Love you guys
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Trip home!
So, Noah and I got off to a slow start this morning. About an hour after we were planning on leaving, we were finally on the road. We went and had lunch with Dad, and in Del Norte we stopped for a bathroom break. Everything was going great. But then, we stopped for gas in a tiny flyspeck town 40 miles outside of Bailey. When we stopped, we noticed that the car was making odd noises and Noah said that it was hard to turn the wheel. I got some power steering fluid, and we started to get back on the road, but when Noah started up the car again, it growled like a large angry predator; a kind of sound a dinosaur might make if it was furry. Anyway, he turned the car off again and got a quart of oil, which he fed the car though it was unnecessary. And the car proceeded to make (quieter) unhappy noises the entire way back to Boulder, which we both felt lucky that the car had reached.
Noah lost his keys, as we know, and that included (as we thought at the time) his outside apartment key but not the inside apartment key. So he was going to go home and hope a neighbor was home to let him into the building, and then he'd be gold.
Unfortunately, when he got there, he discovered that he had lost both apartment keys. So now he's crashing with a friend.
The point is, Leave Your Cars At Home For The Next Month Or So, And Pay Your Loan Payments. Parents, they're only bad luck. ;) Love yous all!