Hello Fam! I miss you so much already, it's ridiculous. I don't know why I leave. *sigh* Oh well, what can you do? Not a whole heck of a lot. I'm looking forward to much iChatting with all of you, now that we are all capable. :) Except for Dad. Dad doesn't get to iChat. So there.
Back to being a workin' stiff. It's kinda strange to be back, and yet very normal too. We're closed new year's day, so that's something to look forward to--though B and I are planning on cleaning our room which may actually take all day. Whee.
Speaking of new year's, I've implemented (most of) my resolutions early. Last night, we ate some soup for dinner, I brushed, flossed, Listerine'd and ACT'ed. This morning I had cereal; for lunch I'm having a salad. In other words, I'm getting back on the diet horse. B's gonna get me a membership to the CU gym on spouse rates, and as soon as that's set up I'm gonna go work out every day I can. That'll really feel good, I think. It'll probably help suppress my MS symptoms.
Anyway, I don't really have a lot to say, just that I love everyone and miss you all. Happy new years! Take it easy out there, and be diligent in your resolutions--remember, even if you let them lapse, that's no reason to not resume them! <3 Love you guys!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Zero to 60

That's what happens this time of year!
So I just finished with a wardrobe call for "Nothing Sacred"-start shooting on Monday. Need to run downtown to drop off some headshots and a demo . . . 3 voiceover auditions in the past 3 days. There are several parties this weekend-holiday, birthday, pre-tonsil-removal (any excuse to party?). After the weekend, we're neck-deep in shooting, right up until I head for home. Awesome. But trumping everything is tomorrow's Broomball Practice!
Speaking of Christmas, I was noticing today that I could use a few "dress shirts". I've got plenty of patterned shirts, but I could use a couple simple button-ups. Just plain colors, something one could wear a tie with. Doesn't have to be Stuarts, sort of "knockaround" shirts.
If ten-year-old cody knew that thirtysomething cody asked for shirts and socks for xmas . . . sad sad sad . . .
Added another one-nighter, corporate caveman show in January-Texas on the 22nd. Sweet. Hopefully, I'll be able to book a couple of these voiceovers, mix them in over the next couple weeks, and then make a break for the mountains!
Still can't wait to see you guys! Love you all, and talk to you soon!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Guess It's Time!
Hey Kids!
It's 18 degrees today, which is balmy compared to the past couple of weeks. Now everybody talks about the cold of the Midwest, but so far, this is the coldest winter in quite some time. It's a bully sort of cold . . . you walk outside and the cold starts smacking you around, and then it takes your milk money. Trick's on you wintercold . . . that money wasn't destined for milk at all! I've decided (passive aggressively) to fight the bitter coldness by putting on a layer of blubber. Like the polar bears of the north, I've hollowed my hair, and I've aligned my chi to push all my body fat into a special layer just under the epidermis.
Which segues to the digression: I've been too lazy for the past few weeks. I've been living up to half of my last post-reading like a fiend, but I've been pretty lax about the body. Today, today.
In the meantime, it's been relatively boring up here in the north. Next week, I start shooting on the next indy film. We've had a few rehearsals, and I'm looking forward to this challenge. Last week was consumed with a shoot for H&R Block. It still amazes me how much money goes into the most ridiculous things. It was a smooth shoot . . . the only challenge was working with 4yr old Issac. He was a cute kid, and pretty well-behaved, but during one of the shots, he was talking about a photo shoot for Borders, and I found myself consumed with professional jealousy . . . aimed squarely at a 4 year old. Oh well. I took comfort in the fact that I am WAY taller than he is.
So, the spring is filling up with Caveman Shows:
New Years Eve, Jan 18-20, and 25-27 in St. Charles, IL
Jan 14 & 15 in Key West FL
Feb 8 & 9 in Grand Rapids, MN
Feb 15 & 16th in Redwing, MN
Feb 22 & 23 in Colorado Springs!!!!
March 7 & 8 in Pittsburg, PA
And More to come. It's still not enough for comfort, but it's finally moving in the right direction! We've got another conference call tomorrow, and it sounds like there's big news to discuss.
I also sent an email to the Saints regarding next summer, but I haven't heard back from them. Hmm. . . I'm trying to not be nervous about that, but I hope to hear something soon.
Hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see everybody! Just a couple of weeks now. Love, and Talk to you soon!
Monday, November 19, 2007
So, my laptop is out of order--again. The first time, it was a matter of a bad motherboard and the dudes at the mac store simply switched my hard drive into a new mac book: problem solved. I don't know what the problem is now. We're taking it into the mac store before leaving tomorrow, hopefully they'll do the same thing but I have a feeling I'll probably have to send it off to the Apple Mothership. >_< I hate this.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Daily Camera Article
Jury hung in ex-youth pastor's sex assault case
New trial has not yet been set
By Heath Urie (Contact)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Boulder district judge declared a mistrial Tuesday afternoon in the sexual-assault trial of a former youth pastor suspected of having a sexual relationship with a minor who was attending his Longmont church.
Judge D.D. Mallard said the jury was deadlocked after deliberating the fate of Peter Kim, 40, for almost seven hours Tuesday.
A juror told the Camera that the count was 8-4, with the majority in favor of conviction.
Kim was arrested last fall after a teen who attended Central Presbyterian Church, 402 Kimbark St., told her therapist that she was sexually involved with Kim between January 2001 and January 2004.
Kim is charged with child sexual assault by a person in a position of trust and a pattern of child sexual assault. He has a previous misdemeanor conviction for having a relationship with a teen he met while working with children at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church about 10 years ago.
Mallard said Kim's retrial likely will be set for late April.
"It happens," prosecutor Tim Johnson said of the hung jury. "It's a really difficult case."
Prosecutors said the district's rate of mistrials is between 5 percent and 10 percent.
Kim, who sat quietly with his head bowed for most of the proceeding, did not talk about the case. But Kim's attorney, Steve Louth, said he was "disappointed" with the outcome of the six-day trial. He said he would re-examine his arguments for Kim's defense before heading back to court.
"There were some things we could have done better," Louth said. "There were maybe some points we could have made clearer."
Jury forewoman Elly Conley, a 25-year-old Boulder resident, said after the trial that most of the 12 jurors agreed Kim was "a jerk" and had a "really inappropriate" relationship with the teen. But some jurors, she said, questioned the credibility of the accuser's testimony.
"Some of them were concerned the events didn't happen as (the accuser) said they did," said Conley, who voted in favor of conviction. "But I got the feeling that probably more happened than was presented at trial."
Conley said the jury initially was deadlocked 6-6, but two jurors changed their votes for conviction on the first count, sexual assault by a person in a position of trust.
The jury did not deliberate on the second count, a pattern of child sexual assault, because no verdict could be reached on the first count.
Conley said the four jurors in favor of Kim's acquittal were "firm from the very beginning" in their decisions and could not be swayed.
If a jury convicts Kim, he could be sentenced to life in prison.
Kim also faces two felony charges that he violated his bond conditions when he attended his children's elementary school holiday celebration in January, and again when he attended school sporting events twice in October.
Prosecutors said court appearances relating to those charges will likely be set to coincide with Kim's new trial date, which must be set within 90 days.
New trial has not yet been set
By Heath Urie (Contact)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Boulder district judge declared a mistrial Tuesday afternoon in the sexual-assault trial of a former youth pastor suspected of having a sexual relationship with a minor who was attending his Longmont church.
Judge D.D. Mallard said the jury was deadlocked after deliberating the fate of Peter Kim, 40, for almost seven hours Tuesday.
A juror told the Camera that the count was 8-4, with the majority in favor of conviction.
Kim was arrested last fall after a teen who attended Central Presbyterian Church, 402 Kimbark St., told her therapist that she was sexually involved with Kim between January 2001 and January 2004.
Kim is charged with child sexual assault by a person in a position of trust and a pattern of child sexual assault. He has a previous misdemeanor conviction for having a relationship with a teen he met while working with children at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church about 10 years ago.
Mallard said Kim's retrial likely will be set for late April.
"It happens," prosecutor Tim Johnson said of the hung jury. "It's a really difficult case."
Prosecutors said the district's rate of mistrials is between 5 percent and 10 percent.
Kim, who sat quietly with his head bowed for most of the proceeding, did not talk about the case. But Kim's attorney, Steve Louth, said he was "disappointed" with the outcome of the six-day trial. He said he would re-examine his arguments for Kim's defense before heading back to court.
"There were some things we could have done better," Louth said. "There were maybe some points we could have made clearer."
Jury forewoman Elly Conley, a 25-year-old Boulder resident, said after the trial that most of the 12 jurors agreed Kim was "a jerk" and had a "really inappropriate" relationship with the teen. But some jurors, she said, questioned the credibility of the accuser's testimony.
"Some of them were concerned the events didn't happen as (the accuser) said they did," said Conley, who voted in favor of conviction. "But I got the feeling that probably more happened than was presented at trial."
Conley said the jury initially was deadlocked 6-6, but two jurors changed their votes for conviction on the first count, sexual assault by a person in a position of trust.
The jury did not deliberate on the second count, a pattern of child sexual assault, because no verdict could be reached on the first count.
Conley said the four jurors in favor of Kim's acquittal were "firm from the very beginning" in their decisions and could not be swayed.
If a jury convicts Kim, he could be sentenced to life in prison.
Kim also faces two felony charges that he violated his bond conditions when he attended his children's elementary school holiday celebration in January, and again when he attended school sporting events twice in October.
Prosecutors said court appearances relating to those charges will likely be set to coincide with Kim's new trial date, which must be set within 90 days.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Life, the universe, and everything
Hello family! these last couple of weeks have been very busy, so I'm sorry I haven't posted recently. Lots of things have happened! One, which most of you know, I decided to withdraw from school for now. I had forgotten how burned out on school I was when I graduated, and I just want to take a few steps back and a few deep breaths and experience life as a non-student (official student, anyway) for a little while. I was loving what I was learning and I am going to go back when I have worked the apathy out of my system. For now, I'm working and trying to focus on creative endeavors and things that really make me feel whole.
In other exciting news, I am serving on a jury right now! Today we went through closing arguments in a sexual-assault-on-a-minor-by-one-in-a-position-of-trust case. Can't discuss it, but it's a great insight into daddy's world, and it kinda makes me wish I could be a lawyer without going to law school. I am not and alternate, I get to deliberate (which begins tuesday), and I've got lots of nervous anticipitationion. (To quote a great poet of our time.)
No other real news. MS symptoms have cleared up, for the most part. I still have to go down to CU Denver and clean out my locker. Branden's doing well; he's rising to meet the challenge of a very difficult semester and I'm proud of him. I miss you guys like mad!!! I hope you are all doing well. <3 <3 <3 Talk to you all soon!
PS. Cody, I'm getting a 404 on your site. =\
In other exciting news, I am serving on a jury right now! Today we went through closing arguments in a sexual-assault-on-a-minor-by-one-in-a-position-of-trust case. Can't discuss it, but it's a great insight into daddy's world, and it kinda makes me wish I could be a lawyer without going to law school. I am not and alternate, I get to deliberate (which begins tuesday), and I've got lots of nervous anticipitationion. (To quote a great poet of our time.)
No other real news. MS symptoms have cleared up, for the most part. I still have to go down to CU Denver and clean out my locker. Branden's doing well; he's rising to meet the challenge of a very difficult semester and I'm proud of him. I miss you guys like mad!!! I hope you are all doing well. <3 <3 <3 Talk to you all soon!
PS. Cody, I'm getting a 404 on your site. =\
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Paducah and Beyond
Hey Everyone-
I'm having difficulty posting pictures today for some reason, so this is another pic-free post . . . which is too bad, because I had some great po-dunk pics of Paducah KY. Ah, Paducah. Six shows last week. The largest audience I had was around 80 people. Wow. This run had all the markings of a bust, but it turned out to be a fantastic week. The crowds were small, but a lot of fun. A small house is a sign to me to really commit to the honesty of the script. It's also an opportunity to take some risks that I might not otherwise take. Worktalk.
So, I spent some time wandering around downtown Paducah-red bricked streets lined with fabric stores, antique botiques, and home-made pie shops. It was a nice slice of americana. Paducah is literally across the river from Illinois . . . probably 4 good rock throws. It's also just a few hours south of St. Louis, so I was figuring that it was basically the midwest. However, talking to the yokels, I felt like I was in the Deep South. Yeee-Haw. After fighting through the accents, these were certianly some of the nicest folks I've encountered for some time.
I did make a trip by the Quilt Museaum, but I decided (perhaps foolishly?) that the novelty wasn't worth the $8 admittence fee. Ah well, at least I was there.
It was nice to spend a week back in the Cave . . . also nice to get the paycheck! I've had 3 auditions since I've been back, and tonight I've got a callback for the Minnesota Lottery. It's a SAG gig, so I've got mixed feelings. It would be a pretty good paycheck, but if I get it (and accept it . . . which I probably would), I'll have to join the Union. It's been a goal, for sure, but out of all the auditions that I've done for the past year only two or three have been Union Auditions. Once you join, you're not supposed to do non-union gigs. So, if this hits, it might be time to start looking for a change of scenery. And what does that mean?
I'm not sure. Don't want to put the cart before the horse here, but I've got to think about different markets. NY? LA? Back to Chicago? Chicago would keep me close enough to Minny to stay close to the Saints, which I'd really like to do, but it also feels a bit like a step back . . . I don't know.
To be honest here, I'm just processing "out loud", and I'm distracted by a podcast that I'm listening to, so this is turning into a bit of a ramble. Just wanted to check in and say hey! Love you Guys!
check out the new, more business-related website-www.codylyman.com
I'm having difficulty posting pictures today for some reason, so this is another pic-free post . . . which is too bad, because I had some great po-dunk pics of Paducah KY. Ah, Paducah. Six shows last week. The largest audience I had was around 80 people. Wow. This run had all the markings of a bust, but it turned out to be a fantastic week. The crowds were small, but a lot of fun. A small house is a sign to me to really commit to the honesty of the script. It's also an opportunity to take some risks that I might not otherwise take. Worktalk.
So, I spent some time wandering around downtown Paducah-red bricked streets lined with fabric stores, antique botiques, and home-made pie shops. It was a nice slice of americana. Paducah is literally across the river from Illinois . . . probably 4 good rock throws. It's also just a few hours south of St. Louis, so I was figuring that it was basically the midwest. However, talking to the yokels, I felt like I was in the Deep South. Yeee-Haw. After fighting through the accents, these were certianly some of the nicest folks I've encountered for some time.
I did make a trip by the Quilt Museaum, but I decided (perhaps foolishly?) that the novelty wasn't worth the $8 admittence fee. Ah well, at least I was there.
It was nice to spend a week back in the Cave . . . also nice to get the paycheck! I've had 3 auditions since I've been back, and tonight I've got a callback for the Minnesota Lottery. It's a SAG gig, so I've got mixed feelings. It would be a pretty good paycheck, but if I get it (and accept it . . . which I probably would), I'll have to join the Union. It's been a goal, for sure, but out of all the auditions that I've done for the past year only two or three have been Union Auditions. Once you join, you're not supposed to do non-union gigs. So, if this hits, it might be time to start looking for a change of scenery. And what does that mean?
I'm not sure. Don't want to put the cart before the horse here, but I've got to think about different markets. NY? LA? Back to Chicago? Chicago would keep me close enough to Minny to stay close to the Saints, which I'd really like to do, but it also feels a bit like a step back . . . I don't know.
To be honest here, I'm just processing "out loud", and I'm distracted by a podcast that I'm listening to, so this is turning into a bit of a ramble. Just wanted to check in and say hey! Love you Guys!
check out the new, more business-related website-www.codylyman.com
Friday, October 26, 2007
Coming home from the movie just now...a few houses along the triangle park from us...heading to our place...we had to wait for a BIG, GIANT (seemingly), ENORMOUS bear to cross in front of our car before we could proceed home! Oh geez. Isn't it hibernation time?
"Michael Collins" was a good movie. Dad liked it better than me, but I liked it ok. I got a little lost for a while somewhere in there. Love Yous Guyzzzz xoxoxo m.
"Michael Collins" was a good movie. Dad liked it better than me, but I liked it ok. I got a little lost for a while somewhere in there. Love Yous Guyzzzz xoxoxo m.
Hi y'all-
TGIF! Just got home from work. Thought I'd self-aggravate by attempting to blog. Gorgeous weather...my favorite season by far. I keep forgetting the skating rink is open cuz it's 60 degrees out. Not ready to go indoors yet, but I may hit the ice next week. I have logged lotsa miles in the cemetery of late. Herds and herds of deer still.
They must know,and have spread the word to their kin: No hunting allowed in the graveyard.! I almost have to push 'em outta my way to wade thru 'em. Other wildlife sightings...masses of wild turkeys (calm yourself, Noah. Not that kind of W.T.) enroute to Pagosa yesterday. And on the return this am, a Fox dashed out in front of my car.
I've always wanted a fox stole--such a bargain!
Okay...what are the halloween plans? I'm ashamed to say that we didn't even display "old boney" this time around. There's still time; I may yet dig out the musty, moldy manifestations of the undead used to entice wee tots to our door.
On Sunday, the 28th, Dad and I are going to a fundraising dinner (for the local MS chapter)at Cosmopolitan (used to be Sari's). Rod, Vita, Dennis & Anna also bought tix at $80 per person to attend the 6 course feast/costume party. I forgot to tell 'em it was masquerade....oops. I told the organizers that we'd attend as long as we could get frequent updates (or a TV, even better)on the 4th- and possibly, last- world series game. I think we have a coupla old baseball unies around here. Maybe we'll wear those.
We have a bet on w/Uncle Rick and A. Susie. They are Boston Red Sox fans (boooooo). We win...we get lobsters, they get Colorado beef steaks if they win. It's the phone calls and messages left that are the most fun of the whole thing. Uncle Rick's humor is so dry...you think for a minute that he's serious...really funny.
I have pics to post, but I don't know how. I took 'em in the cemetery. The giant elk has only one antler now. Did we know that? I'll send it to your emails.
I don't know the dif between email and IM? If A & B are on the comp at the same time and A sends B an email right then, and A sees it and answers right away...is that it? Troy, feel free to jump in here....
We are meeting Noah in C. Sprgs next wk end for the Army vs.... somebody , oops..(Airforce ??) game. And the next wk end, Da & I are going to La Jolla, CA for a few days...him, for a conference....me, for an adventure. That's real close to the fires in San Diego, so let's hope they're cooled down. Not to mention..for the people who actually live there!! La Jolla is pronounced "La Hoya". Why don't "they" just spell it "Hoya"? Bunch of fancy pants.
Had lunch w/Phyllis yesterday. That's a great connection for a free place to stay (not you, Troy) in Italy. We had a nice visit. She purportedly LOVED the body butter, E&B. I told her to order it for everybody she knows for christmas, so we'll see. They need a short "hi guys" from you, Code, w/a query as to contacts in CA. Happy to send them she said.
Phew! That's all for now. We're going to the George Clooney "Michael Clayton" tonight. Hope this posts....I Love You All Madly m. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
TGIF! Just got home from work. Thought I'd self-aggravate by attempting to blog. Gorgeous weather...my favorite season by far. I keep forgetting the skating rink is open cuz it's 60 degrees out. Not ready to go indoors yet, but I may hit the ice next week. I have logged lotsa miles in the cemetery of late. Herds and herds of deer still.
They must know,and have spread the word to their kin: No hunting allowed in the graveyard.! I almost have to push 'em outta my way to wade thru 'em. Other wildlife sightings...masses of wild turkeys (calm yourself, Noah. Not that kind of W.T.) enroute to Pagosa yesterday. And on the return this am, a Fox dashed out in front of my car.
I've always wanted a fox stole--such a bargain!
Okay...what are the halloween plans? I'm ashamed to say that we didn't even display "old boney" this time around. There's still time; I may yet dig out the musty, moldy manifestations of the undead used to entice wee tots to our door.
On Sunday, the 28th, Dad and I are going to a fundraising dinner (for the local MS chapter)at Cosmopolitan (used to be Sari's). Rod, Vita, Dennis & Anna also bought tix at $80 per person to attend the 6 course feast/costume party. I forgot to tell 'em it was masquerade....oops. I told the organizers that we'd attend as long as we could get frequent updates (or a TV, even better)on the 4th- and possibly, last- world series game. I think we have a coupla old baseball unies around here. Maybe we'll wear those.
We have a bet on w/Uncle Rick and A. Susie. They are Boston Red Sox fans (boooooo). We win...we get lobsters, they get Colorado beef steaks if they win. It's the phone calls and messages left that are the most fun of the whole thing. Uncle Rick's humor is so dry...you think for a minute that he's serious...really funny.
I have pics to post, but I don't know how. I took 'em in the cemetery. The giant elk has only one antler now. Did we know that? I'll send it to your emails.
I don't know the dif between email and IM? If A & B are on the comp at the same time and A sends B an email right then, and A sees it and answers right away...is that it? Troy, feel free to jump in here....
We are meeting Noah in C. Sprgs next wk end for the Army vs.... somebody , oops..(Airforce ??) game. And the next wk end, Da & I are going to La Jolla, CA for a few days...him, for a conference....me, for an adventure. That's real close to the fires in San Diego, so let's hope they're cooled down. Not to mention..for the people who actually live there!! La Jolla is pronounced "La Hoya". Why don't "they" just spell it "Hoya"? Bunch of fancy pants.
Had lunch w/Phyllis yesterday. That's a great connection for a free place to stay (not you, Troy) in Italy. We had a nice visit. She purportedly LOVED the body butter, E&B. I told her to order it for everybody she knows for christmas, so we'll see. They need a short "hi guys" from you, Code, w/a query as to contacts in CA. Happy to send them she said.
Phew! That's all for now. We're going to the George Clooney "Michael Clayton" tonight. Hope this posts....I Love You All Madly m. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Sunday, October 21, 2007
News News News
Well, Fam Damily, Just thought I'd post on this-here thingie. I don't have a whole lot of news, but a couple of significant things you should probably know about.
#1: I'm having an MS "Flare-up." It really sucks. It's affecting my balance and vision, and thusly, my ability to do my schoolwork. Happily, I've already made arrangements with Disability Services at school, but I don't like getting behind.
On a related note, I'm STILL having issues with my insurance and getting my medication. Hopefully it's getting worked out, but... *shrug* who knows. I think they're out to get me.
#2: it snowed today for the first time (here)! It was way cool heading out to work and seeing all the snowflakes coming down. I think it's over and I don't think anything stuck, but in any case, it's like winter has decided to start instead of just freakin' cold fall.
#3: I really like school. I'm interested in the topics I'm learning, and I feel as if I'm on the right path. However, I am starting to feel like I should probably have waited a year before starting grad school. I forgot how burned out on school I was by the time I graduated--it would have been smart to work a crap job for a year to remind myself why going to school is good. No worries, fam, I'm going to ace this semester, but it may be that after this I'm going to take a year off.
Anyway, I think that the 'rents should be more vocal on this blog doo-hicky. You whippersnappers. Love you guys!
#1: I'm having an MS "Flare-up." It really sucks. It's affecting my balance and vision, and thusly, my ability to do my schoolwork. Happily, I've already made arrangements with Disability Services at school, but I don't like getting behind.
On a related note, I'm STILL having issues with my insurance and getting my medication. Hopefully it's getting worked out, but... *shrug* who knows. I think they're out to get me.
#2: it snowed today for the first time (here)! It was way cool heading out to work and seeing all the snowflakes coming down. I think it's over and I don't think anything stuck, but in any case, it's like winter has decided to start instead of just freakin' cold fall.
#3: I really like school. I'm interested in the topics I'm learning, and I feel as if I'm on the right path. However, I am starting to feel like I should probably have waited a year before starting grad school. I forgot how burned out on school I was by the time I graduated--it would have been smart to work a crap job for a year to remind myself why going to school is good. No worries, fam, I'm going to ace this semester, but it may be that after this I'm going to take a year off.
Anyway, I think that the 'rents should be more vocal on this blog doo-hicky. You whippersnappers. Love you guys!
Monday, October 15, 2007
What to do When confronted with an Ocean . . .
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Back to the Book, Back to the Body
Hello Family . . .
Hope everyone has recovered from the Wedding! I'm still bummed that I couldn't make it, but like Elly was saying, I'll have to photoshop myself into some of the photos. Sounds like everyone had a blast, and the body butter went over well. Cool. I was thinking of everyone all day! On the other hand, I wouldn't have traded this trip for anything.
I wasn't able to knock on as many doors as I had anticipated, but I didn make a couple of minor connections. Above all else, it's been a great learning experience, or rather a great REMEMBERING experience. As far as acting goes, a lot of what people say is true. It's a city full of actors. All various looks and levels, but it's been difficult to take ten steps here without overhearing someone talking about the Industry. A lot of folks seem to know the answers to everone's questions too . . . that is to say, everyone has an opinion about how the biz works.
I spent an hour in the Samuel French Bookstore today. Sam French is the main publisher of plays, and there's a good chance that everyone has had one of the small scripts in their hands at some point (Shel Silverstein's "The Devil and Billy Markham" is a Samuel French Play). This location is one of Five in the world. It was fantastic. I was browsing through the refrence section looking at book after book about the Biz-some of which I've read, many of which I haven't-and I was sort of overcome with a feeling that I need to get back to the basics for a bit.
This feeling was compounded by a conversation I had the other day with Tannis H. . . . she was an acquantience at CSU who's been persuing acting out here for a few years now. We were talking about opportunities we had at CSU-highlights and lowpoints of the department-and she was very complimentary of a lot of the old roles I have portrayed. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past, so when these memories started coming back, it was a bit strange. I've lost a bit of the brassballsness of the CSU days. Back then, it was all about having fun and doing good work . . . less about acting to pay the bills. Not that I've totally left that old attitude in the dust-over the past several years, I've been able to tap into that from time to time . . . I guess that I'm trying to say that I'm excited about getting back into the books a bit . . . to continue studying the craft. It's been over a year since I've taken a class for crying out loud . . .
It's also time to get back to the body. I've had a pretty lazy summer. With the bike, and (soon) the membership to the neighborhood gym, I plan on getting back into a healthier swing of things. For the past couple of months, I haven't been sleeping very well, and I feel like I've been packing on the pounds. It's the old adage . . . I just feel a lot better in life when I'm feeling fit. Plus, broomball season is coming up . . .
So, all things considered, it's been a good trip. I've got a couple of things to accomplish before I run out here to the West Coast. In the meantime, I feel pretty good about what's happening in Minny. In comparison to a lot of folks that I've talked to out here, I'm working more than a lot of people. While most of my paychecks only have two zeros, I'm still moving in the right direction.
And that's the update from Cali. No pictures this time. Just words. Lots and lots of words.
Hope everyone has recovered from the Wedding! I'm still bummed that I couldn't make it, but like Elly was saying, I'll have to photoshop myself into some of the photos. Sounds like everyone had a blast, and the body butter went over well. Cool. I was thinking of everyone all day! On the other hand, I wouldn't have traded this trip for anything.
I wasn't able to knock on as many doors as I had anticipated, but I didn make a couple of minor connections. Above all else, it's been a great learning experience, or rather a great REMEMBERING experience. As far as acting goes, a lot of what people say is true. It's a city full of actors. All various looks and levels, but it's been difficult to take ten steps here without overhearing someone talking about the Industry. A lot of folks seem to know the answers to everone's questions too . . . that is to say, everyone has an opinion about how the biz works.
I spent an hour in the Samuel French Bookstore today. Sam French is the main publisher of plays, and there's a good chance that everyone has had one of the small scripts in their hands at some point (Shel Silverstein's "The Devil and Billy Markham" is a Samuel French Play). This location is one of Five in the world. It was fantastic. I was browsing through the refrence section looking at book after book about the Biz-some of which I've read, many of which I haven't-and I was sort of overcome with a feeling that I need to get back to the basics for a bit.
This feeling was compounded by a conversation I had the other day with Tannis H. . . . she was an acquantience at CSU who's been persuing acting out here for a few years now. We were talking about opportunities we had at CSU-highlights and lowpoints of the department-and she was very complimentary of a lot of the old roles I have portrayed. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past, so when these memories started coming back, it was a bit strange. I've lost a bit of the brassballsness of the CSU days. Back then, it was all about having fun and doing good work . . . less about acting to pay the bills. Not that I've totally left that old attitude in the dust-over the past several years, I've been able to tap into that from time to time . . . I guess that I'm trying to say that I'm excited about getting back into the books a bit . . . to continue studying the craft. It's been over a year since I've taken a class for crying out loud . . .
It's also time to get back to the body. I've had a pretty lazy summer. With the bike, and (soon) the membership to the neighborhood gym, I plan on getting back into a healthier swing of things. For the past couple of months, I haven't been sleeping very well, and I feel like I've been packing on the pounds. It's the old adage . . . I just feel a lot better in life when I'm feeling fit. Plus, broomball season is coming up . . .
So, all things considered, it's been a good trip. I've got a couple of things to accomplish before I run out here to the West Coast. In the meantime, I feel pretty good about what's happening in Minny. In comparison to a lot of folks that I've talked to out here, I'm working more than a lot of people. While most of my paychecks only have two zeros, I'm still moving in the right direction.
And that's the update from Cali. No pictures this time. Just words. Lots and lots of words.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Okay everyone, you have to go check out Burning Tree...I took pics of the products today and they look so good! look at both the inventory page and the individual products pages: http://www.burningtreecreations.com/inventory.php
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Who's live?
Burning Tree's live. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I dropped the class that was causing me so much grief, and now my schedule's much more manageable. I'm still on track and excelling in all my other classes (I accidentally turned in an assignment a week early in my digital drafting class, whoops, I'm so sad I had a whole week to do nothing in that class). I'm loving the concepts I'm learning and for some reason I feel so self-sufficient and independent coming down here every day. It's tedious at times but, I don't know, it's also nice.
Branden and I hung out with Jo, Ken, Whitney and Tim last night, only for a little while because Branden had a paper to write. We gave Jo and Whitney some of our body butter and everyone over there is very impressed. We're going to be getting them their favors (1/2 oz jars of BB) tomorrow when we have all the tags tied on and whatnot. The jars are so cute!
Noah and I are going to hang out this afternoon for a few hours in between my classes. He needs to go shopping for house stuff, and I'm gonna keep him company.
Code, I wish you were coming to the wedding! Whitney wanted me to let you know she's pissed at you, but she understands. We all wish you could make it, though. <3
I miss everyone and can't wait to see (most of) you this weekend! OMG! *wiggles*
Well, I dropped the class that was causing me so much grief, and now my schedule's much more manageable. I'm still on track and excelling in all my other classes (I accidentally turned in an assignment a week early in my digital drafting class, whoops, I'm so sad I had a whole week to do nothing in that class). I'm loving the concepts I'm learning and for some reason I feel so self-sufficient and independent coming down here every day. It's tedious at times but, I don't know, it's also nice.
Branden and I hung out with Jo, Ken, Whitney and Tim last night, only for a little while because Branden had a paper to write. We gave Jo and Whitney some of our body butter and everyone over there is very impressed. We're going to be getting them their favors (1/2 oz jars of BB) tomorrow when we have all the tags tied on and whatnot. The jars are so cute!
Noah and I are going to hang out this afternoon for a few hours in between my classes. He needs to go shopping for house stuff, and I'm gonna keep him company.
Code, I wish you were coming to the wedding! Whitney wanted me to let you know she's pissed at you, but she understands. We all wish you could make it, though. <3
I miss everyone and can't wait to see (most of) you this weekend! OMG! *wiggles*
Thursday, September 27, 2007
What a Week Indeed!
Wow! Glad to hear that you're busy E, sorry to hear that you're sick. Stay strong kiddo. Maybe you should make a model of a "not-sick" you, and use it for inspiration?
So, Saturday Night, someone broke into my apartment and burgled my laptop. Major, major bummer. Here's an urgent note for you slackers out there . . . BACK UP your STUFF! It was one of those things that I always meant to do, but never really got around to . . . which means that almost every picture that I've taken for the past 3 years-gone. All my Resumé history-gone. All my new website info-you guessed it. Big thanks to M&D for helping me get back on my feet this week . . . you guys always come through in the biggest and best way! Love you guys. Thanks to you, I've barely missed a step, and I'm still on track for this upcoming trip to the West Coast. Hopefully, I'll be able to show off my demo disc soon!
In the meantime, if you need more Cody-check out these links-
"holtonhouseaudio.com," visit "Exceptional Voice Talent," and click on "Listen Now"
Hope you Enjoy. I also hope you all are doing well. I've been thinking about everybody a lot recently. Love you Guys, and Lock your Doors!!
So, Saturday Night, someone broke into my apartment and burgled my laptop. Major, major bummer. Here's an urgent note for you slackers out there . . . BACK UP your STUFF! It was one of those things that I always meant to do, but never really got around to . . . which means that almost every picture that I've taken for the past 3 years-gone. All my Resumé history-gone. All my new website info-you guessed it. Big thanks to M&D for helping me get back on my feet this week . . . you guys always come through in the biggest and best way! Love you guys. Thanks to you, I've barely missed a step, and I'm still on track for this upcoming trip to the West Coast. Hopefully, I'll be able to show off my demo disc soon!
In the meantime, if you need more Cody-check out these links-
"holtonhouseaudio.com," visit "Exceptional Voice Talent," and click on "Listen Now"
Hope you Enjoy. I also hope you all are doing well. I've been thinking about everybody a lot recently. Love you Guys, and Lock your Doors!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What a week take 2
It's been a week from heck! Not quite hell, but close. I have a lot of homework due this week and a quiz tomorrow (*quake*), another (completely new) model due Thursday. AND I'm sick. I think I had more to say, but that's all for now, folks. <3
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This is a practice. Okay, so far, so good. Cody and Elly!!! Amazing!!! Web sites, businesses, learning going on....I am so proud.
(I have to open @work in a few minutes.) Fall is most definitely here. I'm hoping the garden remains alive enough to bring some produce to Boulder in October. Your absence will be painfully felt, Code...we'll take pics . And, maybe, send yous a couple.
I gotta go. Okay....more later. NOAH...you out there? LOVELOVELOVELOVE xoxxo
(I have to open @work in a few minutes.) Fall is most definitely here. I'm hoping the garden remains alive enough to bring some produce to Boulder in October. Your absence will be painfully felt, Code...we'll take pics . And, maybe, send yous a couple.
I gotta go. Okay....more later. NOAH...you out there? LOVELOVELOVELOVE xoxxo
Monday, September 17, 2007
What? Lymans on the internet? How can this be?!
Code--your website looks awesome!!! Great job. =) BTW, though, the name's Conley. Yeh schmuck.
In my own exciting news... Branden, our friend Bridget and I are starting a company! Burning Tree Creations. We're strictly online, at least at first, but it's extremely exciting--we're doing Whitney's wedding favors and and OFFICIALLY OPENING that weekend! Dad's going to help us start up the LLC (with the help of Dave Bode, I think? We need to powwow about that. =) )
School's going very well. I've been working in the wood shop a lot, making models; working on the computer with Revit (essentially, 3D AutoCAD); and learning. Isn't that exciting.
I can't wait to see (most of) you all at Whitney's wedding! So exciting. Love you guys so!
In my own exciting news... Branden, our friend Bridget and I are starting a company! Burning Tree Creations. We're strictly online, at least at first, but it's extremely exciting--we're doing Whitney's wedding favors and and OFFICIALLY OPENING that weekend! Dad's going to help us start up the LLC (with the help of Dave Bode, I think? We need to powwow about that. =) )
School's going very well. I've been working in the wood shop a lot, making models; working on the computer with Revit (essentially, 3D AutoCAD); and learning. Isn't that exciting.
I can't wait to see (most of) you all at Whitney's wedding! So exciting. Love you guys so!
Welcome to the Web!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What A Week It's Been!
Sweet. I've got some new wheels. With winter knocking on the door, my new bike arrived yesterday! Me Gusto Mucho! Thanks guys.
So, I've been busy for the past ten days or so! Finished shooting the Comcast commercial.
It was a pretty smooth shoot, and I was mostly happy with what I brought to the table. It's going to start just in the Twin Cities market, and may or may not expand from there. We'll see.
After the shoot, the Schroder wedding weekend began! It was a really nice weekend in Northern Minnesota . . . up in the land of no cell reception, homebrew, and old friends. This was the largest gathering of old CSU commrads in quite some time!

The ceremony was, of course, beautiful. Second best wedding I've been to this year. Karen's brother Steve perfomed the ceremony, and concluded it by saying, "by the power vested to me from some on-line church in California . . . " Nate had brewed something like 10 batches of Homebrew, along with a couple of batches of delecious Mead, and his Parents had brewed several cases of both red and white wines . . . and in the intrest of Homebrewing everything, I led an arts-and-crafts afternoon where all of Nate's friends made "Schroeder Beards".
These came in handy during the reception. In between all the festivities, there was much enjoying nature . . . hiking, rock-skipping into lake Superior, camp-fire buning, and of course, Sasquach-sighting . . .
There were other sightings, but I believe that this was the most conclusive proof.
The highlight of the reception was a rather spontanious pie-eating contest, where my summer announcing for the Saints (finally) paid off. Just for the record . . . this picture was taken at the end of the 90-second contest, and you'll notice our good friend Scott Mowery is still enjoying his pie.
Our winner, Scott Walsh (on the Left) put on quite a display.
I got home Monday, and spent the day shuttling friends to the airport and bus Stations. Troy spent another couple of days in Minny, which was great. I tell you, that guy took to a Segway like a fish to water!
So, all things considered, the past month or so has been great. Getting to spend good quality time with both friends and family has been wonderful for me. A reminder to Simplify . . . simplify. I've got some more adventures coming up soon, but for now, I've got a pretty laid-back weekend in front of me! Love you guys, and I hope everyone is doing well!
So, I've been busy for the past ten days or so! Finished shooting the Comcast commercial.
After the shoot, the Schroder wedding weekend began! It was a really nice weekend in Northern Minnesota . . . up in the land of no cell reception, homebrew, and old friends. This was the largest gathering of old CSU commrads in quite some time!
The ceremony was, of course, beautiful. Second best wedding I've been to this year. Karen's brother Steve perfomed the ceremony, and concluded it by saying, "by the power vested to me from some on-line church in California . . . " Nate had brewed something like 10 batches of Homebrew, along with a couple of batches of delecious Mead, and his Parents had brewed several cases of both red and white wines . . . and in the intrest of Homebrewing everything, I led an arts-and-crafts afternoon where all of Nate's friends made "Schroeder Beards".
These came in handy during the reception. In between all the festivities, there was much enjoying nature . . . hiking, rock-skipping into lake Superior, camp-fire buning, and of course, Sasquach-sighting . . .
The highlight of the reception was a rather spontanious pie-eating contest, where my summer announcing for the Saints (finally) paid off. Just for the record . . . this picture was taken at the end of the 90-second contest, and you'll notice our good friend Scott Mowery is still enjoying his pie.
I got home Monday, and spent the day shuttling friends to the airport and bus Stations. Troy spent another couple of days in Minny, which was great. I tell you, that guy took to a Segway like a fish to water!
So, all things considered, the past month or so has been great. Getting to spend good quality time with both friends and family has been wonderful for me. A reminder to Simplify . . . simplify. I've got some more adventures coming up soon, but for now, I've got a pretty laid-back weekend in front of me! Love you guys, and I hope everyone is doing well!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Do you realize how fast you were going?
Quick update on the Cenex Shoot here. I left the house at six pm last night, and returned home at 6am. Wow. After sleeping most of the day away, I decided to submit a quick post. It was a fun shoot . . . and when I was filling out my paperwork, I realized that the paycheck is going to be much better than I expected. Awesome. I basically had to just meanmug the "Cenex guy" for 30 seconds, and then radio for the canine unit.
It was fun to put on the State Trooper monkey suit, but something about wearing a badge and gun made me feel immediately like an a-hole. Sweet. I don't think that this spot will air in Colorado-it sounds like the distribution is limited to five or six midwest states, but I've been guaranteed a copy, so I'll share it eventually.
In other news-The Saints swept the Saltdogs for the divisional crown, and are championship-bound! So, I don't get to work tonight, but I'll be at the first two games of the Championship on Monday and Tuesday! We're squaring off against either the El Paso Diablos or the Ft. Worth Cats. Go Saints!
Next Wednesday is the Comcast shoot. This is one of those great stretches where I'm constantly doing things that I love doing. Unfortunately, I haven't had any agency auditions since I booked this work, so I'm not sure what's on the horizon, but it's nice right now.
Hope everyone is doing great! School's up for everyone, and fall is right around the corner. Talk to you kids soon!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Vacation Pics!
Well Hello Everyone!
It's been a busy few weeks up here in Minny . . . but everything is going pretty well. Mom and Dad's visit was great, despite the fact that the Saints went 0-3 during the trip. They won for the remainder of the season though, and ended the second half of the season in First Place, which means we're in the Playoffs! Awesome. We're squaring off against the Lincoln Saltdogs in a best-of-five series beginning tonight in Lincoln. That means that games three (on the 30th) and four (on the 31st, if necessary) will be at Midway Stadium, with game five (if necessary) returning to Nebraska. If we win, then we'll be in the Championship series the following week. Very Exciting.
I've got mixed feelings, because I won't be able to work the game of the 30th, which may or may not be the final Saints game of the year. I would love to be there, but I booked a commercial (for Cenex-an engine lubricant) that has an overnight shoot that night. Damn. And Hooray.
I also booked a commercial for Comcast, which shoots next week. Man, when it rains, it pours!
In the meanwhile, I'm increasing my Segway hours and getting ready for Nate (Schroeder) and Karen's wedding on the 7th. The old gang is all converging on the Twin Cities, and we're heading up to the North Shore for a weekend of Celebration. Should be fun! I'll break all this down in greater detail soon, but for now, here's some pictures from the trip!

Robo-Parents . . . the future is now!! (Nobody Crashed . . . mostly)

How Many Mikes? A Grizzalicious Pose.

Warming up before the game! (My arm is still sore!)

Sitting Between the Rain. (On a side note, notice the person sitting directly behind Dad? Two games after this one, a kid was sitting in that seat, and took a line-drive foul ball to the face. It was one of the most brutal shots I'd ever seen. At last update, the kid had a broken cheek bone, but was otherwise going to be OK.)

Chillin' with the 'Gooch. Oh you know, just hanging out with former gold-medal winner Kristi Yamaguci. She was one of several celebrities who played in the Mark Parrish Softball Fundraiser the other night. I made her laugh.
It's been a busy few weeks up here in Minny . . . but everything is going pretty well. Mom and Dad's visit was great, despite the fact that the Saints went 0-3 during the trip. They won for the remainder of the season though, and ended the second half of the season in First Place, which means we're in the Playoffs! Awesome. We're squaring off against the Lincoln Saltdogs in a best-of-five series beginning tonight in Lincoln. That means that games three (on the 30th) and four (on the 31st, if necessary) will be at Midway Stadium, with game five (if necessary) returning to Nebraska. If we win, then we'll be in the Championship series the following week. Very Exciting.
I've got mixed feelings, because I won't be able to work the game of the 30th, which may or may not be the final Saints game of the year. I would love to be there, but I booked a commercial (for Cenex-an engine lubricant) that has an overnight shoot that night. Damn. And Hooray.
I also booked a commercial for Comcast, which shoots next week. Man, when it rains, it pours!
In the meanwhile, I'm increasing my Segway hours and getting ready for Nate (Schroeder) and Karen's wedding on the 7th. The old gang is all converging on the Twin Cities, and we're heading up to the North Shore for a weekend of Celebration. Should be fun! I'll break all this down in greater detail soon, but for now, here's some pictures from the trip!

Robo-Parents . . . the future is now!! (Nobody Crashed . . . mostly)

How Many Mikes? A Grizzalicious Pose.

Warming up before the game! (My arm is still sore!)

Sitting Between the Rain. (On a side note, notice the person sitting directly behind Dad? Two games after this one, a kid was sitting in that seat, and took a line-drive foul ball to the face. It was one of the most brutal shots I'd ever seen. At last update, the kid had a broken cheek bone, but was otherwise going to be OK.)
Chillin' with the 'Gooch. Oh you know, just hanging out with former gold-medal winner Kristi Yamaguci. She was one of several celebrities who played in the Mark Parrish Softball Fundraiser the other night. I made her laugh.
Short post: UGH!
Well, what a day today will be. I had a tools seminar to attend at 8am this morning, so I had to get up at 5:15 to be on a 5:53 bus. I ended up getting to Denver about half an hour earlier than I had anticipated, which was nice, but for some reason I failed to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain caffeine. I have the tools seminar from 8 to 10, class from 10 to 11, and then a studio class from 1 to 5:30, then home again, home again, getting there around 7pm. What a long day.
I was supposed to take a shot last night, but I don't have medicine. CuraScript, my mail-order pharmacy, is trying to work out my insurance. I'm getting in touch with them after class today to get my dose for tomorrow.
Anyway, that's my very short update. Love you guys! Post more!
I was supposed to take a shot last night, but I don't have medicine. CuraScript, my mail-order pharmacy, is trying to work out my insurance. I'm getting in touch with them after class today to get my dose for tomorrow.
Anyway, that's my very short update. Love you guys! Post more!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
It's official...

I'm In Grown-Up School! It's quite exhilarating and scary, kinda like a roller coaster is scary. I'm seriously loving it, but when I try to explain what I love so much, it sounds really stupid. Like, I have never been so excited about pencils and rulers (but to be fair, I've never seen such cool pencils and rulers). Today, what we did was, we reproduced images of elevations (an outside view of a building from one face, not at an angle) and floorplans to a different scale. It involved drawing many, many straight lines. (I'm not advanced enough to draw curved lines just yet.) Tomorrow, we're doing measured drawings of elevations at angles, which means: we take two adjacent outside views (like, for example, the north and west views), and set them at an angle so that we see both, and draw both without using perspective. It's going to be cool. Just take my word for it.
I focus so hard on my work in this class and it stimulates my creative glands so much that I am starting to really really look forward to the real classes. I got a 16-page syllabus of my "Intro to Building Technology" class, and saw this: "Lecture 1: Mud". I laughed, but I think it's going to be challenging. It involves weekly site visits, and the final project is a "site report," which I'm not sure what that means. In any case, it's making me nervous.
In other news, the commute is actually quite pleasant. The bus is quick and painless, and downtown Denver isn't as stinky, ugly and dirty as I thought it would be (my way of saying, it's kinda pretty from 3-4 floors up). The rooms are air conditioned, and I haven't had to put up with any heat to speak of. Branden has been so wonderful, packing my lunches and making dinner and having it ready when I get home and cleaning the house. I'm gonna have to start pitching in more when his school starts, but for now it's been extremely nice.
I got together with Noah today for lunch. I had forgotten my lunch at home, and even though Noah only had, like, 15mins, he brought me some delicious Noah-made chicken and rice and onions and green peppers....It was really, really good. And it was nice to not starve :) We're getting together again tomorrow to actually spend some real time together. He got to see the studio and the project I was working on at the time (which I ended up scrapping and starting over, but that's okay).
What else? Shots are going fine, no complaints. I'll update again when "real" classes start. Ciao for now, lovely fam! <3
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Is YOUR refrigerator running?
Because this one sure wasn't!
That's right everyone . . . I got to spend last night with William "the Refregeator" Perry. They brought a special couch up to the third base dugout for his frigness to hold court over the game, and for a few magical innings, I got to do my stuff spitting distance from the man. Not only that, but during one of our promotions, the fridge hefted his enormous bulk out of the couch to actually PERFROM THE SUPERBOWL SHUFFLE! Singing, "dancing", the works! The cherry on the top of this magical ice cream? He blew the lines!
The Saint's dropped the fourth game of the series, but who cares? The fridge didn't. I got his autograph on a baseball. He politely refused my offer to give him a signature. He had about three or four gigantic beers during the four innings he was up on the dugout. When he smiled, I could see past his missing teeth and into . . . eternity. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new odd couple: Cody and the Fridge:
That's right everyone . . . I got to spend last night with William "the Refregeator" Perry. They brought a special couch up to the third base dugout for his frigness to hold court over the game, and for a few magical innings, I got to do my stuff spitting distance from the man. Not only that, but during one of our promotions, the fridge hefted his enormous bulk out of the couch to actually PERFROM THE SUPERBOWL SHUFFLE! Singing, "dancing", the works! The cherry on the top of this magical ice cream? He blew the lines!
The Saint's dropped the fourth game of the series, but who cares? The fridge didn't. I got his autograph on a baseball. He politely refused my offer to give him a signature. He had about three or four gigantic beers during the four innings he was up on the dugout. When he smiled, I could see past his missing teeth and into . . . eternity. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new odd couple: Cody and the Fridge:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Slow Down!
This Summer is flying by! Slow down sunshine, slow down!
So, I picked up some grains this morning with plans of brewing, but I've run out of time! I've got an hour or so before I have to be at Beautiful Midway Stadium, so I thought I'd lay down a quick blog. . .
Here's a pic of the apartment. It's the bartender's view looking into the Living room. Nate and his sister Sierra were nice enough to drop by and help me break in the place.

I'm really enjoying this apartment. It's got plenty of space, and the layout is conducive to my occational striding rants. There are a couple of drawbacks . . . the landlord has a habit of popping by almost daily, and my neighbors are more prone to making the news in a bad way than a good way, but on the whole, it's a small price to pay for what I've got. Now if the refrigerator would stop making noise, everything would be gravy.
The film is going great. It's been a much more positive experience than I was expecting. This picture isn't the best, but I believe that it conveys the tension . . .

We're halfway through the 4-week shoot, and I've thouroughly enjoyed working with this cast and crew. I'm feeling relatively good about my personal perfomance as well, which is cool. We'll see . . .
Aside from that, things are bouncing along just fine. Nothing too exciting to report. We've got another Caveman Conference call next week, where I assume we'll be updated about how much ass Caveman is currently kicking in Vegas. I've got a weekend in St. Cloud (hour north of the Twin Cities) next month, and a couple of weeks in Iowa after that.
Hope everyone is doing well! 35 years coming up for M&D! That's nothing to sneeze at. As opposed to kleenex, which is specifically designed for sneezing at. Love to all . . . Sound off!
So, I picked up some grains this morning with plans of brewing, but I've run out of time! I've got an hour or so before I have to be at Beautiful Midway Stadium, so I thought I'd lay down a quick blog. . .
Here's a pic of the apartment. It's the bartender's view looking into the Living room. Nate and his sister Sierra were nice enough to drop by and help me break in the place.
I'm really enjoying this apartment. It's got plenty of space, and the layout is conducive to my occational striding rants. There are a couple of drawbacks . . . the landlord has a habit of popping by almost daily, and my neighbors are more prone to making the news in a bad way than a good way, but on the whole, it's a small price to pay for what I've got. Now if the refrigerator would stop making noise, everything would be gravy.
The film is going great. It's been a much more positive experience than I was expecting. This picture isn't the best, but I believe that it conveys the tension . . .
We're halfway through the 4-week shoot, and I've thouroughly enjoyed working with this cast and crew. I'm feeling relatively good about my personal perfomance as well, which is cool. We'll see . . .
Aside from that, things are bouncing along just fine. Nothing too exciting to report. We've got another Caveman Conference call next week, where I assume we'll be updated about how much ass Caveman is currently kicking in Vegas. I've got a weekend in St. Cloud (hour north of the Twin Cities) next month, and a couple of weeks in Iowa after that.
Hope everyone is doing well! 35 years coming up for M&D! That's nothing to sneeze at. As opposed to kleenex, which is specifically designed for sneezing at. Love to all . . . Sound off!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hey Guys . . .
Yeah, so it's been too long. Easy to find excuses not to blog isn't it? I'm going to try to be better about it. And Away We Go!
I've got a new address-Found a great one bedroom just a couple of miles from my current place and only four blocks from my friends Nate and Karen. I'm moving this weekend, and as I type this out, I'm surrounded by piles of #%$#*!! that I've some how accumulated over the year. How does that happen? Who needs this stuff? Anyway, I'm looking forward to moving in . . . it's a pretty cool apartment in a 4-plex. Here's the new address:
3320 25th AVE S #2
Minneapolis, MN, 55406
The Saints are in the middle of a 9-game winning streak right now, which is fun. Tonight is the last game of a homestand, and it'll be nice to have a few days off. July is going to be a bit light on games, but don't worry, I'll still be busy . . . I'm cast in a movie that shoots the final 3 weeks in July.
In this film-"13 Hours in a Warehouse", I play Paul-a nerdowell petty gangster who attempts to screw over my partners-in-crime by killing them and taking our "priceless museaum piece" for myself. Much to our supprise, the warehouse in which we're spending the night is infested with the ghosts of women who had been killed there! It's a big stretch from the movie I did last fall in which I played Steve-a nerdowell petty gangster who is forced to make some brutal decisions that involve killing folks while in search of a "priceless Myan artifact". Little did Steve know that the storage lot in which we spent the night is infested with the phantoms of ex-gansters who had been buried there!
I think I've found my niche.
More details to come soon! I need to run out and get some stuff done today in preparation for this weekend . . . hope everyone's well, and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon! I'll leave you with pics of my new summer cut!

Yeah, so it's been too long. Easy to find excuses not to blog isn't it? I'm going to try to be better about it. And Away We Go!
I've got a new address-Found a great one bedroom just a couple of miles from my current place and only four blocks from my friends Nate and Karen. I'm moving this weekend, and as I type this out, I'm surrounded by piles of #%$#*!! that I've some how accumulated over the year. How does that happen? Who needs this stuff? Anyway, I'm looking forward to moving in . . . it's a pretty cool apartment in a 4-plex. Here's the new address:
3320 25th AVE S #2
Minneapolis, MN, 55406
The Saints are in the middle of a 9-game winning streak right now, which is fun. Tonight is the last game of a homestand, and it'll be nice to have a few days off. July is going to be a bit light on games, but don't worry, I'll still be busy . . . I'm cast in a movie that shoots the final 3 weeks in July.
In this film-"13 Hours in a Warehouse", I play Paul-a nerdowell petty gangster who attempts to screw over my partners-in-crime by killing them and taking our "priceless museaum piece" for myself. Much to our supprise, the warehouse in which we're spending the night is infested with the ghosts of women who had been killed there! It's a big stretch from the movie I did last fall in which I played Steve-a nerdowell petty gangster who is forced to make some brutal decisions that involve killing folks while in search of a "priceless Myan artifact". Little did Steve know that the storage lot in which we spent the night is infested with the phantoms of ex-gansters who had been buried there!
I think I've found my niche.
More details to come soon! I need to run out and get some stuff done today in preparation for this weekend . . . hope everyone's well, and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon! I'll leave you with pics of my new summer cut!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Well, there should be at least 1 post in June
Hey guys! I'm hoping to re-inspire the tendency to post here--I liked hearing from you guys regularly, and you all suck about calling (except for mom :) ). Anyway, that is not to say that I have a whole heck of a lot to say. Everything's going very well up here, I'm working ~30 hrs/week at ListenUp and my hours are about to go up dramatically, probably into overtime. That's because there are 4 people, including me, who can do my job: I was hired to replace Bethany who is leaving in less than a week; Patti, the lady who hired me, recently resigned and will be officially gone (though still on part-time, unofficially, until someone can replace her as office manager) on July 3; then there's Angie, who is only working 1 day a week during the summer. Therefore, I'll probably be working open to close 5-6 days a week. I'm happy about that. I hope I don't get burned out, but it'll be nice to be making money. Plus, I'm allowed to dink around on the internet, read, or whatever else when there's nothing else to do.
Yesterday, Branden, Joe, Sarah and I went to the Renaissance Festival. I always love going there. It's always retardedly hot, but I wore sunscreen and sufficiently skimpy clothes and coped. I love all the goofy costumes, the skits, and all the vendors. It really makes me want to start creating again--most of the vendors are independant artisans: potters, sculptors, jewelry makers, sewers/designers... When I'm there, it doesn't seem to be beyond the realm of possibility.
While I was there, however, something really weird happened to my most recent injection site, on my thigh. A vaguely bird-shaped mark appeared, the same color as a sunburn, and after we got in the car and were driving home and I was in an AC'd environment, I could tell it was raised up higher than the rest of my skin. It was also tender to the touch. Other than that, pretty unremarkable--though it's still here. I put some aloe vera on it.
Other than that, I've been symptom-free! Go me!!
Okay, I think that's all I have to say. Love you all! Post more!
Yesterday, Branden, Joe, Sarah and I went to the Renaissance Festival. I always love going there. It's always retardedly hot, but I wore sunscreen and sufficiently skimpy clothes and coped. I love all the goofy costumes, the skits, and all the vendors. It really makes me want to start creating again--most of the vendors are independant artisans: potters, sculptors, jewelry makers, sewers/designers... When I'm there, it doesn't seem to be beyond the realm of possibility.
While I was there, however, something really weird happened to my most recent injection site, on my thigh. A vaguely bird-shaped mark appeared, the same color as a sunburn, and after we got in the car and were driving home and I was in an AC'd environment, I could tell it was raised up higher than the rest of my skin. It was also tender to the touch. Other than that, pretty unremarkable--though it's still here. I put some aloe vera on it.
Other than that, I've been symptom-free! Go me!!
Okay, I think that's all I have to say. Love you all! Post more!
Monday, May 7, 2007
I am the champion, my friends
Whee! My last final was today, and I think I fully aced it. I'm excited! I'm done with undergraduate school! Now I rush headlong into MORE SCHOOL which will probably be SIGNIFICANTLY MORE DIFFICULT, but I'm looking forward to it. =)
However, being done with school isn't actually easing my schedule that much, I realized. Branden and I haven't written our vows yet, nor communicated in any way with Uncle Ken regarding the vows, and he's supposed to be doing the ceremony. Gotta get on that. I need to get undergarments, a crinoline, and shoes; I need to get my hair played with; I have to get fitted. Life is still very hectic for the next 3 weeks at least. That's okay though!! I get to see my wonderful family so soon!!!
I have a neurologist appointment tomorrow... I just realized I may have been supposed to get an MRI or something recently. I don't know. *worried*
Anyway, I don't have very much to say, but I'm just so excited! I love you guys so much! <3
However, being done with school isn't actually easing my schedule that much, I realized. Branden and I haven't written our vows yet, nor communicated in any way with Uncle Ken regarding the vows, and he's supposed to be doing the ceremony. Gotta get on that. I need to get undergarments, a crinoline, and shoes; I need to get my hair played with; I have to get fitted. Life is still very hectic for the next 3 weeks at least. That's okay though!! I get to see my wonderful family so soon!!!
I have a neurologist appointment tomorrow... I just realized I may have been supposed to get an MRI or something recently. I don't know. *worried*
Anyway, I don't have very much to say, but I'm just so excited! I love you guys so much! <3
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Happy May everybody. In just a few short weeks we will all be together, among lots of extended family & various friends as well. Dad still trying to decide what yous 3 will wear.....tux or nice outfits. Please get those measurements to me asap!
I know how busy everybody is. Cody, best of luck. Noah and Elly, finish strong!! And Elly, congrats on your new job @Listen Up.
When life relaxes a bit, please take a moment to organize yourselves for the wedding/durango trip. Stuff you want to bring should start being piled in one corner, find missing shoes,what do you need me to get on this end? Thanks alot. Yikes!!! I know I'm going to need your help, too. Any oil changes needed?
Bridal shower in Boulder was jolly fun and a haul was hauled. Aunt Jo and Carlie pulled off a fine event. Elly was resplendent!! One would never have guessed that she had to dash home immediately after to keep working on her 15 page italian language paper. (yeah, IN Italian). Noah represented the male species at the festivities.....I detected a fair amount of ogling.....Hope you finished your 10 pager as well, bro. Good luck with up-coming May 9 show. And you mentioned another...??
Okay, love yous guys madly. I'm to work & then hopefully some exterior trim painting. Dubious tho as we are into the late afternoon wind and rain routine.x0x0x0x0x0x0x0 m.
I know how busy everybody is. Cody, best of luck. Noah and Elly, finish strong!! And Elly, congrats on your new job @Listen Up.
When life relaxes a bit, please take a moment to organize yourselves for the wedding/durango trip. Stuff you want to bring should start being piled in one corner, find missing shoes,what do you need me to get on this end? Thanks alot. Yikes!!! I know I'm going to need your help, too. Any oil changes needed?
Bridal shower in Boulder was jolly fun and a haul was hauled. Aunt Jo and Carlie pulled off a fine event. Elly was resplendent!! One would never have guessed that she had to dash home immediately after to keep working on her 15 page italian language paper. (yeah, IN Italian). Noah represented the male species at the festivities.....I detected a fair amount of ogling.....Hope you finished your 10 pager as well, bro. Good luck with up-coming May 9 show. And you mentioned another...??
Okay, love yous guys madly. I'm to work & then hopefully some exterior trim painting. Dubious tho as we are into the late afternoon wind and rain routine.x0x0x0x0x0x0x0 m.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
WHEW! Fast and furious!
Well, today I wrote an 11-page paper. Quite seriously, I wrote the entire thing...today. My brain is broken. I am so sick of talking about why Britain should switch to the Euro, I can't even tell you guys.
So, that's two papers of 3 done. And the next I HAVE to get done this weekend, so that my prof can look it over, correct it, make suggestions and whatnot. While I've done quite a bit of research, I haven't actually started typing it yet. Though, doing this paper today has raised my confidence in my ability to crank out papers.
Anyway, my brain has narrowed to a pinpoint focus, zeroing in on the end of the year, and that's partially a huge burdonsome stress and sometimes a relief that I don't actually have to think about anything else. So, I've worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, skipped today to write my paper, and am going back in tomorrow. It feels so good!
Don't really have much to say other than "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" so I'ma gonna take off. Love to all of you shnibs!
So, that's two papers of 3 done. And the next I HAVE to get done this weekend, so that my prof can look it over, correct it, make suggestions and whatnot. While I've done quite a bit of research, I haven't actually started typing it yet. Though, doing this paper today has raised my confidence in my ability to crank out papers.
Anyway, my brain has narrowed to a pinpoint focus, zeroing in on the end of the year, and that's partially a huge burdonsome stress and sometimes a relief that I don't actually have to think about anything else. So, I've worked out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, skipped today to write my paper, and am going back in tomorrow. It feels so good!
Don't really have much to say other than "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" so I'ma gonna take off. Love to all of you shnibs!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Girl
Hi all yous guys...just got home from a blahblahblahblah day at work. Blueberry tea time---yum! Can't hardly watch the news/radio in the aftermath of the psycho shooter @Virginia Tech. So so sad.
Windy as hell here. Not conducive to bike riding. Still a bit nippy too. That leaves bon-bon eating, I guess.
Today is sweet sis's special day. You are an inspiration for all of us,honey. I hope you had a happy day. We were all with you in spirit...which isn't nearly as good as being together in person. gar-umph.... Big party coming up soon, tho.! Mere weeks away!!
Noah, good luck with your show tomorrow. Any feedback re press pkt?
Hey Code.....word up.
I love you all. Talk at me!!!
Windy as hell here. Not conducive to bike riding. Still a bit nippy too. That leaves bon-bon eating, I guess.
Today is sweet sis's special day. You are an inspiration for all of us,honey. I hope you had a happy day. We were all with you in spirit...which isn't nearly as good as being together in person. gar-umph.... Big party coming up soon, tho.! Mere weeks away!!
Noah, good luck with your show tomorrow. Any feedback re press pkt?
Hey Code.....word up.
I love you all. Talk at me!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
beware the "volver"
Darling babies of mine....evil movie out there is being touted as academy award material....a "sleeper", "possibly missed" by those in-the know vis-a-vs cinenods.
BALDERDASH & BLARNEY. Plain and simple >bad on so many levels......should carry disclaimer: "may /most likely will cause mental illness if viewed, or insanity shortly thereafter!!" Exaggerating of course....it's merely pure crap and boring as hell.Too convoluted to follow and nobody cared anyway!!!Missing it on my account would be an honor. Not to mention>> singing by penelope cruz...twilight zone.
Dad's sleeping and so am I.haha Not bad,huh? (Also tried "Slevin" tonight. We've` Seen it. Dammit!)
We worked our buttocksi (plurl buttocks...?) all day today. Very satisfying. mostly deep cleaning and organizing.But also some weights , Bball, aerobics &the errands.
Ellie,don't forget Michael McLachlans Apr 18th bday,ok?Address on your invite list
yippee! Dustin,Kellie & oliv(er/ia ....do they know that for sure yet?)are joining the festivities. Lots o'people are; few regrets so far. Word musta gotten out that there was free food...that's what happened at WOODSTOCK in '68 you kno......
Noah Assignment: Please get your adonnis-like bod measured by a tux shop and email 2 us asap. Your suit is also an option, Where is it? Try it on if you have it,ok? I will look here, but haven't come across. Measurements are free :N/C...i never turn down the two bucks for a cuppa from a customer, tho. More than that is .....way too complicated.WRONG
Any W2's from protos enroute? Filing a pain in the ass extension otherwise. and late return into you acct. Maybe it could be faxed? You'd have to call Joanne Hards of Philips & Hards CPA's. They are in the Rivergate center. You need #'s, let me kno.
They have fax #'s, i'm sure. THEY'E WORKING PART OF TOMORROW i kno so early or eat it
N:Do not fail to meet w/an advisor before registering for all your remaining courses at CUB. Definitely imperative.....ask bro and sis if ??? Could mean the difference of an extra semester (or 2!!!), or NOT! If you don't like the initial advisor ....go to another!!! We are paying soooo $$$$ much for you to go there....get the perks!!
BALDERDASH & BLARNEY. Plain and simple >bad on so many levels......should carry disclaimer: "may /most likely will cause mental illness if viewed, or insanity shortly thereafter!!" Exaggerating of course....it's merely pure crap and boring as hell.Too convoluted to follow and nobody cared anyway!!!Missing it on my account would be an honor. Not to mention>> singing by penelope cruz...twilight zone.
Dad's sleeping and so am I.haha Not bad,huh? (Also tried "Slevin" tonight. We've` Seen it. Dammit!)
We worked our buttocksi (plurl buttocks...?) all day today. Very satisfying. mostly deep cleaning and organizing.But also some weights , Bball, aerobics &the errands.
Ellie,don't forget Michael McLachlans Apr 18th bday,ok?Address on your invite list
yippee! Dustin,Kellie & oliv(er/ia ....do they know that for sure yet?)are joining the festivities. Lots o'people are; few regrets so far. Word musta gotten out that there was free food...that's what happened at WOODSTOCK in '68 you kno......
Noah Assignment: Please get your adonnis-like bod measured by a tux shop and email 2 us asap. Your suit is also an option, Where is it? Try it on if you have it,ok? I will look here, but haven't come across. Measurements are free :N/C...i never turn down the two bucks for a cuppa from a customer, tho. More than that is .....way too complicated.WRONG
Any W2's from protos enroute? Filing a pain in the ass extension otherwise. and late return into you acct. Maybe it could be faxed? You'd have to call Joanne Hards of Philips & Hards CPA's. They are in the Rivergate center. You need #'s, let me kno.
They have fax #'s, i'm sure. THEY'E WORKING PART OF TOMORROW i kno so early or eat it
N:Do not fail to meet w/an advisor before registering for all your remaining courses at CUB. Definitely imperative.....ask bro and sis if ??? Could mean the difference of an extra semester (or 2!!!), or NOT! If you don't like the initial advisor ....go to another!!! We are paying soooo $$$$ much for you to go there....get the perks!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Momentary Lull
All right, I haven't posted in forever and ever. I was sorta waiting for a "stopping place," but then I realized that there was no such thing. So, yeah, here I am, updating.
Over Spring Break, Branden and I went home to tie down some wedding stuff. Though every day was busy, there's not a lot to report that's actually interesting. On Monday, Mom, Dad, Branden and I went out to Blue Lake Ranch and talked about such enthralling things as whether or not to have a head table, where to position the buffets, whether to have the napkins folded on the plates v. in the water goblets, and so forth. It made all of us feel like we were way behind schedule, because we hadn't thought about stuff like that, but I'm fairly certain we're okay. Tuesday, Mom and I went out to the florist and made the final decisions about the flowers. Yay! That's done. Wednesday? Thursday? mom and I went shopping, that was very fun. And, one of those days, Branden and I went and had dinner at his dad's house. That was very nice. And one of those days, B got measured for his tux and picked out the men's ensemble. They're going to be so shark! I discovered that my Italian leather jacket was ripped, which is allegedly getting fixed. Whoo and yay.
The day after we got back from Durango, I had a physical therapy appointment. My PT said that I'm doing so well that we'll have one more appointment in the "middle" of May (actually the 7th, but she said that's cool too), and then unless something went very wrong, I would no longer have regularly scheduled appointments. Yay! Then, Aunt Jo took me out to pick up our wedding rings. They're very classy, and engraved and stuff. I like 'em.
Let's see...I'm about to start research for my senior essay. A little behind schedule, but I've got lots 'n' lots of sources, so it should be okay. Last night, Branden and I went to an India Arie concert, who is an artist I really like, and Noah had me pick up some tickets for his CSU friends (which they paid me back already, so no worries there) and we had a great time. Very awesome. Afterwards we went to IHOP with Steph, Shad, Dan, Joe, and Sarah. It's been a while since we saw Steph and Shad, and hung out with any of the rest of them just for the sake of hanging out.
Shots are going just fine. I stopped using my arms, both in anticipation of the wedding and because it has really, really hurt the last few times I've done it there.
Mommy & Daddy--Thanks for the Easter candy!!!! I'm very excited to have it.
I've worked out 3 times this week--go me! I'm proud of myself. It gets easier every time.
I miss everyone! Love you guys so much!!! Talk to you soon! Happy birthday, Cody!!!
Over Spring Break, Branden and I went home to tie down some wedding stuff. Though every day was busy, there's not a lot to report that's actually interesting. On Monday, Mom, Dad, Branden and I went out to Blue Lake Ranch and talked about such enthralling things as whether or not to have a head table, where to position the buffets, whether to have the napkins folded on the plates v. in the water goblets, and so forth. It made all of us feel like we were way behind schedule, because we hadn't thought about stuff like that, but I'm fairly certain we're okay. Tuesday, Mom and I went out to the florist and made the final decisions about the flowers. Yay! That's done. Wednesday? Thursday? mom and I went shopping, that was very fun. And, one of those days, Branden and I went and had dinner at his dad's house. That was very nice. And one of those days, B got measured for his tux and picked out the men's ensemble. They're going to be so shark! I discovered that my Italian leather jacket was ripped, which is allegedly getting fixed. Whoo and yay.
The day after we got back from Durango, I had a physical therapy appointment. My PT said that I'm doing so well that we'll have one more appointment in the "middle" of May (actually the 7th, but she said that's cool too), and then unless something went very wrong, I would no longer have regularly scheduled appointments. Yay! Then, Aunt Jo took me out to pick up our wedding rings. They're very classy, and engraved and stuff. I like 'em.
Let's see...I'm about to start research for my senior essay. A little behind schedule, but I've got lots 'n' lots of sources, so it should be okay. Last night, Branden and I went to an India Arie concert, who is an artist I really like, and Noah had me pick up some tickets for his CSU friends (which they paid me back already, so no worries there) and we had a great time. Very awesome. Afterwards we went to IHOP with Steph, Shad, Dan, Joe, and Sarah. It's been a while since we saw Steph and Shad, and hung out with any of the rest of them just for the sake of hanging out.
Shots are going just fine. I stopped using my arms, both in anticipation of the wedding and because it has really, really hurt the last few times I've done it there.
Mommy & Daddy--Thanks for the Easter candy!!!! I'm very excited to have it.
I've worked out 3 times this week--go me! I'm proud of myself. It gets easier every time.
I miss everyone! Love you guys so much!!! Talk to you soon! Happy birthday, Cody!!!
Cody's birthday,
Wedding rings,
Working out
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
30 and 364/365ths
It's freezing rain right now in the twin cities. A ruthless shock not just to me, but no doubt to the flower buds attempting to push up for the spring. Crappy. And with no where to go (immediately), it's time to catch up on the Blog . . .
So NY was great. Let's see. I left Minny at 11:45pm on Tuesday the 20th aboard the "Megabus" bound for Chicago. Upon boarding said Megabus, I did my best to look intimidating and perhaps even off-kilter, with the intention of keeping a seat to myself. It worked. It's amazing how you can grant yourself a few inches of wiggle room in this world by muttering things to yourself! It was a thankfully uneventful bus ride, spent mostly sleeping the fitful sleep of a big guy on a bus.
Got into Chicago at 6am. It was a foggy morning in the City of Big Shoulders, and I ended up walking several blocks in the wrong direction before getting my bearings straight. Soon enough, I found myself at Dustin and Kelly and Olivia's place. It's quickly becomming appearant who's in charge at that place.

Damn Cute. Olivia has her own ID card for the East Bank Club, so we went. That was great. Plus I took a mini tour of Dirty D's building and office . . . a pretty intimidating adventure. And later that day, I boarded the plane bound for NY.
Got in late on Wed the 21st and cabbed it over to Laura's place. Laura is my friend from Minny-she was the publicist for the Hennepin Theatre Trust, and set me up with a lot of great interviews when I firs started my run here-and then she was hired by Theatre Mogul to help run their publicity. It was kind of her to offer me a room, albeit in the thick of Harlem-way up north. One of my common observations about the city is how tight everything is. Laura and her roommate have a pretty nice 3-bedroom apartment, but it's so tiny! It was a good base of operations however. That night, I slept like a baby.
On Thusday morning, I woke up leisurely and made my way downtown. I love going walkabout in "foreign" places, and I got a good couple of hours in walking around midtown and the theatre district. I picked up a copy of "Backstage"-a weekly trade publication that lists the what'sgoingons in the performance world, as well as all the current auditions. A good tool to have for sure. In the early afternoon, I popped into the TM office and was lucky enough to catch one of their weekly meetings. It was great to get to the office. They are definately working very hard to make this compay work. I also had a long sit-down with Jim to rap about concerns I'd been having, as well as another installment in the get-to-know-you series. All in all, it was a nice and productive visit to the office.
In the later afternoon, I went walkabout down in the Village. I stopped by "The Cage"-a basketbally court famous for it's globetrotteresque streetballers.
I made my usual stop at Gray's Papaya-two hotdogs and a 16oz papaya drind for 2.50. Delicious and frugal.
And I spent the rest of the day mapping out the next couple.
On friday, I again woke up relatively lesiurely and made my way downtown. This was the day of my Strawhat audition, and I realized that I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, so I gave myself plenty of time. Pace University is in South Manhattan (Lower East Side?) right next to the Brooklyn bridge. I could feel going into the audition that many of my fears about it were spot-on. I was one of the elderly . . . most of the folks auditioning were either still in college or recent graduates. No matter. It was still a fun auditon. I'm not going to go into too much boring detail now, but it was a good, though ultimately fruitless experience. Between my audition at 2:30 and my callback at 5:30 (for a theatre in kennybunkport), I went walkabout again through the lower east side and SoHo. I found the Ghostbuster's Firehouse, and checked out ground zero from 9/11. Haunting . . . both of them.
There's more to report, obviously, but I'm starting to lose focus. I've got to leave the blog half-begun and sign off for a while. The gym is calling. Hope you all are doing well. I'd love to see some pics from the shower! Noah-you don't have to post any pictures from your shower, however. Love you guys.
So NY was great. Let's see. I left Minny at 11:45pm on Tuesday the 20th aboard the "Megabus" bound for Chicago. Upon boarding said Megabus, I did my best to look intimidating and perhaps even off-kilter, with the intention of keeping a seat to myself. It worked. It's amazing how you can grant yourself a few inches of wiggle room in this world by muttering things to yourself! It was a thankfully uneventful bus ride, spent mostly sleeping the fitful sleep of a big guy on a bus.
Got into Chicago at 6am. It was a foggy morning in the City of Big Shoulders, and I ended up walking several blocks in the wrong direction before getting my bearings straight. Soon enough, I found myself at Dustin and Kelly and Olivia's place. It's quickly becomming appearant who's in charge at that place.
Damn Cute. Olivia has her own ID card for the East Bank Club, so we went. That was great. Plus I took a mini tour of Dirty D's building and office . . . a pretty intimidating adventure. And later that day, I boarded the plane bound for NY.
Got in late on Wed the 21st and cabbed it over to Laura's place. Laura is my friend from Minny-she was the publicist for the Hennepin Theatre Trust, and set me up with a lot of great interviews when I firs started my run here-and then she was hired by Theatre Mogul to help run their publicity. It was kind of her to offer me a room, albeit in the thick of Harlem-way up north. One of my common observations about the city is how tight everything is. Laura and her roommate have a pretty nice 3-bedroom apartment, but it's so tiny! It was a good base of operations however. That night, I slept like a baby.
On Thusday morning, I woke up leisurely and made my way downtown. I love going walkabout in "foreign" places, and I got a good couple of hours in walking around midtown and the theatre district. I picked up a copy of "Backstage"-a weekly trade publication that lists the what'sgoingons in the performance world, as well as all the current auditions. A good tool to have for sure. In the early afternoon, I popped into the TM office and was lucky enough to catch one of their weekly meetings. It was great to get to the office. They are definately working very hard to make this compay work. I also had a long sit-down with Jim to rap about concerns I'd been having, as well as another installment in the get-to-know-you series. All in all, it was a nice and productive visit to the office.
In the later afternoon, I went walkabout down in the Village. I stopped by "The Cage"-a basketbally court famous for it's globetrotteresque streetballers.
I made my usual stop at Gray's Papaya-two hotdogs and a 16oz papaya drind for 2.50. Delicious and frugal.
And I spent the rest of the day mapping out the next couple.
On friday, I again woke up relatively lesiurely and made my way downtown. This was the day of my Strawhat audition, and I realized that I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, so I gave myself plenty of time. Pace University is in South Manhattan (Lower East Side?) right next to the Brooklyn bridge. I could feel going into the audition that many of my fears about it were spot-on. I was one of the elderly . . . most of the folks auditioning were either still in college or recent graduates. No matter. It was still a fun auditon. I'm not going to go into too much boring detail now, but it was a good, though ultimately fruitless experience. Between my audition at 2:30 and my callback at 5:30 (for a theatre in kennybunkport), I went walkabout again through the lower east side and SoHo. I found the Ghostbuster's Firehouse, and checked out ground zero from 9/11. Haunting . . . both of them.
There's more to report, obviously, but I'm starting to lose focus. I've got to leave the blog half-begun and sign off for a while. The gym is calling. Hope you all are doing well. I'd love to see some pics from the shower! Noah-you don't have to post any pictures from your shower, however. Love you guys.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I got a call from my manager at work today while I was in class. I didn't have a chance to kcheck the message until around 5:15 when I was done with school for the day. I assumed (of course) that I was in some sort of trouble, and was relieved when my manager's message merely said to call her when I could because something had happened. Shortly after calling her, I wished that my original assumption had been correct. My co-worker Andy, a really smart, nice kid who I'd gotten to know since I started working at Proto's, died last night in a car wreck. He had recently turned 20. Alcohol was involved. I'm sitting here right now at my manager's house with a bunch of my coworkers, sipping Andy's favorite types of wine and trying to help each other through this ordeal. Personally, I am okay. I am sad, yes, but I didn't know Andy beyond a work level as many of my other coworkers/friends did. I mainly feel sad because I know what these people are feeling.
I love you guys, and I love the fact that I don't have to worry about any of you ending up in a similar situation to Andy's. I hope you know that you don't have to worry about me either.
Today helped me realize that the people I work with are also my friends (regardless of how much I complain), and I am very happy to have that kind of support. I felt that I needed to come to the blog first because you guys are my very first line of support, and I thank my lucky stars to be blessed with the Louds as my family. I'm sorry to bring the mood down in here, but obviously I needed to share this with you all. Take a second to acknowledge the existence of Andy Given if you can sometime. I love you all.
I love you guys, and I love the fact that I don't have to worry about any of you ending up in a similar situation to Andy's. I hope you know that you don't have to worry about me either.
Today helped me realize that the people I work with are also my friends (regardless of how much I complain), and I am very happy to have that kind of support. I felt that I needed to come to the blog first because you guys are my very first line of support, and I thank my lucky stars to be blessed with the Louds as my family. I'm sorry to bring the mood down in here, but obviously I needed to share this with you all. Take a second to acknowledge the existence of Andy Given if you can sometime. I love you all.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Last Friday was March 9th, and we all know what that means...
it means that we undoubtedly all spent the day in quiet remembrance and celebration of the life of Christopher Wallace AKA Biggie Smalls, the rapper from the south Bronx who was tragically murdered on march 9th in 1997....yeah right. It means that our dad/husband/self (depending on who is reading this) finally turned 50, and as is the custom here in America, the last-born son put on a rap show for his father. Possibly the funnest (and most fun) show I've ever done. Wish I could've stayed longer......
Pops- happy birthday man. I hope you had as much fun as I did. I love you.
Mom- the groceries are incredible, you're a peach. I love you
Elly- you and I are conversing via text message as I write this about my bumbling of the domain-name purchase. You JUST texted me: "Yeah. Without it, you have no webpage, just a domain name." I'm about to tell you to go ahead and upgrade. I love you.
Cody- It was great to talk to you the other night. I hate it that cell phone convos can be awkward sometimes. I really want to come out and visit you soon. Johnny has a friend that works at Rhymesayers (Atmosphere's label in Minny), one of like 8 paid employees that the company has. If nothing else, that's an excuse to come out there, right? I love you.
Getting on here almost always brings tears into my eyes. I just wish that we could all be together all the time. Everyone is doing great things though....why the hell is speedskating outlawed on the durango rink? That's messed up mom, you should just ignore that rule. Vegas sounded like a good time code. I'm going there on the 25th, but only for a night or two to help skep move. Regardless, I'm excited! I hope the casinos didn't clean you out too bad, because my birthday is this month and you owe me a few years' worth of presents if I remember right (by the way, I'll get you those presents I owe you this year too, don't worry). I'm exhausted from bursting into tears around the beginning of this paragraph. I didn't even know it was MS week. I miss you all.
Pops- happy birthday man. I hope you had as much fun as I did. I love you.
Mom- the groceries are incredible, you're a peach. I love you
Elly- you and I are conversing via text message as I write this about my bumbling of the domain-name purchase. You JUST texted me: "Yeah. Without it, you have no webpage, just a domain name." I'm about to tell you to go ahead and upgrade. I love you.
Cody- It was great to talk to you the other night. I hate it that cell phone convos can be awkward sometimes. I really want to come out and visit you soon. Johnny has a friend that works at Rhymesayers (Atmosphere's label in Minny), one of like 8 paid employees that the company has. If nothing else, that's an excuse to come out there, right? I love you.
Getting on here almost always brings tears into my eyes. I just wish that we could all be together all the time. Everyone is doing great things though....why the hell is speedskating outlawed on the durango rink? That's messed up mom, you should just ignore that rule. Vegas sounded like a good time code. I'm going there on the 25th, but only for a night or two to help skep move. Regardless, I'm excited! I hope the casinos didn't clean you out too bad, because my birthday is this month and you owe me a few years' worth of presents if I remember right (by the way, I'll get you those presents I owe you this year too, don't worry). I'm exhausted from bursting into tears around the beginning of this paragraph. I didn't even know it was MS week. I miss you all.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Dad. Ok, Ok, so it's a day late, just so long as the truck full of presents arrived on time! I understand that there may have been a performance by the Grizz? Looking forward to the details. I hope it was a happy one for you man.
So, I sent off my autition tape to The Great American Melodrama yesterday. I learned that it's pretty easy to overthink an audition that you're taping yourself. I borrowed Nate's digital movie camera and gave myself a crash-course in simple computer editing. The disc that I sent off has 3 parts-a monologue (Bottom's speech from "A midsummer night's dream", a musical selection (performed-where else-in my shower), and an interview with myself where I shot the first half of it bearded, then shot the responses fresh-faced. It was fun to put together . . . and we'll see what happens. I expect to hear from them mid-to late next week. I tried to upload one of the video clips to the blog, but after 9 hours of loading (whilst I slept), I gave up on it. Sorry kids. For those of you who haven't heard about this project-if I get cast by the greatamericanmelodrama, I'd probably be working in Durango for the summer. Word.
Aside from that, it's been general busy work. Scott has a friend coming in from Arizona today, so we've got an intensive house-cleaning party planned. I've got a bag of grain sitting in the kitchen, just waiting to be turned into delicious butter beer. There are a couple of half-finished projects in the basement that have survived the winter and are now awaiting completion. There's monologues to be brushed up before NYC. Taxes aren't done yet. You know. General time consumption. Oh yeah-Skylar hooked us up with tickets to the Lakers/Timberwolves a couple of nights ago. They were amazing tickets . . . floor level, maybe twenty rows back from the court. Kobe v. Garnette. It was awesome. The 'Wolves ended up winning in Double OT (we split at the end of regulation), and Kobe committed a heinous foul for which he was later suspended a game. Punk. Too Cool.
So, how was everyone's MS Week? I celebrated by wearing a blond wig and studying Architechture for the week. Of course, I kid, but I was wondering if anyone did manage to participate somehow? I talked a bigger game than I walked about it.
I'm sure folks have some spring breaks comming up! Any plans worth sharing? Hope everyone is doing great, and I look forward to talking with you guys soon!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Vegas, Baby!
The picture says it all.
Well, it was a whirlwind weekend, beginning with a check-in with Olivia, and ending in a smooth 6-hour car ride. Scott and I departed Minny on Wednesday-at 5pm. Brilliant. The first hour on the road was spent in stop-and-go Minneapolis/St. Paul Rush-hour traffic. Awesome. Despite a smoking engine and a couple of white-out snow flurries, we made it down to Chi-town before midnight. Already, we were gambling and winning. That night, we got into a little Halo with Noah and Jason, and sacked out.
Thursday: I was able to make a quick trip to the Lakeview YMCA in Chicago. Last chance for some cardio before the desert! I ran into my old roomie Laurel schroeder at the gym! She was in the middle of a 3-hour run . . . trying to make us all look bad. After some sweat time and phone time, I borrowed scott's car and headed downtown to pop in on the lymans. Aunt Jo was in town (Uncle Ken was too, but he was stuck in Northbrook for the night), and the 5 of us had a nice dinner-resplendant with some homebrew!
I'm happy to report that Olivia is fattening up, and should be ready to cook by my birthday. Mmmm. . .
That night, I headed back up to Noah and Jason's place for a Chicago-based gathering surrounding Scott's birthday. It was a nice time . . . laid-back, casual, and slightly influenced by more homebrew.
Friday: Got a lift to O'hare in Noah Besser's Rumble Bus . . . it's a gigantic van (remember the daycare van?) that he uses for his work. Nice of that cat to give us a lift. The security line at O'hare was the most ridiculous one I've been through . . . and this is like, my 9th or 10th airport of the year. It was run amok . . . but somehow we made it through without any serious problems. Appearantly, we were one of the last flights allowed to leave the airport before they started cancelling/delaying planes. There was a pretty light-but-consistant snow falling, and we were lucky to escape on-time. In usual style, I managed to sleep most of the flight.
Vegas. The land of misspent dimes and ambitions. I could feel the vaccuum on my wallet as soon as our plane touched down. I started off big-$8 on a penny machine, $16 on video poker, $45 on blackjack. As we gambled away our first afternoon, other members of the "vegas away" team trickled in. By dinner, we were nearly all met, and we found our way to some great italian place that Scott was keen on . . . healthy portions and all the wine you could drink. And so we did.
The rest of the weekend was more of the same. Wandering, losing some money here, some there. Checking out the prosthetic sights and nonstop sounds of Vegas. It was great to see everybody . . . good friends in that group, but I kept remembering my last trip to Vegas with Elly.
Remeber that sis?
On the whole, it was a blast of a weekend. Nobody lost too much, but I don't think anyone left "up" either. Three days, two nights, plenty of poolside action in warm weather. It was great.
I've got more to post, but I've got to run right now. Hope you all are great! E-That website looks great so far, looking forward to the changes! Dad-you've got a birthday coming up! If only Grizz could perform for you . . . And Ma, hope you keep getting that ice to yourself!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Quick Update
Hey Famn Damily!!!! heeheeeeee.
I'll post more later, but for now, here's what consumed my weekend: Stephanie Williams' Website. Our wedding photographer. Tell me what you think. :)
I'll post more later, but for now, here's what consumed my weekend: Stephanie Williams' Website. Our wedding photographer. Tell me what you think. :)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Hi everybody, geez I feel like I'm reaching out to majorly busy lives. And mine too, you know....I have a nice hot shower waiting in the wings. Then work.
Had a spot of trouble getting on here. Still not positive what I did, or if I'll be able to repeat the process to get back on, but Elly wrote good instructions so I just need to keep practising.
I've been a jury-trial widow all this week with Dad in Pagosa trying a very complicated gravel pit rights case. Give us a good ol'fashioned murder any day.
I had the freshly zambonied ice rink to myself yesterday the entire 90 minutes. Accompanied by ma's rockboxx, of course. I had sharpened the blades also. Did I tell you that I was advised upon leaving the ice rink at CU, after skating, that speed skates&skaters are NOT ALLOWED on that rink!!!So I may have to ignore that (bleep-bleep) rule in the future. I'll wear the invisibility cloak.
Durango Film Festival in town this week. We never paid much attention to this event in past years'. (This may be only 4th year.) Scheduling a bit hard to follow,but some look interesting.
Snow is sketchy in town, but ski areas are great. $25 lift tix @Purg on Sunday for local appreciation. Usually that means it'll be packed. I prefer Wolf Creek w/no lift lines....I am SUCH a snob!!!After my 2-whole times skiing this year! Brother...
Okay, whoops! Outta time. I sure do enjoy this space w/you guys. MuchoLovo mammo
Had a spot of trouble getting on here. Still not positive what I did, or if I'll be able to repeat the process to get back on, but Elly wrote good instructions so I just need to keep practising.
I've been a jury-trial widow all this week with Dad in Pagosa trying a very complicated gravel pit rights case. Give us a good ol'fashioned murder any day.
I had the freshly zambonied ice rink to myself yesterday the entire 90 minutes. Accompanied by ma's rockboxx, of course. I had sharpened the blades also. Did I tell you that I was advised upon leaving the ice rink at CU, after skating, that speed skates&skaters are NOT ALLOWED on that rink!!!So I may have to ignore that (bleep-bleep) rule in the future. I'll wear the invisibility cloak.
Durango Film Festival in town this week. We never paid much attention to this event in past years'. (This may be only 4th year.) Scheduling a bit hard to follow,but some look interesting.
Snow is sketchy in town, but ski areas are great. $25 lift tix @Purg on Sunday for local appreciation. Usually that means it'll be packed. I prefer Wolf Creek w/no lift lines....I am SUCH a snob!!!After my 2-whole times skiing this year! Brother...
Okay, whoops! Outta time. I sure do enjoy this space w/you guys. MuchoLovo mammo
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Big dumb-head
Hello everyone, posting sooner than I anticipated. Funny story, that. (NOT)
Well, things are going fine here, nothing much to report. As I commented to Cody's last post, I've been hitting the gym 2-3 times per week and I can definitely tell a difference. I have a paper due in Political Parties and Pressure Groups tomorrow, but I emailed my teacher to get an extention so that I can prepare for the tests I have to take this week. >_< She was really cool about it, and is letting me turn it in next week.
Other news...Mom and Dad know this story: on Monday I got an e-mail from CU Denver saying that they got my application, minus my portfolio. I was freaking out, because they said that they'd received everything else, including the stuff I mailed in the same envelope as my portfolio. This story has a happy ending, though...I called them after my physical therapy appointment (after a good hour, hour and a half of panicking) and told them the situation. The lady said that she maybe hadn't checked the mail yet, and did that right there while I was on the phone. Sure enough, she hadn't, and it was right there, so yay. Turns out that the things I sent in the same envelope (my application fee and the Statement of Purpose) were a confusion: you know how I had to write two essays which were essentially the same? Well, turns out that the one on the application counts as the statement of purpose; I didn't have to do the other one. She must just have assumed that she'd received my app fee. I shouldn't have paid them. >_<
I heard from John (Boo's son) about her website. He's not incredibly coherent and I wish I could talk to her about it, but we've got the show on the road for her website.
So, my not-so-funny story: Yesterday, when I got home from school, I took a nap that was supposed to be a half hour to an hour, but lasted about 3-4 hours instead. Whoops. Then, last night, after my shot, I started getting a headache. So, I took 1 IBuprofin and 1 Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like a zombie again, and managed to walk out the door without my backpack, and didn't realize I didn't have it until I was in the parking lot. I went back to get it and was zooming towards the bus stop. I saw the bus coming, so I started running (I can do that now, yay!!). The bus pulled up and I didn't see anyone at the stop, and the doors were closed, but the bus stopped so I thought they saw me. I kept running and was about 20 feet from the bus when it pulled away. >_< CURSES!!! So I'm taking the 9:25 bus and will probably be about 5 minutes late to my class. What a bummer.
Anyway, love to everyone! <3
Well, things are going fine here, nothing much to report. As I commented to Cody's last post, I've been hitting the gym 2-3 times per week and I can definitely tell a difference. I have a paper due in Political Parties and Pressure Groups tomorrow, but I emailed my teacher to get an extention so that I can prepare for the tests I have to take this week. >_< She was really cool about it, and is letting me turn it in next week.
Other news...Mom and Dad know this story: on Monday I got an e-mail from CU Denver saying that they got my application, minus my portfolio. I was freaking out, because they said that they'd received everything else, including the stuff I mailed in the same envelope as my portfolio. This story has a happy ending, though...I called them after my physical therapy appointment (after a good hour, hour and a half of panicking) and told them the situation. The lady said that she maybe hadn't checked the mail yet, and did that right there while I was on the phone. Sure enough, she hadn't, and it was right there, so yay. Turns out that the things I sent in the same envelope (my application fee and the Statement of Purpose) were a confusion: you know how I had to write two essays which were essentially the same? Well, turns out that the one on the application counts as the statement of purpose; I didn't have to do the other one. She must just have assumed that she'd received my app fee. I shouldn't have paid them. >_<
I heard from John (Boo's son) about her website. He's not incredibly coherent and I wish I could talk to her about it, but we've got the show on the road for her website.
So, my not-so-funny story: Yesterday, when I got home from school, I took a nap that was supposed to be a half hour to an hour, but lasted about 3-4 hours instead. Whoops. Then, last night, after my shot, I started getting a headache. So, I took 1 IBuprofin and 1 Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like a zombie again, and managed to walk out the door without my backpack, and didn't realize I didn't have it until I was in the parking lot. I went back to get it and was zooming towards the bus stop. I saw the bus coming, so I started running (I can do that now, yay!!). The bus pulled up and I didn't see anyone at the stop, and the doors were closed, but the bus stopped so I thought they saw me. I kept running and was about 20 feet from the bus when it pulled away. >_< CURSES!!! So I'm taking the 9:25 bus and will probably be about 5 minutes late to my class. What a bummer.
Anyway, love to everyone! <3
dumb buses,
Grad School,
Website development,
Working out
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Decisions, Decisions. . .
Well, I had planned to post some more photos in this blog, but iphoto is "rebuilding" it's "thumbnail cache". You all know how long that takes (and what an pain in the seat it is)!!! I don't get my computer sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it's smarter than I am-especially about what it wants or needs. Our human/computer thearapy sessions have helped me realize that.
I got in at the Strawhat auditions. I'm both excited and a bit nervous about them. I booked my ticket yesterday, and I'll be in NYC from March 21-26th, with my audition on the 23rd (my long-time favorite number . . . perchance that's a good sign?) There are supposed to be between 60 and 80 theater companies represented, looking to cast their summer seasons. I've been doing my reasearch on the companies that are commited so far, and I'd say about 90% of them have summer seasons full of musicals. Even with these outrageous odds, I plan on presenting 2 contrasting monologues, rather than a song and a monologue that I'm sure most of the auditioners will be presenting. I get 90 seconds to audition, and I feel that 16 bars of a showtune would do nothing to show off my style. I'll most likely be doing a Shakespearean monologue, and something a bit racey from Eric Begosian. You know. I'm hoping that there will be some opportunities to sign on with a Shakespeare Summer Stock Company . . . that sounds like a great way to spend a summer.
The Diamond Circle Melodrama is one of the companies attending the audition. As it turns out, they have a parent company-the Great American Melodrama-located in California. I sent off a promo packet (letter of intrest and headshot/resume), letting them know that a hometown boy was auditioning friday at 2:35. I was supprised by their contracts . . . 200-400 per week. Much better than I had expected. That would be pretty cool. Working in Durango for the summer, that is. Artistically, I don't have many designs on Melodrama, but I probably wouldn't refuse that offer. In hindsight, I maybe shouldn't have mentioned that they'd be at the audition . . . we should be weary of getting any hopes up.
So, that's on the horizon.
Tomorrow, it's down to Chicago again, then off to Vegas on friday. Wish me luck. As you know, my plan is to win a lot of money early, then squander it away for the remainder of the weekend. I've set myself a limit . . . now if I can just stick to it! Noah-I was wondering if you had one, or if you would like me to try and snap a more recent pic of Skep's daugher for you? Let me know. (I hear that you're real busy, by the way, and I hope you're keeping it all together in Denver, my man!) Should be a fun weekend. Plus, I plan on popping in on Olivia again, see how she's doing. Scott and I are driving down, so I'll finally be able to bring some homebrew to a family member!
Speaking of Brewing, We just bottled a Steam Ale (Happy Pappy's Revenge), and a Rye Beer (Rye ask Rye). Coming up next, we've got a remake of a chile beer (Beerito Supreme), and a remake of a Ginger Ale (MaryAnn Ginger). Up next to be brewed is an experimental "Butterbeer" a la Harry Potter. To be honest with you, the grains have been sitting for too long, and I don't expect that beer to be especially palatable. Of course, I'll let you know.
So, upon returning from Vegas (no doubt with cash falling from overstuffed pockets), I've got 2 weeks before NYC. After that trip . . . who knows . . . could be 1-3 months before any contracts start, or perhaps none at all! The point is, I've got to start looking for a Civilian Job again. Rats. It's tough right now, because I don't know what I can commit to. And, what with it being the later part of Winter, there's not a huge amount of hiring going on right now. What's a boy to do? I'll figure something out.
I had more to add . . . looking toward the end of the summer/(summerstock?), and weighing the pros and cons of moving to either NY or LA, but I'm going to have to jump into those musings later . . . they're sort of amorphous in my head right now.
In the meantime, I'm still hitting the gym more often than not-Elly, how's it going? I'm starting to get a bit of muscular definition, and I've been doing plenty of cardio, but I haven't quite been dropping a pound a week. I think that I need to add a more structured diet into the mix. I feel like I've been eating pretty well, but there are occational lapses of gastronomical restraint.
I'm glad to hear that a photographer has been chosen. That should just about wrap up the list no? Let's see . . . Bride, Groom, Judge, Photographer . . . Yep! That's it! It's all down hill from here!
Hope everyone is doing well . . . getting through classes and jobs and such. I think of you all with every bon-bon I eat!
I got in at the Strawhat auditions. I'm both excited and a bit nervous about them. I booked my ticket yesterday, and I'll be in NYC from March 21-26th, with my audition on the 23rd (my long-time favorite number . . . perchance that's a good sign?) There are supposed to be between 60 and 80 theater companies represented, looking to cast their summer seasons. I've been doing my reasearch on the companies that are commited so far, and I'd say about 90% of them have summer seasons full of musicals. Even with these outrageous odds, I plan on presenting 2 contrasting monologues, rather than a song and a monologue that I'm sure most of the auditioners will be presenting. I get 90 seconds to audition, and I feel that 16 bars of a showtune would do nothing to show off my style. I'll most likely be doing a Shakespearean monologue, and something a bit racey from Eric Begosian. You know. I'm hoping that there will be some opportunities to sign on with a Shakespeare Summer Stock Company . . . that sounds like a great way to spend a summer.
The Diamond Circle Melodrama is one of the companies attending the audition. As it turns out, they have a parent company-the Great American Melodrama-located in California. I sent off a promo packet (letter of intrest and headshot/resume), letting them know that a hometown boy was auditioning friday at 2:35. I was supprised by their contracts . . . 200-400 per week. Much better than I had expected. That would be pretty cool. Working in Durango for the summer, that is. Artistically, I don't have many designs on Melodrama, but I probably wouldn't refuse that offer. In hindsight, I maybe shouldn't have mentioned that they'd be at the audition . . . we should be weary of getting any hopes up.
So, that's on the horizon.
Tomorrow, it's down to Chicago again, then off to Vegas on friday. Wish me luck. As you know, my plan is to win a lot of money early, then squander it away for the remainder of the weekend. I've set myself a limit . . . now if I can just stick to it! Noah-I was wondering if you had one, or if you would like me to try and snap a more recent pic of Skep's daugher for you? Let me know. (I hear that you're real busy, by the way, and I hope you're keeping it all together in Denver, my man!) Should be a fun weekend. Plus, I plan on popping in on Olivia again, see how she's doing. Scott and I are driving down, so I'll finally be able to bring some homebrew to a family member!
Speaking of Brewing, We just bottled a Steam Ale (Happy Pappy's Revenge), and a Rye Beer (Rye ask Rye). Coming up next, we've got a remake of a chile beer (Beerito Supreme), and a remake of a Ginger Ale (MaryAnn Ginger). Up next to be brewed is an experimental "Butterbeer" a la Harry Potter. To be honest with you, the grains have been sitting for too long, and I don't expect that beer to be especially palatable. Of course, I'll let you know.
So, upon returning from Vegas (no doubt with cash falling from overstuffed pockets), I've got 2 weeks before NYC. After that trip . . . who knows . . . could be 1-3 months before any contracts start, or perhaps none at all! The point is, I've got to start looking for a Civilian Job again. Rats. It's tough right now, because I don't know what I can commit to. And, what with it being the later part of Winter, there's not a huge amount of hiring going on right now. What's a boy to do? I'll figure something out.
I had more to add . . . looking toward the end of the summer/(summerstock?), and weighing the pros and cons of moving to either NY or LA, but I'm going to have to jump into those musings later . . . they're sort of amorphous in my head right now.
In the meantime, I'm still hitting the gym more often than not-Elly, how's it going? I'm starting to get a bit of muscular definition, and I've been doing plenty of cardio, but I haven't quite been dropping a pound a week. I think that I need to add a more structured diet into the mix. I feel like I've been eating pretty well, but there are occational lapses of gastronomical restraint.
I'm glad to hear that a photographer has been chosen. That should just about wrap up the list no? Let's see . . . Bride, Groom, Judge, Photographer . . . Yep! That's it! It's all down hill from here!
Hope everyone is doing well . . . getting through classes and jobs and such. I think of you all with every bon-bon I eat!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
While We're All Met . . .
Hello Fam.
So, you're all hanging out together, probably having a blast, skipping through dasies and drinking rainbow milkshakes. How wonderful. I'm just sitting here (sigh), all alone (sigh), on my futon (sigh), just sort of sighing. OK, I'm over it now. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
So, it's almost March. Damn, how time flies! I'm afraid that, soon, I'll be looking for a job. I'm chagrined by this prospect, but it's getting to that point. With no Caveman "until the fall", and unemployment that has run dry . . . no comercial auditions waiting in the wings, and no residual checks comming through, it might be time to get my customer service on! What a dismal proposition. I've applied to the 07 Stawhat Auditions-it's a combined audition attended by various summerstock theatre companies around the nation-but I haven't heard if I've recieved an audition or not yet. If I got a slot, I'll head out to NYC the weekend of Mar 22 and try to get a job for the summer. If I didn't get a slot, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
It's strange, but I've had the itch to move again. It's that 6-month itch that I've had recently. In looking at my future, I'm positive that I've got to finally move to one of the coasts . . . LA or NYC. I'm not sure which one yet though. I'll probably spend the next few months trying to iron that out. It's always been my hope that I would be cast in something that would help make the choice for me . . . like getting into a movie that shoots here initally, then moves to LA. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening. Ah, we'll see.
I'm sending in a demo CD for an audiobook company. They wanted 2 minutes of me reading a book. It doesn't matter if you're looking at a picture of yourself, or listening to your own voice on tape, it's a difficult thing. I recorded the demo on my computer, and for just a 2-minute spot, it took me forever to complete . . . I kept doing re-takes. Finally, I just decided that they were ultimately the ones who would be judging my voice anyway, so I just chose one of the takes, and I'm sending it off this afternoon. We'll see. More lines in the water . . .
Well, that's all for now. Hope you guys have some fun this weekend, I'll be thinking about you. If anyone hears of any great job opportunities, let a brother know. Love you guys!
So, you're all hanging out together, probably having a blast, skipping through dasies and drinking rainbow milkshakes. How wonderful. I'm just sitting here (sigh), all alone (sigh), on my futon (sigh), just sort of sighing. OK, I'm over it now. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
So, it's almost March. Damn, how time flies! I'm afraid that, soon, I'll be looking for a job. I'm chagrined by this prospect, but it's getting to that point. With no Caveman "until the fall", and unemployment that has run dry . . . no comercial auditions waiting in the wings, and no residual checks comming through, it might be time to get my customer service on! What a dismal proposition. I've applied to the 07 Stawhat Auditions-it's a combined audition attended by various summerstock theatre companies around the nation-but I haven't heard if I've recieved an audition or not yet. If I got a slot, I'll head out to NYC the weekend of Mar 22 and try to get a job for the summer. If I didn't get a slot, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
It's strange, but I've had the itch to move again. It's that 6-month itch that I've had recently. In looking at my future, I'm positive that I've got to finally move to one of the coasts . . . LA or NYC. I'm not sure which one yet though. I'll probably spend the next few months trying to iron that out. It's always been my hope that I would be cast in something that would help make the choice for me . . . like getting into a movie that shoots here initally, then moves to LA. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be happening. Ah, we'll see.
I'm sending in a demo CD for an audiobook company. They wanted 2 minutes of me reading a book. It doesn't matter if you're looking at a picture of yourself, or listening to your own voice on tape, it's a difficult thing. I recorded the demo on my computer, and for just a 2-minute spot, it took me forever to complete . . . I kept doing re-takes. Finally, I just decided that they were ultimately the ones who would be judging my voice anyway, so I just chose one of the takes, and I'm sending it off this afternoon. We'll see. More lines in the water . . .
Well, that's all for now. Hope you guys have some fun this weekend, I'll be thinking about you. If anyone hears of any great job opportunities, let a brother know. Love you guys!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
too long coming, too short on arrival
Hi Guys- blogging from home while each of us sleeps in separate beds. Not unusual except for mom and I. Mom sleeps tonight at Ken and Jo's, after driving from Pagosa to Boulder and then meeting up with B & E and doing numerous things, nefarious and otherwise. I'm soon to sleep, to work in the morning and race to the airport to catch the 1 pm flight to Denver and have a get together in Denver with mom, Elly and Noah. Thereafter to a weekend beginning with a meeting of the Chief Judges (the Jedi Council) and then to Boulder for the weekend, driving home Sunday. The Bad Guy got convicted on all counts!! Hooray for the jury, 12 citizens of Archuleta County, to find the obvious truth about this guy, and confer to me the special privilege of sentencing him. I seldom draw pleasure from having to exercise the punitive functions of the criminal justice system (we have the worst criminal justice system in the world, except for all the other criminal justice systems) but it will be my privilege to remove him from society forever. On that vindictive note, but really because I'm pooped and need to sleep and get going on tomorrow, to which I'm looking forward to greatly, I'm going to sign off and sleep. One more thought- I nominate Cody, closely follwed by Elly and Mom, as the best bloggers so far, and it is up to the rest of us (you know who you are) to catch up. I love you all- dad
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